Buford Posts: 467

-- Links to my photos: ABDSP photos, Bighorn sheep photos, ABDSP time lapse video, Wildlife photos (mainly birds)
ziphius Posts: 911
Sad story and true. And people complain if you impose some small park fee to raise money to help pay for rangers etc. edited by ziphius on 6/17/2018
-- http://www.coyotelearning.org
tommy750 Posts: 1069
And California only has a $9 billion surplus this year. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Britain Posts: 609
Sad, parts of the park are being torn up.
-- Cant drive 55 Britain http://icorva.com
Buford Posts: 467
I worry about the resources being abused and trashed. Even with the full ranger staff there was too much abuse of the area.
-- Links to my photos: ABDSP photos, Bighorn sheep photos, ABDSP time lapse video, Wildlife photos (mainly birds)
tekewin Posts: 383
Wow. This is shocking. I'd rather have a full staff at all the parks than a half built high speed rail system, but that's just me.
Buford Posts: 467
There was a disturbing amount of litter, graffiti, vandalism, and campfire damage in a couple places recently.
I don’t know if it is due to less Rangers or more idiots or a combo of both.
-- Links to my photos: ABDSP photos, Bighorn sheep photos, ABDSP time lapse video, Wildlife photos (mainly birds)
DesertWRX Posts: 135
What areas are people finding the most trash and vandalism?
Buford Posts: 467
DesertWRX wrote:
What areas are people finding the most trash and vandalism?
Culp Valley, Old Culp Valley rd, The Slab, Dos Cabezas, Mortero Palms, Plum Canyon. This was all in mid July to early August.
I revisited Plum Canyon a couple weeks later and found someone had mostly cleaned up the graffiti and filled in the illegal fire ring.
I picked up some trash. Didn’t have room for it all. edited by Buford on 9/17/2018
-- Links to my photos: ABDSP photos, Bighorn sheep photos, ABDSP time lapse video, Wildlife photos (mainly birds)
DesertWRX Posts: 135
Buford wrote:
DesertWRX wrote:
What areas are people finding the most trash and vandalism?
Culp Valley, Old Culp Valley rd, The Slab, Dos Cabezas, Mortero Palms, Plum Canyon. This was all in mid July to early August.
I revisited Plum Canyon a couple weeks later and found someone had mostly cleaned up the graffiti and filled in the illegal fire ring.
I picked up some trash. Didn’t have room for it all. edited by Buford on 9/17/2018
DesertWRX Posts: 135
Thanks, I’ll try to see who has adopted those areas for Adopt a Wash/Trail.
Buford Posts: 467

One terrible example. This graffiti was scrubbed mostly clean a couple weeks later and the fire ring filled in. Lots of stuff like this in various areas.
Thanks for helping keep it clean.
Edit: Picture added edited by Buford on 9/18/2018 edited by Buford on 9/18/2018 edited by Buford on 9/18/2018
-- Links to my photos: ABDSP photos, Bighorn sheep photos, ABDSP time lapse video, Wildlife photos (mainly birds)
borrego Posts: 18
This is probably not just due to local idiots. A friend has contacts with the Border Patrol and they say there is an large uptick in illegal immigrant activity (apparently they think the Wall will be built and are getting in while they can) Note- The BP also says they are finding more illegals armed with AK's and AR's...so be aware out there.
Canebraker Jeff Posts: 11
Was the trash blanket shoes, water jugs and empty cans of atune (tuna)?
Buford Posts: 467
Most of the trash I have seen is from idiots. Travelers sin documentos don’t bring couches, old car tires, spray paint, glass beer bottles to abandon, shoot at, or throw in a fire.
As mentioned above, it is easy to see if it is from border crossers due to the contents. I’ve definitely found this kind of litter as well though.
-- Links to my photos: ABDSP photos, Bighorn sheep photos, ABDSP time lapse video, Wildlife photos (mainly birds)
Canebraker Jeff Posts: 11
4 new Rangers now on the job. They are not from here, so we will see how it goes.
kylekai Posts: 82
ziphius wrote:
Sad story and true. And people complain if you impose some small park fee to raise money to help pay for rangers etc. edited by ziphius on 6/17/2018 Their web site mentions a $10 entrance fee collected at the visitor center. I was recently at Death Valley NP, and they had kiosks set up at the park entrances to collect entrance fees. Seems as if similar kiosks at ABSP would be a small investment for a larger return to hire more rangers.
Buford Posts: 467
Plum Canyon left fork needs cleanup again. Some ***** real special people vandalized it Friday night, yesterday morning. They went up canyon lighting plants on fire, left broken beer bottles and cans, used toilet paper, graffiti on the rocks, trash fire still burning...
A small example:
-- Links to my photos: ABDSP photos, Bighorn sheep photos, ABDSP time lapse video, Wildlife photos (mainly birds)