1 days ago
Desert Kit Fox Trailcam Footage
dtoujoursPosts: 20
I posted a trailcam in the desert during the month of December, which is when kit foxes are most active, and got some great footage! At one point, the fox tries to jump up and get the camera and at another point two foxes appear on the screen at once! A roadrunner also makes an appearance.
2 days ago
Carrizo Creek Badlands
BritainPosts: 608
Jan 1 hike. Initially wanted to hit the R&R service road west of Indian hill but the area was flooded with ATV's. Second choice was Jacumba Jims in the gorge but looked like some weekend warriors were stuck in the sand and didn't feel like a rescue. It seemed others were trying to get them out anyway. So off to Carrizo Creek. Parked at the end of Canyon Sin Nobre and went over the first hill into the badlands butting up against the Coyote's
Well looks like the ATV's have gotten into this section also. But it was a nice day out. Plenty of ups and downs.
4 days ago
Wonderstone Wash & Lake Cahilla Bathtub Ring
dtoujoursPosts: 20
I essentially followed the BorregoHiking path, although I parked my car farther to the east from their starting point.
I can't point to the exact points on the maps where I saw the wonderstone rocks, but it was at multiple points right along the wash path closer to the eastern start of the path mentioned above, near Rainbow Rock and what Google is calling Mowgood Mountain. I did continue into the state park for quite a ways.
Edited for clarity. edited by dtoujours on 1/1/2025
5 days ago
Wonderstone Wash & Lake Cahilla Bathtub Ring
tommy750Posts: 1058
dtoujours wrote:
I started by asking permission from the gravel company, per the advice in the Lindsay "Anza-Borrego Desert Region" guidebook, but they said I needed to talk with the Torres-Martinez people. I contacted them and they asked me to complete a form and submit a map of my proposed travel route, and they approved me a month and a half later. No collecting, but I was happy to leave the things I found for future visitors to enjoy.
Thanks for the link!
Thanks for the info, Dtoujours. Just noticed on caltopo the Rainbow Rock part of the quarry is held by two private parties and not the gravel mining LLC or Torres-Martinez Indians. Did you visit the Torres-Martinez part of Wonderstone or Rainbow Rock as well? I ended up walking due west from Red Earth and then north to Rainbow Rock essentially all on unsigned private property.
Wonderstone by tomteske, on Flickr
Rainbow Rock by tomteske, on Flickr
6 days ago
Agua Alta overnight
BrianPosts: 236
dtoujours wrote:
That's an impressive cairn in your initial post.
Did you use any recover gear to get unstuck besides recovery boards, like a winch?
You guys have some good spring knowledge! edited by dtoujours on 12/30/2024
I got stuck when my front passenger tire made it over a rock step but the back tire didn't. When the back tire stopped, the front tire dug into the sand, preventing me from backing up. I jacked the car up and put a traction board under both passenger side tires, which allowed me to back off. Besides the traction boards, the only extra piece of gear I used was a small square of aluminum plate that I carry to put under the jack in soft sand.
6 days ago
Ancient Giant Camel Track in Anza Borrego
dtoujoursPosts: 20
I left a couple messages for the park paleontologist right away and then the next week, but have yet to hear back from them. That's a good idea, I'll follow up with the park paleontology society in the new year if I haven't been contacted by then.
6 days ago
Wonderstone Wash & Lake Cahilla Bathtub Ring
dtoujoursPosts: 20
I started by asking permission from the gravel company, per the advice in the Lindsay "Anza-Borrego Desert Region" guidebook, but they said I needed to talk with the Torres-Martinez people. I contacted them and they asked me to complete a form and submit a map of my proposed travel route, and they approved me a month and a half later. No collecting, but I was happy to leave the things I found for future visitors to enjoy.
Thanks for the link!
6 days ago
Agua Alta overnight
dtoujoursPosts: 20
That's an impressive cairn in your initial post.
Did you use any recover gear to get unstuck besides recovery boards, like a winch?
You guys have some good spring knowledge! edited by dtoujours on 12/30/2024
6 days ago
Agua Alta overnight
BrianPosts: 236
tommy750 wrote:
That's right, Nicholias Canyon above the cottonwoods had good flow.
6 days ago
Agua Alta overnight
tommy750Posts: 1058
Brian wrote:
tommy750 wrote:
two of the three springs out there were dry
Am I right in assuming it's the spring at the Cottonwoods which is still reliable?
That's right, Nicholias Canyon above the cottonwoods had good flow.
7 days ago
Piedras Grandes
BritainPosts: 608
tommy750 wrote:
Glad you're getting out again, Britain. I turned 65 this year and worked my last day a couple weeks ago. Looking forward to those 7-day weekends!
I carried a sat phone for years while solo hiking but ditched it for a Garmin Inreach Messenger. Way cheaper and should give my wife exact coordinates where to find my carcass
LOL Ill look into the Garmin Inreach. Wanted to hit PG again during Xmas. Wife want to try and go up. But she brought some cold virus from work and passed it off to me. But Im getting back to normal and will hit PG Tuesday or Wednesday. I think I got all the cactus thorns out from the last trip up so I should be good to go.
I retired at 62 and quickly got bored. Hiking and photography kept me from going wonkers.
7 days ago
Agua Alta overnight
BrianPosts: 236
tommy750 wrote:
two of the three springs out there were dry
Am I right in assuming it's the spring at the Cottonwoods which is still reliable?
7 days ago
Pinyon Ridge and The Guzzler
tommy750Posts: 1058
Brian wrote:
We started from the Wilson Peak TH off old Culp Valley Road.
Okay, thanks.
7 days ago
Pinyon Ridge and The Guzzler
BrianPosts: 236
We started from the Wilson Peak TH off old Culp Valley Road.
7 days ago
Agua Alta overnight
BrianPosts: 236
Yeah, it wasn't like that video. There was no new flow coming in at all. Horsethief creek was dryer than normal too, but did have enough to be a viable source.
That's good to know about RHC. I plan to get out there some time in the next couple months and it's good to know what to expect.
7 days ago
Agua Alta overnight
tommy750Posts: 1058
Looks like a great trip, Brian. Disappointed to hear Agua Alta was not flowing well. Have been thinking about a loop using that spring and was assuming the flow would be good based on this video showing the spring completely rehabbed compared to the one time I visited years ago. Check it out at 1:29 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZlVN5xiFHI&t=89s Rockhopper also said it was flowing well in the recent past. Guess the Santa Rosas are pretty dry right now. Was in Rockhouse Canyon with Gary and Yoks a month ago and two of the three springs out there were dry (Cowboy was a wet spot but we located good flow about 40 feet uphill so actually 1 spring dry). Gary said for the past thirty years he's been hiking RHC, all three water sources were a sure thing. Not this year.
Am thinking the vehicles may have been stolen and got stripped out out there.
7 days ago
Pinyon Ridge and The Guzzler
tommy750Posts: 1058
NIce trip! Have never been up there. Where did you guys start from?
Had the same maintenance question regarding the Whale Peak guzzler when I passed by last month. There was lots of water in the tanks but the drinker was a live and dead bee soup starting to clog up the float. So I Inreach texted Daren asking for advice and got this helpful response: "...bees will work it out with the bhs." RIght!
7 days ago
Wonderstone Wash & Lake Cahilla Bathtub Ring
tommy750Posts: 1058
Thanks for the nice video, dtoujours. I day hiked out there from Red Earth Casino a while back and encountered Torres-Martinez signage north of where I visited which I respected. There was no fencing or signage to the south. Was is difficult to get permission from the gravel company? Restrictions on where you could travel? Collecting?
I've been eyeing the other wonderstone quarry which was the predominant Kumeyaay source, Cerro Colorado. Cerro Colorado is a mile south of the border and easily visible from I-8 driving past Yuha. Next time I'm traveling on Mex 2D, I might stop by if it's possible to visit.
Here's a great free pdf link on wonderstone if anyone wants more info on the local indigenous use:
7 days ago
Piedras Grandes
tommy750Posts: 1058
Glad you're getting out again, Britain. I turned 65 this year and worked my last day a couple weeks ago. Looking forward to those 7-day weekends!
I carried a sat phone for years while solo hiking but ditched it for a Garmin Inreach Messenger. Way cheaper and should give my wife exact coordinates where to find my carcass
7 days ago
Hey there!
tommy750Posts: 1058
Welcome Sperry. This forum has lots of trip reports from just about everywhere in the park and got me started in desert exploring. Have fun out there!
7 days ago
Ancient Giant Camel Track in Anza Borrego
tommy750Posts: 1058
Very nice! If this is a new find, the park paleontology society might be interested.
10 days ago
Agua Alta overnight
Rocko1Posts: 601
Looked like a fun outing. Great pictures.
12 days ago
Agua Alta overnight
BrianPosts: 236
Last week I returned to try to finish the Cactus Spring trail by coming up from Martinez Canyon at the bottom end. I was hoping to once again reach Agua Alta spring so that I would have done the whole trail. It almost worked! By the time I set up camp I was only 1.5 miles from the spring, which normally would be a trivial distance to cover.
There were a couple reasons I didn't. The weather was hotter than expected and I had gone through half my water supply by the time I set up camp (I carried 7.5 liters and had used all of it by the time I got back to the car the next day. The car's thermometer said it was 81 degrees). Also, although I made good time going through Martinez canyon (6.7 miles to the turnoff in 3.5 hours), the next mile climbing out of Martinez took me 3 hours. I might not have always been exactly on the trail, but I was close and couldn't see any easier way. The hillside going up was not only steep but crumbly. There were a couple sections where I was on my hands and knees and even then I had trouble not sliding down. Every rock that I tried to grab would come loose and start rolling down. This section was equally difficult to descend the next day.
On the positive side, this was my second time doing Martinez Canyon and I enjoyed it much more than the first time I did it 4 years ago when I went to the Jack Miller cabin. On that occasion it took me quite a bit of time and frustration to get past the choke points of vegetation. Now that I know the route through there it was much easier. And this time the BLM gate was open and I was able to drive all the way to the wilderness boundary. But not without a stop on the way when I got stuck on a rock step (my first time getting seriously stuck with my Crosstrek - luckily the recovery gear I carry worked well).
There are 3 different wrecks just inside the BLM gate. How does one end up flipping a car in soft flat sand?
Someone apparently rode an E-bike at least as far as the reeds section of the canyon
The trail through the choke point
climbing out of Martinez
camp and sunrise the next morning
A distant view of Tahquitz spring. I didn't want to make the detour up the river bed on this occasion. Anyone know if it's active?
19 days ago
Agua Alta overnight
Rocko1Posts: 601
Very cool area. Looks like a great place to explore.
20 days ago
Pinyon Ridge and The Guzzler
Rocko1Posts: 601
des2mtn wrote:
Blue Spring seems to be operable as of recently, both tanks seem to be holding water and I couldn't see any damaged pipes.
edited by des2mtn on 12/9/2024
This is good to hear! Thanks for the report.
25 days ago
Wonderstone Wash & Lake Cahilla Bathtub Ring
BufordPosts: 461
Interesting. Didn’t know about all the access issues. I’ve only accessed Wonderstone from up top.
If you drop in from the top of the wash there aren’t any private property issues. Takes a bit more effort.
25 days ago
Pinyon Ridge and The Guzzler
BufordPosts: 461
dsefcik wrote:
Gary and I used to service the Sunset Mtn guzzler.
Buford, is anybody running the guzzler volunteer service anymore? In fact, was there even a BHS count this summer?
I haven’t been able to explore the park for a while. Hopefully I can get back out there in 2025.
I think a BHS non profit or conservation group was taking over guzzler maintenance. So you volunteer for them and not the park directly. Don’t quote me on that. It was a rumored change. I’d noticed a few guzzlers in disrepair during my hikes a couple years ago including a really remote one no one had likely visited in years.
From what I could tell the sheep count was a shell of what it used to be. All the count sites I saw listed were super safe. There were only about 10 sites listed and about 30 volunteers. Some new count sites were in off the wall locations that don’t even have sheep. All the remote sites where the data was most valuable weren’t listed anymore. I don’t remember what year that was. I did not participate. I stopped getting emails to participate. Not sure if it still happens. I think Don’s death in the lead up to the count a couple years ago was the end of the count as we knew it. edited by Buford on 12/11/2024
26 days ago
Wonderstone Wash & Lake Cahilla Bathtub Ring
dtoujoursPosts: 20
Thanks, both, I was hoping people would enjoy seeing the wash who didn't want to mess with getting permission for access.
26 days ago
Wonderstone Wash & Lake Cahilla Bathtub Ring
BritainPosts: 608
Cool vid, you can see the ring from the freeway.
26 days ago
Wonderstone Wash & Lake Cahilla Bathtub Ring
BrianPosts: 236
Nice video. I remember seeing Wonderstone Wash mentioned in early editions of Schad's book. But I never wanted to deal with getting permission for access, so I never went there. Nice to see what it looks like.
27 days ago
Wonderstone Wash & Lake Cahilla Bathtub Ring
dtoujoursPosts: 20
Most of the routes to get to the portion of Wonderstone Wash that lies within Anza-Borrego Desert State Park pass through native or private land and I was grateful to get permission to do so the other day. I put together 6 minutes and 47 seconds of amateur footage to share the adventure, and I'm sorry about video and audio quality issues at time due to use of old equipment.
I hope you enjoy!
27 days ago
Piedras Grandes
BritainPosts: 608
I pretty much Hike alone unless the wife goes. I give her the estimated GPS tracks I will take. Then she can find my carcass if I dont return. Getting tougher every year but Ill keep at it.
27 days ago
Pinyon Ridge and The Guzzler
des2mtnPosts: 1
Blue Spring seems to be operable as of recently, both tanks seem to be holding water and I couldn't see any damaged pipes.
edited by des2mtn on 12/9/2024
27 days ago
Hey there!
surfpontoAdministrator Posts: 1366
Welcome and thanks for joining the forum.
27 days ago
Piedras Grandes
surfpontoAdministrator Posts: 1366
We are in the same boat. Turning 61 next week and I just had rotator cuff surgery for a massive tear. Hoping once I get this sling off I can get out to the desert. Thanks for posting.
27 days ago
Piedras Grandes
BrianPosts: 236
I also hit 60 this year. I remember you had surgery a while back. It's great that you're getting back out there. Tough area.
27 days ago
Ancient Giant Camel Track in Anza Borrego
BrianPosts: 236
Nice find!
27 days ago
Agua Alta overnight
BrianPosts: 236
Last weekend after Thanksgiving I did an overnight hike to Agua Alta spring. I was considering spending an extra day and doing a dayhike to Jack Miller cabin, but I would have needed to refill water at the spring for that. There was a small amount of water, but it was green and stagnant and there was no new flow coming in. It would have worked in an emergency, but for my purposes I decided to give it a miss. I had carried 6 liters which ended up being the right amount for my 2 day / one night trip.
I have a map published by the Santa Rosa and San Jacinto National Monument which lists the distance to Agua Alta as 8.8 miles, but according to my tracker it was a little over 10 from the Cactus Spring parking area. This map mentions that the trail becomes indistinct and hard to follow past Cactus Spring. It actually was easier than I was imagining. There were many sections that were well marked with cairns, but there were also sections (especially crossing washes) where it was easy to lose the trail and I was glad to have GPS.
I noticed that the trail on the "mapbuilder topo" layer of CalTopo didn't seem to be accurate past the 5168 saddle. There are a lot of straight lines with no regard to the topography. I used the "scanned topo" (USGS) layer which agreed with the cairns I was seeing.
This is near Cactus Spring and reminded me of similar rock piles I've seen in Rockhouse Valley. Burial mound?
Typical scenery along the way
Now that's a cairn!
backside of Toro
Shortly after cresting the 5168 saddle. The Salton Sea is sorta visible through the haze and the Santa Rosa crest is on the right
Agua Alta
A native site near the spring
28 days ago
Ancient Giant Camel Track in Anza Borrego
dsefcikAdministrator Posts: 2624
Yep, good eye...there are some great old tracks out there to be found.
28 days ago
Ancient Giant Camel Track in Anza Borrego
dtoujoursPosts: 20
I was hiking in Anza-Borrego and found what appeared to be a fossilized animal track. After my hike, I did some research and I'm almost sure it was Camelops hesternus, the ancient giant camel. I put together an amateur video you can check out below, sorry about the portrait orientation.
I'd love to provide a GPX track for everyone, but due to the sensitivity of the site, I'll keep the details private. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy the video.
Pinyon Ridge and The Guzzler
dsefcikAdministrator Posts: 2624
Gary and I used to service the Sunset Mtn guzzler.
Buford, is anybody running the guzzler volunteer service anymore? In fact, was there even a BHS count this summer?
Pinyon Ridge and The Guzzler
Rocko1Posts: 601
Buford wrote:
Great sunrise picture. Makes me miss the desert. Good to hear the guzzler is in working condition and full. That hasn't always been the case in the last few years with some of them. I was happy to see it in good condition also and both tanks full. I would be curious if they ever fixed the tanks/feed for the Blue Spring guzzler. Last time I was there-2023-the pipe from the spring was broken and the tanks were bone dry.
Piedras Grandes
BritainPosts: 608
tekewin wrote:
71, awesome! I feel ya. I hit 60 this year and it feels like it.
I got buzzed by a BP heli on top of Tecate a few years back. On the second pass, it blew a bunch of dust and twigs inside my vehicle since my windows were open. Maybe I shouldn't have waved at them.
LOL the 8 underpass going to Table Mountain I got pulled over by BP. They told me to empty by rig. I politely told them to fk off. Prior weekend I was hiking in the Baja near La Mila. Lost a good pair of lightweight nylon hiking pants from butt scooting down PG. Though ripped in the rear area I still will use them until I can replace them.
Piedras Grandes
tekewinPosts: 371
71, awesome! I feel ya. I hit 60 this year and it feels like it.
I got buzzed by a BP heli on top of Tecate a few years back. On the second pass, it blew a bunch of dust and twigs inside my vehicle since my windows were open. Maybe I shouldn't have waved at them.
Piedras Grandes
BritainPosts: 608
tekewin wrote:
Such a cool area. Why was that helicopter flying so low? Border patrol? Yes BP. Ive been hitting Piedras Grandes about every 3 days. Im close to the top now. Im At about 2450. Not doing any hill climbing in the last 3 years hasn't done me any good. Most of the steep stuff is done. This hill reminds me of coming down to the Huff BM. Full of cactus and lose rock. Being 71 years young Ill get it the next go around.
Hey there!
tekewinPosts: 371
HI, Sperry.
Looking forward to reading about your adventures.
Piedras Grandes
tekewinPosts: 371
Such a cool area. Why was that helicopter flying so low? Border patrol?
Hey there!
sperryPosts: 2
Hi Brian,
I'm still working on the exact route since I'm trying to connect some specific locations together and am seeing what looks best while also allowing me to cache water when needed.
Indianhead East Ridge
BufordPosts: 461
I've always wondered what the ascent was like from that side. Looks like a more entertaining route than some of the others. Indianhead can be climbed from almost any side, just some are more technical than others. I've gone up via Henderson Canyon and from Palm Mesa on my couple visits to the summit.
Agua Caliente Cultural Museum
BufordPosts: 461
Very nice. Adding the museum to the list of places worth stopping on future trips.
Pinyon Ridge and The Guzzler
BufordPosts: 461
Great sunrise picture. Makes me miss the desert. Good to hear the guzzler is in working condition and full. That hasn't always been the case in the last few years with some of them.
Hey there!
BrianPosts: 236
I'd be interested in hearing where you're thinking of going for your week long trip, if you're inclined to share. I usually don't go out for more than 1 or 2 nights myself due to the scarcity of water.
Hey there!
sperryPosts: 2
Hi everyone.
I'm new to the forum (but have lurked for awhile) and am excited to start participating in this community. I'm a desert rat. I have spent most of my time in the Mojave and on the Colorado Plateau. Until a few years ago, I never really spent time in the Anza Borrego desert even though I live fairly close, but after descending a technical canyon, that changed. I've been spending more and more time in the area hiking, backpacking, bikepacking, searching for rock art and native sites, etc.
I'm currently reading All the Wild and Lonely Places, which has made me fall even more in love with the area, and I'm planning a week or so long hike this winter.
I look forward to spending time in this beautiful place.
Pinyon Ridge and The Guzzler
Rocko1Posts: 601
Brian and I did a quick overnight trip on Pinyon Ridge. Had a good camp with very nice views. We woke up and made our way to the guzzler that is to the west of Yaqui Peak. We had great weather, little to no wind. Found quite a few metates on the way down to the guzzler.
Pictures should be clickable to larger versions. Album https://postimg.cc/gallery/1gDqcXZ
View from camp in the morning
Magnificent Pinyon about 1/8th of mile from camp. This was one of the few pinyons standing in a clearing on the entire Pinyon Ridge. 25' tall, 36" diameter. I would guess 100-125 years old. Same situation with pinyons near Whale-they are almost gone. So many dead trees. Zero saplings.
Headed toward the guzzler.
First site of the guzz.
Brian coming down from the saddle. We found an easier route going back.
Both tanks were near full. It was in really good condition.
Made it back to the cars around 2pm or so. Total for the trip was around 15 miles, 2250ft of gain/loss. edited by Rocko1 on 11/18/2024
Piedras Grandes
BritainPosts: 608
Well, My first hill climbing for years. It's good to get out. Didn't get it but didn't expect to the first time. I'll hit it every 3 days until I get get it. LOL so out of shape. Got to 2100ft 400 more to go. I was accending from the north side. Last hill I did was Gasp from the gorge..years ago.
Agua Caliente Cultural Museum
dtoujoursPosts: 20
Those look like some good reads!
Agua Caliente Cultural Museum
tommy750Posts: 1058
dtoujours wrote:
Thanks for sharing your trip, Tom. I'll have to stop by the museum the next time I'm in the area.
I recently went to the Barona Cultural Center & Museum and while it wasn't as large as the Cahuilla museum seems to be, they were showing a nice film about the Kumeyaay creation story and had exhibits about the Kumeyaay view of constellations and the Cerutti Mastodon site.
Hi, Dtoujours. Haven't been to the Barona Museum. Thanks for the info. Did stop by the Pioneers Museum outside of El Centro a couple days ago and they have a nice Native Indian display with a dozen or so ollas and a wall of projectile points. Not a lot of provenience info, however.
IMG_9958 by tomteske, on Flickr
IMG_9947 by tomteske, on Flickr
Dtoujours, I know you're familiar with the Malki Museum and I'm definitely going to visit at some point. Meanwhile, I visited their online bookstore and just got some new reading material.
IMG_0011 by tomteske, on Flickr
Indianhead East Ridge
ScooterPosts: 114
6582 and Rabbit both have different approaches.
Indianhead East Ridge
tekewinPosts: 371
Brian wrote:
I like that idea of exploring the same peak from different directions. Sombrero is the only one I can think of that I've done that with. Don't think I'll be doing Indianhead but I love seeing the reports. edited by Brian on 10/24/2024
Sombrero would be a good one. Whale has trails from at least 3 sides I think. Coyote has a few different ways up. There's probably others I'm not thinking of at the moment.
Indianhead East Ridge
BrianPosts: 236
I like that idea of exploring the same peak from different directions. Sombrero is the only one I can think of that I've done that with. Don't think I'll be doing Indianhead but I love seeing the reports. edited by Brian on 10/24/2024
Indianhead East Ridge
BritainPosts: 608
Knarly. Cool pictures and great hike.
Indianhead East Ridge
tekewinPosts: 371
My friend Henry and I took on the east ridge of Indianhead a few days ago. I had climbed Indianhead twice: the standard DPS route B up Palm Canyon, and also the north ridge (the easiest route), but this would be Henry's first time on the mountain. The first mile was steep, 1700' of up, but presented no serious obstacles. The ridge mellowed as it rose slowly to the unofficial Borrego Point (2,925'), marked with a small cairn. Then, we faced the first of three challenging bumps.
Borrego Point with the hard part ahead
As we got near the first bump, the slope was at a 50-60 degree angle. Even before we got there, I was planning for a bypass on the north side. When we hit the first class 4 slab, I spotted a gully a couple hundred feet north that looked class 3. I decided to downclimb about 100' to reach the gully. Henry climbed one of the red boulders to explore above. The gully was easier and less exposed than the ridge and I made good time. Henry didn't like the continuation, so he dropped down and came up behind me. We made steady progress and reached the second major bump. We got very near the top of the second bump when we hit the next class 4 section. There were two options to continue up. Both hung over a 300' drop. The downclimb to get around this one about 400' down (ugh) but staying on top of the ridge felt too risky. We kept going down until we reached the second gully. If we had gotten turned back again, we would have bailed due to lack of water. Fortunately, we made it to the ridge and proceeded to the last major bump. I didn't seriously probe the rocks on top, but looked for downclimb number three on the north side. I dropped through a little portal, down a slab going away from the summit, then skirted the side of the bump to attain the ridge about 200' below the top. Looking back, it might have been possible to go over the last bump without undo risk.
This was a nope. Downclimb on north side.
Summit in view
Looking back at the final obstacle on the east ridge
The tough terrain had cost us about two hours, but now I was on familiar ground. We signed in and took a well earned respite. We descended down the NW ridge, the standard DPS route B. It was a relief to hit the official trail past the oasis for an easy finish. The east ridge was fun, challenging, and humbling. It was the most difficult of the three routes I've done. A one and done for me. I still need to do the southeast gully, DPS route A, so my visits to this wonderful mountain are not over.
Agua Caliente Cultural Museum
dtoujoursPosts: 20
Thanks for sharing your trip, Tom. I'll have to stop by the museum the next time I'm in the area.
I recently went to the Barona Cultural Center & Museum and while it wasn't as large as the Cahuilla museum seems to be, they were showing a nice film about the Kumeyaay creation story and had exhibits about the Kumeyaay view of constellations and the Cerutti Mastodon site.
Agua Caliente Cultural Museum
surfpontoAdministrator Posts: 1366
Wow they have some beautiful pieces Will need to check that out sometime.
The Santa Rosas Sawmill Trail (Sort Of)
BrianPosts: 236
tommy750 wrote:
He mentions it here. I saw a video on YT showing a few seconds of the spring and it looked good. But all this was up to five years ago, so...
This is probably one of those cases of my memory being bad. Anyway I hope you're able to do it this season. That route between Santa Rosa MTN and Nicholias Canyon looks especially interesting. I remember seeing that on the historic map.
The Santa Rosas Sawmill Trail (Sort Of)
tommy750Posts: 1058
He mentions it here. I saw a video on YT showing a few seconds of the spring and it looked good. But all this was up to five years ago, so...
The Santa Rosas Sawmill Trail (Sort Of)
BrianPosts: 236
tommy750 wrote:
My understanding confirmed by Rockhopper a while back is the spring at Agua Alta was rehabbed and has a good flow. If that's no longer true, then you're right.
Oh wow, that would be amazing. I remember asking him about it here and he said it was a no go, but that would have been a few years ago.
The Santa Rosas Sawmill Trail (Sort Of)
tommy750Posts: 1058
My understanding confirmed by Rockhopper a while back is the spring at Agua Alta was rehabbed and has a good flow. If that's no longer true, then you're right.
The Santa Rosas Sawmill Trail (Sort Of)
BrianPosts: 236
tommy750 wrote:
I definitely remember this hike! Have been thinking about it recently as the start (or end) of a Cactus Spring-Agua Alta-Stifferino-Cottonwood-New Santa Rosa-Toro loop. Maybe something like this? https://caltopo.com/m/1TVFE
I had considered that loop too. The only thing that gives me pause is that it seems like the stretch between Stifferino to Martinez Canyon to Horsethief Creek is a pretty long stretch with no reliable water source (AFAIK). But if you were planning to do it and wanted company, I would certainly be interested. I've hiked many individual sections of this but haven't connected them.
The more modest loop I have been thinking about would be to park at Toro, hike Alta Seca Bench then descend to Stifferino, then over to the Cottonwoods, then back up to Toro. Or the other way around.
The Santa Rosas Sawmill Trail (Sort Of)
Rocko1Posts: 601
tommy750 wrote:
I definitely remember this hike! Have been thinking about it recently as the start (or end) of a Cactus Spring-Agua Alta-Stifferino-Cottonwood-New Santa Rosa-Toro loop. Maybe something like this? https://caltopo.com/m/1TVFE Now that looks like a great trip!
The Santa Rosas Sawmill Trail (Sort Of)
Rocko1Posts: 601
dsefcik wrote:
Rocko1 wrote:
It looked pretty gnarly from the top. Do you have a gpx of a decent approach?
I thought I did but after looking thru all my tracks I did not find anything. There was a period of time when my back was bad I didn't carry a gps, it may have been then. Basically just go up the ridgeline from the cottonwoods, you should should faint trail markings and cairns here and there.
Here is the basic idea:
Hope this helps
---Map Edit-- edited by dsefcik on 9/26/2024 Thank you.
Storm Potrero Loop
BritainPosts: 608
tommy750 wrote:
Britain wrote:
Nice pictures. Have that area on my list.
How has your knee been, Britain? You out hiking again? Thanks for asking. Yeah Ive got some lost hiking to catch up on. Knees working well, age lol not so much. Got my eye on Piedras Grandes. Started working on it before summer hit. I'll get it this year. You from Imperial Valley also?
Storm Potrero Loop
tommy750Posts: 1058
Britain wrote:
Nice pictures. Have that area on my list.
How has your knee been, Britain? You out hiking again?
Storm Potrero Loop
BritainPosts: 608
Nice pictures. Have that area on my list.
Storm Potrero Loop
tommy750Posts: 1058
surfponto wrote:
Wow great pictures Tom. Looks like a great trip. Love the shot looking down into the valley Did you see anyone out there?
No, there was zero people and no fresh prints. You can see the fat bike tire track in the first pic. Saw it all over so that person had a nice ride.
Storm Potrero Loop
surfpontoAdministrator Posts: 1366
Wow great pictures Tom. Looks like a great trip. Love the shot looking down into the valley Did you see anyone out there?
The Santa Rosas Sawmill Trail (Sort Of)
tommy750Posts: 1058
I definitely remember this hike! Have been thinking about it recently as the start (or end) of a Cactus Spring-Agua Alta-Stifferino-Cottonwood-New Santa Rosa-Toro loop. Maybe something like this? https://caltopo.com/m/1TVFE
Storm Potrero Loop
tommy750Posts: 1058
Man, this forum has been crickets for a long time! I get it, though. Every weekend I faithfully check the weather but nothing feasible either down on the desert floor or up in the Lagunas. Did my last hike of the season June 1 bagging Whale and it was almost 90 on the way down. Finally found a window September 16 when a storm kept the temps quite nice for a single day. Decided to head out to Storm and Potrero with a breezy low 70s forecasted. The forecast was absolutely right on making it a very pleasant trip. Parked at the equestrian lot with the pay station out of order. Nice view of the Vallecito Storm Potrero landscape. I decided to head right and then cross the hills that divide Potrero from Storm. Daren and I previously checked out a round trough and rock cistern at the east flank of the hills and I once climbed up to the top looking for the water source but only found a single bent pipe. Figured I'd try another route and see what I could find.
IMG_9527 by tomteske, on Flickr
Folks, it's Potrero, not Portrero!
IMG_9528 by tomteske, on Flickr
Nice picto site.
IMG_9538 by tomteske, on Flickr
Stumbled on this steel rod protruding from the ground. It's kinda close to a section line but not sure exactly why it's here.
IMG_9540 by tomteske, on Flickr
IMG_9558 by tomteske, on Flickr
Found this on the top of a sandy ridge and am thinking it was a metate preform that broke before they could smooth it out. It's convex underneath.
IMG_9561 by tomteske, on Flickr
Climbed up to the saddle and nice views to the NW and SE. Didn't seen anything that looked like a tinaja or catchment basin that would have fed the aforementioned trough.
IMG_9572 by tomteske, on Flickr
IMG_9576 by tomteske, on Flickr
About six years ago while I was home drinking coffee and looking at GE, Daren was out exploring Potrero. I happened to notice a round trough and a black pipe leading to a green spot. I texted Daren who then located a nice spring in need of a little attention. Later, Daren, Gary, Randy and I went out and did a little rehab but we've never been back. Was a little tough to locate in the overgrown brush, but I found it and it's still flowing well. Actually, the water before was warm and a "bit organic" but this time around it was ice cold and although I didn't drink any, it smelled fine.
IMG_9584 by tomteske, on Flickr
Nice abandoned Cottonwood point. If you saw the other side, you'd know why it was abandoned.
IMG_9590 by tomteske, on Flickr
Nice to finally be back out there! About 14 miles and another great day in the desert. Enjoy!
IMG_9627 by tomteske, on Flickr
Agua Caliente Cultural Museum
tommy750Posts: 1058
On one of our annual Palm Springs summer weekend with a Mt. San Jacinto summit hike, my wife and I noticed the nearby Cahuilla Agua Caliente Cultural Museum. We finally stopped by a few weeks ago and were quite impressed. The visit commences with a very informative AV presentation of the Cahuilla cosmology which by itself is worth the visit. There's a nice collection of baskets and ollas, some collected and others from early 20th century artisans who satified a strong demand for their creations.
IMG_9501 by tomteske, on Flickr
IMG_9497 by tomteske, on Flickr
IMG_9495 (1) by tomteske, on Flickr
IMG_9492 by tomteske, on Flickr
During museum construction, a cultural site was discovered and excavated down to sterile ground yielding numerous artifacts, some several thousand years old. Here's a few projectile points.
IMG_9507 by tomteske, on Flickr
IMG_9508 by tomteske, on Flickr
IMG_9511 by tomteske, on Flickr
Lots of other displays and regarding prehistory and recent Cahuilla history.
IMG_9504 by tomteske, on Flickr
IMG_9502 by tomteske, on Flickr
Stopped by the gift store on the way out and "found" my first olla. The potter's name is Tony Soares and is worth checking out on youtube etc. Enjoy!
IMG_9720 by tomteske, on Flickr
The Santa Rosas Sawmill Trail (Sort Of)
dsefcikAdministrator Posts: 2624
Rocko1 wrote:
It looked pretty gnarly from the top. Do you have a gpx of a decent approach?
I thought I did but after looking thru all my tracks I did not find anything. There was a period of time when my back was bad I didn't carry a gps, it may have been then. Basically just go up the ridgeline from the cottonwoods, you should should faint trail markings and cairns here and there.
Here is the basic idea:
Hope this helps
---Map Edit-- edited by dsefcik on 9/26/2024
The Santa Rosas Sawmill Trail (Sort Of)
Rocko1Posts: 601
dsefcik wrote:
Rocko1 wrote:
We have gained the Santa Rosa ridge from old native trail near Stiffereno. The trail was 'visible' in areas. Takes a keen eye to see these old trails. Just compacted enough that the vegetation can't really take off on it. That is a fun trail up and tough on the knees down. The climb from the cottonwoods to Toro is a bit tougher, longer and can be hard to find if the brush is bad but makes a good day of hiking to relax later at the peaceful cottonwoods campsite. It looked pretty gnarly from the top. Do you have a gpx of a decent approach?
The Santa Rosas Sawmill Trail (Sort Of)
dsefcikAdministrator Posts: 2624
Rocko1 wrote:
We have gained the Santa Rosa ridge from old native trail near Stiffereno. The trail was 'visible' in areas. Takes a keen eye to see these old trails. Just compacted enough that the vegetation can't really take off on it. That is a fun trail up and tough on the knees down. The climb from the cottonwoods to Toro is a bit tougher, longer and can be hard to find if the brush is bad but makes a good day of hiking to relax later at the peaceful cottonwoods campsite.
The Santa Rosas Sawmill Trail (Sort Of)
dsefcikAdministrator Posts: 2624
Scooter wrote:
Wow. That would be a tough one. I should have a GPS track if you want..yeah, good "day hike" for sure.
The Santa Rosas Sawmill Trail (Sort Of)
dsefcikAdministrator Posts: 2624
Sooo....everybody knows this post is 8 years old right..??? AWESOME post Tommy750..!!
The Santa Rosas Sawmill Trail (Sort Of)
Rocko1Posts: 601
Scooter wrote:
Wow. That would be a tough one. Was in Rock house earlier this year, the road is completely impassable about a mile before Hidden Spring. When we were exploring the Alta Seca Bench, we hiked down to the area where the old topographical maps show the Native American trail crossing the ridge line. We had plenty of time and could find no evidence of the old trail coming up from the upper rock hoses in Rock House Valley. I think my days of doing a day hike from the cottonwoods to Toro and back are over !! We have gained the Santa Rosa ridge from old native trail near Stiffereno. The trail was 'visible' in areas. Takes a keen eye to see these old trails. Just compacted enough that the vegetation can't really take off on it.
The Santa Rosas Sawmill Trail (Sort Of)
ScooterPosts: 114
Wow. That would be a tough one. Was in Rock house earlier this year, the road is completely impassable about a mile before Hidden Spring. When we were exploring the Alta Seca Bench, we hiked down to the area where the old topographical maps show the Native American trail crossing the ridge line. We had plenty of time and could find no evidence of the old trail coming up from the upper rock hoses in Rock House Valley. I think my days of doing a day hike from the cottonwoods to Toro and back are over !!
The Santa Rosas Sawmill Trail (Sort Of)
dsefcikAdministrator Posts: 2624
Rocko1 wrote:
I really like the Alta Seca area. has some really great pines and views. Brian and I went up there a few years ago and saw cairns leading down to Cottonwoods. Hope to plan a trip from RHC up to Alta Seca some day. That is a good trip, base camp at the cottonwoods and day hike up to the peak, good long day hike.
The Santa Rosas Sawmill Trail (Sort Of)
Rocko1Posts: 601
Scooter wrote:
Did a car camping trip to Toro Peak last September. Nice place to explore without the desert heat. About a half mile before the gate at the peak is a very nice campsite on the left. About 8200’ level. Flat with a large rock fire pit. A nice day hike is exploring the Alta Seca bench. This is a high valley just east of Toro Peak. Also the forest service website has information on if the lower gate is locked due to snow. San Bernardino Forest website.
I really like the Alta Seca area. has some really great pines and views. Brian and I went up there a few years ago and saw cairns leading down to Cottonwoods. Hope to plan a trip from RHC up to Alta Seca some day.
The Santa Rosas Sawmill Trail (Sort Of)
dsefcikAdministrator Posts: 2624
tommy750 wrote:
The CH-53 wreckage location is now labeled on GE north of the Toro summit and is clearly in the reservation. Not sure if it's accessible before the locked gate with signage, though. Can't say I recollect seeing any fences or signs when we looked for it. IIRC it was just off the road at some point.
On a side note, for any HAM's, I was able to do a check in from Toro peak to the repeater in Otay with 5w and full quieting on a handi talkie.
-- edited by dsefcik on 8/25/2024
The Santa Rosas Sawmill Trail (Sort Of)
tommy750Posts: 1058
Was up there July 5 with friends to escape the heat dome or whatever they were calling it. Was 122 in Palm Springs before we ascended Hwy 74 and in the 90s climbing the Santa Rosas truck trail. Was planning on doing some hiking toward Alta Seca but not at those temps. Glad we brought the camp shower and lots of ice and booze Last weekend, it was 63 at the San Jacinto tram station at nearly the same elevation. Than would have been great camping/hiking weather. The CH-53 wreckage location is now labeled on GE north of the Toro summit and is clearly in the reservation. Not sure if it's accessible before the locked gate with signage, though.
The Santa Rosas Sawmill Trail (Sort Of)
dsefcikAdministrator Posts: 2624
There is an old helicopter crash site up at the top also. Near Alta Seca if I remember correctly.
The Santa Rosas Sawmill Trail (Sort Of)
ScooterPosts: 114
Did a car camping trip to Toro Peak last September. Nice place to explore without the desert heat. About a half mile before the gate at the peak is a very nice campsite on the left. About 8200’ level. Flat with a large rock fire pit. A nice day hike is exploring the Alta Seca bench. This is a high valley just east of Toro Peak. Also the forest service website has information on if the lower gate is locked due to snow. San Bernardino Forest website.
Borrego Springs under fire again - Regional Decarb
BufordPosts: 461
Having "participated" in something like this in the past, it felt like the overall outcome was predetermined. Our only realistic hope was to get small concessions rather than any substantive changes.
Golf Courses and Bighorn Sheep
dsefcikAdministrator Posts: 2624
Oleander poisoning is 2% of the known causes of death, automobile collisions being the highest at 39%.
Great info on BHS here: https://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/FileHandler.ashx?DocumentID=192914&inline
Janene Colby, one of the authors was an incredible resource and advocate for the BHS.
Golf Courses and Bighorn Sheep
blazermaxPosts: 2
ziphius wrote:
I knew that sheep eating oleander was a problem up there, but I didn't know about the drownings. Golf... one of the dumbest and most environmentally-unfriendly pastimes. But golf courses are better than pavement I suppose. edited by ziphius on 3/26/2016
It's surprising how something as serene as golf can have hidden dangers, like sheep eating oleander and even drownings. While not the most eco-friendly, golf courses do offer more green than pavement.best outlets in new York
Borrego Springs under fire again - Regional Decarb
dsefcikAdministrator Posts: 2624
So do SD citizens actually have a chance in this or is it a done deal and just hopeful theater?
Borrego Springs under fire again - Regional Decarb
blazermaxPosts: 2
The situation in Borrego Springs echoes the Sunrise Powerlink debate, with the area being eyed for large-scale solar farms. This development brings extensive transmission lines to connect with populated regions. A petition is now circulating to delay the San Diego County Board of Supervisors' vote on the Regional Decarbonization Plan. The request is for independent consultants to update the Technical Report to ensure accurate and thorough planning.
2025 Photo Contest
BufordPosts: 461
I'll see if I come up with any entries this year. Didn't get it together last year.
Middle Ysidro
BufordPosts: 461
One of my favorite areas too. One of the less visited areas in the park.
Solstice Cave
dtoujoursPosts: 20
Thank you for sharing!