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Canebrake Wash / Indian Valley Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 2624

Posts: 2624

A trip out to explore the ridge lines of Indian Valley was detoured by the rains and instead turned into a trip out into Canebrake Wash. When I drove into Indian Valley the weather was great. I drove out to the end of the north fork and was going to camp there but the bees were numerous and after about 30 minutes I found myself doing nothing but swatting bees away from me and the inside of my truck so I decided to go back down the road a bit to a nice little sandy area that was bee free. During the night the clouds started rolling in and so did the wind. My truck was rocking like crazy from the wind, it can get really, really windy in Indian Valley. The morning showed me nothing but dark rain clouds hovering above False Sombrero so I decided to go out into Canebrake Wash and explore there instead. Canebrake and Inner Pasture is really just amazing place, it is vast and empty, I am becoming fond of hiking there.

A possible yoni rock carving in Indian Valley

Mr. Taratula in Canebrake

Agave plant scat..yumm

Large sand berm in Canebrake (click to enlarge)

The Crawford Ranch

Looking west-north from the sand berm, wow...it is just amazingly vast here..that is Red Top in the distance. You can see the rain clouds moving in.

Looking North into Inner Pasture towards Moonlight Canyon...it is far away.

Morteros near some rock shelters indicate Native American habitation

Why do they always crap in the morteros???

Close up showing the hair and bones in the scat

One of the larger rock shelters I found (click to enlarge)

View north-west from the shelter (click to enlarge)

Another smaller rock shelter, little remained

More possible Yoni rock carvings back in Indian Valley

Leaving Indian Gorge a nice rainbow stretched across the road. It was short lived though as the rain was following me and would soon start raining hard.

Total Mylar balloon count for a 7 mile hike - 6

Posts: 423

Posts: 423
Nice pics Daren. Is the picture looking out to Red Top taken from the top of the sand berm? That berm is quite amazing. It looks kind of like a longer version of Egg Mountain. That does look like a very cool place to explore. Lots of old history. How close can you get to the ranch at the mouth of the canyon? Is someone living there now? Also is there an old runway between the berm and the ranch? On google earth there is something long and straight there.
Posts: 2624

Posts: 2624
hikerdmb wrote:
Nice pics Daren. Is the picture looking out to Red Top taken from the top of the sand berm? That berm is quite amazing. It looks kind of like a longer version of Egg Mountain. That does look like a very cool place to explore. Lots of old history.

Yes, it was taken at the east end where it abuts the large round hill. It must be a mile or so long. I did not get to walk the length of it as it started raining and I headed back. The wind was so strong that it was blowing raindrops on me from the clouds coming down out of the Laguna's.

hikerdmb wrote:
How close can you get to the ranch at the mouth of the canyon? Is someone living there now? Also is there an old runway between the berm and the ranch? On google earth there is something long and straight there.

The runway is really nothing more than a big stretch of sand..it is hard to define when you are down on the ground but there is a lot of open sandy area there. The ranch property line (a wire fence) is just east of the landing strip and it heads south-east diagonally. You can see a faint trace of it on GE. I believe people are living out there, there were semi fresh tire tracks on the dirt road and the property looked lived in by the wood piles and such.

I definitely have plans to go back out, I didn't get a chance to explore where I wanted as the rain drove me back.

A brief video I did with my camera is here:


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