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Plaster City R&R track issues Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 609

Posts: 609
For those Wheeling, Camping around Plaster city stay off the tracks and keep away from them.


My name is ###### and I am a production manager at USG, Plaster City. My departments include the Railroad and recently we have had bad encounters with off-roaders staying on our railroad tracks as the train is traveling. I would like to have a quick discussion with you about the dangers of traveling, camping, setting up near the tracks so that we can inform your members to stay away as much as possible. I am reaching out to other groups likes yours as well to bring awareness that the locomotive does travel on a regular basis. If you could provide me a good phone number to reach an executive member of your group with a preferred time, I can call you between today and tomorrow, or early next week.

Thank you for your time,

Mill and Railroad Manager

Cant drive 55
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