MarkG Posts: 22
I'm looking at possibilities for a week-long backpacking trip in February and would like to check out the Bucksnort Mountain area, something around the upper reaches of Cougar, Sheep or Salvador Canyon that I could hike into from Lost Valley Road. Does anyone know of any reliable water sources in that area? The Bucksnort Mountain Quadrangle shows an unnamed spring at the bottom, at the top end of Sheep Canyon and there's certainly an outcropping of trees and plants there in Google Earth but I know that doesn't mean you'll find water. Any info, thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated!
DHeuschele Posts: 87
I have not been to that area in a few years but sheep and cougar usually have water. Hopefully someone who has been there this season could provide more recent info and possibly include condition of Boulder Ally. I would like to make it into one or both of those canyons this year but my next trip is already planned to Domelands (I went less than a month ago but different group of people).
MarkG Posts: 22
Thanks DH. I can comment about Boulder Alley as I was just in Collins Valley yesterday. It was graded in 2017 and it's nothing now. You could get through with a Subaru. In fact I left Collins Valley because there were too many people out there.
But the trip I'm looking to make would be hiking in from the top, Lost Valley Road, and not necessarily descending into the canyons beyond where I might find water. Mostly I want to explore the area above the canyons.
Buford Posts: 467
Check out some of the pct water resource pages. I don’t have any links handy but have stumbled on those pages in the past researching trips Near the pct. A google search should bring them up. Where there is water, there might be grow sites you don’t want to find.
-- Links to my photos: ABDSP photos, Bighorn sheep photos, ABDSP time lapse video, Wildlife photos (mainly birds)
rockhopper Posts: 672
Bucksnort mountian area is the same area of that missing hiker from several years back. The only reason I am saying this is. I did a Google earth search of Bucksnort Mtn. and the story of the missing hiker came up. I was going to join the search, but something came up. Maybe you'll find a clue. I was going to search the creek beds assuming he was going for water. It was a drought year. The area can be pretty dry away from the rains but we are in winter and February can get wet so you may be in luck. Grow sites? Just keep an eye out. Cheers. edited by rockhopper on 1/14/2018 edited by rockhopper on 1/15/2018
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
There was a large grow site bust up there several years ago, you will probably still find encampment debris in the upper reaches of Sheep cyn. Can't say if there is water now but in general there is water in those areas. Several years ago there was water at the spring above sheep cyn.
MarkG Posts: 22
Thanks guys, that's helpful info. Maybe I'll make an exploratory day hike to the Sheep Canyon spring area to check it out before I bet my life on it. For the backpacking trip, much will probably depend on how much it rains between now and February.
MarkG Posts: 22
Well I went out there today to have a look and check out the spring. I might not have gone down far enough but I only found a few small pools and a lot of damp sand.

I spotted a gate on the road in Google Earth and planned to park there. That would have made it just a 1.5 mile hike to the spring. But I didn't see the gate a mile and a half earlier on the road (because it was open the day LANDSAT flew over). That made my hike a bit longer than I had planned and so I didn't go bush-whacking way down to the bottom end of where the trees grow. Might be more water down lower.
The terrain here is probably a bit more rugged than I want for a backpacking trip. Still it sure was a nice day out there having lunch on a big rock overlooking the spring with the Santa Rosas off in the distance.
ziphius Posts: 911
Just sent you a couple of GPS points for 2 separate places in the area where I've found reliable water (and frogs) in the past. Generally, I won't share the locations of water sources on the open forum, unless they are well-known. I was thinking of going up there this weekend to have a look around, if I do, I'll provide an update. - Jim
MarkG Posts: 22
Thanks Jim. That area might end up being the spot though I was hoping to find something a bit more east. But then you run into the Boy Scout property (as I discovered last weekend). Wonder if they ever permit hikers to cross over to get to the state park? Maybe I will give them a call to see!