tekewin Posts: 383
My wife and I camped at Palm Canyon over the weekend. It was our first time staying there. Fancy campground with showers, really nice.
Since it was only her second time in the park, we visited some of the classics. Maidenhair Falls, Slot loop, Calcite mine. Maidenhair was barely a trickle. Dark, stagnant water at the base and lots of bees. Also a lot of tarantula hawks along the trail. I was surprised by the $10 day hike fee at the trailhead. I haven't been there in a few years, maybe it's not new.
The last time I was at the Slot was about 10 years ago. Since then, a toilet building has been added, the parking area is larger with an overflow, and a park employee was set up collecting the $10 fee on the drive in. What shocked me was the crowds. When we got there at 8:30 AM, about a dozen vehicles were already there. We passed a family of 8 and other parties slowly working their way through the slot. We did a loop around the back toward Borrego Mountain, then made a failed attempt to get back to the main canyon by just heading in that general direction. Hit dead ends about 200' from the main canyon according to GPS. Easy to backtrack and get out, but it was fun to explore some of the side slots. When we got back to the parking lot, there were 40 vehicles and dozens of people wandering around. I am guessing social media (plus the holiday) has exploded the popularity of the Slot.
There were also a lot of people at the Calcite mine. At least 10 trucks passed us either driving in or out.
It wasn't the sparsely populated park I remember even from the last couple of years. Maybe it's because I tend to hang out in harder to reach places, but the crowds were a real bummer. /rant off.
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
I totally get it. We also try to visit the quiet areas. The only "established" campground we have stayed at was Bow Willow but we usually do dispersed camping.
We did see this guy this past Saturday in Jojoba Wash https://www.youtube.com/shorts/L68sLXfjS38
tekewin wrote:
My wife and I camped at Palm Canyon over the weekend. It was our first time staying there. Fancy campground with showers, really nice.
Since it was only her second time in the park, we visited some of the classics. Maidenhair Falls, Slot loop, Calcite mine. Maidenhair was barely a trickle. Dark, stagnant water at the base and lots of bees. Also a lot of tarantula hawks along the trail. I was surprised by the $10 day hike fee at the trailhead. I haven't been there in a few years, maybe it's not new.
The last time I was at the Slot was about 10 years ago. Since then, a toilet building has been added, the parking area is larger with an overflow, and a park employee was set up collecting the $10 fee on the drive in. What shocked me was the crowds. When we got there at 8:30 AM, about a dozen vehicles were already there. We passed a family of 8 and other parties slowly working their way through the slot. We did a loop around the back toward Borrego Mountain, then made a failed attempt to get back to the main canyon by just heading in that general direction. Hit dead ends about 200' from the main canyon according to GPS. Easy to backtrack and get out, but it was fun to explore some of the side slots. When we got back to the parking lot, there were 40 vehicles and dozens of people wandering around. I am guessing social media (plus the holiday) has exploded the popularity of the Slot.
There were also a lot of people at the Calcite mine. At least 10 trucks passed us either driving in or out.
It wasn't the sparsely populated park I remember even from the last couple of years. Maybe it's because I tend to hang out in harder to reach places, but the crowds were a real bummer. /rant off.
-- https://www.anzaborrego.net/

dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
I only remember them charging to park at the visitor center...wow, $10 to hike? No thanks.
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Yeah unfortunately I heard they implemented that a few years back. Not sure it is always enforced.
dsefcik wrote:
I only remember them charging to park at the visitor center...wow, $10 to hike? No thanks.
-- https://www.anzaborrego.net/

Buford Posts: 467
Oh yeah. It has been getting more and more crowded over the last 10 years or so. If you go off the beaten path you can still find places without people. You used to be able to do that on seldom used roads, now you have to do it on foot. Peak bagging is increasingly popular too.
They have been improving roads like Calcite Mine and Boulder Alley. They have been adding fire rings to the primitive camps like Culp Valley and Arroyo Salado. I heard rumors they may start charging for those too if they haven't already. They have been charging to camp at Sheep Canyon for a while now.
Too many people, not enough outdoors.
-- Links to my photos: ABDSP photos, Bighorn sheep photos, ABDSP time lapse video, Wildlife photos (mainly birds)
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Going the CNF route, charge access fees anywhere services are provided, ie trash cans, porta potties, parking areas, etc.
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
tommy750 Posts: 1069
I guess the upside would be at least more people are interested enough in visiting and exploring our federal and state lands. Hopefully that will translate into wanting to preserve and protect them.
My "workaround" as an old guy is to retire soon and visit the park only during weekdays. Also, get one of those parking permits for volunteering 40 hours a year. Not sure if it will work at the slot which I'm not familiar with, but at least it will get you into the visitor center.
BTW, has anyone read the wikipedia entry for the park? I learned that obsidian, pumice and fish bones are "artifacts." Cupule petroglyphs suggest food processing was hard. To get from the coast to the park, you drive through mountains that are 2,400 feet above sea level. All good stuff to know!
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
That has been our strategy Tom. Retired two years ago and we try to do al of our trips starting on a Monday. Occasionally we will meet friends and do a weekend trip but I try to avoid it for the all the reasons stated in this thread. I tend to blame social media and hashtags 🙄
tommy750 wrote:
My "workaround" as an old guy is to retire soon and visit the park only during weekdays. Also, get one of those parking permits for volunteering 40 hours a year. Not sure if it will work at the slot which I'm not familiar with, but at least it will get you into the visitor center.
-- https://www.anzaborrego.net/

tekewin Posts: 383
surfponto wrote:
That has been our strategy Tom. Retired two years ago and we try to do al of our trips starting on a Monday. Occasionally we will meet friends and do a weekend trip but I try to avoid it for the all the reasons stated in this thread. I tend to blame social media and hashtags 🙄
Will be my strategy too next year. Retiring at the end of the year, or at least downshifting. Might still work part time.
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Congrats on your upcoming retirement 👍
tekewin wrote:
surfponto wrote:
That has been our strategy Tom. Retired two years ago and we try to do all of our trips starting on a Monday. Occasionally we will meet friends and do a weekend trip but I try to avoid it for the all the reasons stated in this thread. I tend to blame social media and hashtags 🙄
Will be my strategy too next year. Retiring at the end of the year, or at least downshifting. Might still work part time.
-- https://www.anzaborrego.net/

tekewin Posts: 383
surfponto wrote:
Congrats on your upcoming retirement 👍
Thanks! It's exciting but also weird.
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
You get used to it. Have been retired for a year and a half. First few months were a bit strange but then I really started enjoying it. We did a couple of big trips which helped.
tekewin wrote:
surfponto wrote:
Congrats on your upcoming retirement 👍
Thanks! It's exciting but also weird.
-- https://www.anzaborrego.net/

dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
I retired summer 2021, same as surfponto I believe....can't imagine ever getting up every day and going to work again..I have not missed a single day or work!!
Longer story coming soon about that though.
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
tekewin Posts: 383
dsefcik wrote:
I retired summer 2021, same as surfponto I believe....can't imagine ever getting up every day and going to work again..I have not missed a single day or work!!
Longer story coming soon about that though.
Congrats on the retirement! I'd be interested in hearing that story.
It's hard for me to imagine NOT getting up every day and going to work. I plan to do some online tutoring, but I want to work 2-3 days a week. I need to be doing something productive since my wife has a few years to go for her pension. I don't think I'll miss the full time grind, but I will miss some of the people. edited by tekewin on 12/18/2023
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
I would like to hear the story also Daren 👍
dsefcik wrote:
I retired summer 2021, same as surfponto I believe....can't imagine ever getting up every day and going to work again..I have not missed a single day or work!!
Longer story coming soon about that though.
-- https://www.anzaborrego.net/

surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Same. Missed some of the day-to-day interactions but not enough to make me want to go back. Now two years in I am good and enjoying the freedom. Hiked out in Pine Valley on a Monday. We never saw a single person. 😉
 Old Oak
tekewin wrote:
dsefcik wrote:
I retired summer 2021, same as surfponto I believe....can't imagine ever getting up every day and going to work again..I have not missed a single day or work!!
Longer story coming soon about that though.
Congrats on the retirement! I'd be interested in hearing that story.
It's hard for me to imagine NOT getting up every day and going to work. I plan to do some online tutoring, but I want to work 2-3 days a week. I need to be doing something productive since my wife has a few years to go for her pension. I don't think I'll miss the full time grind, but I will miss some of the people. edited by tekewin on 12/18/2023 edited by surfponto on 12/19/2023
-- https://www.anzaborrego.net/

Britain Posts: 609
Retired in 2014. Consulted a bit but found out I really didn’t like working. Best thing about retired and hiking is hit it on the off days when the crowd is gone.
-- Cant drive 55 Britain http://icorva.com
DHeuschele Posts: 87
Retired January 2022. I seem to be as busy as ever and not taking as many trips as I did pre retirement. Will be going out tomorrow to check out the flowers. May do fonts point and the serpent. I typically do a stop at the serpent.