surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Wow did you guys read this?  Read it was near Valley of the Moon edited by surfponto on 1/24/2025

dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
I saw the Fox5 news this morning but it really does't have much details.
Brian Posts: 249
The hikers who were shot were friends of friends of mine. Apparently their destination was Blue Angels Peak. Most people who hike that peak also visit the border monument close to there, so I'm guessing it was in that area. News reports say they were only 1000' N of the border, so that's how the assailants were able to escape back to Mexico so quickly.
Buford Posts: 467
That sucks. Hope your friends are ok.
I’ve done Blue Angel and walked to the border marker. Saw lots of evidence of people, but didn’t see anyone. I was at least expecting BP to check on us. I think I hiked it in summer though.
Lots of wrecked, stripped, and shot up vehicles in the area. Glad to come back to mine in one piece.
-- Links to my photos: ABDSP photos, Bighorn sheep photos, ABDSP time lapse video, Wildlife photos (mainly birds)
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Sorry to hear that and hope they recover OK. Have not hiked over there. Looks beautiful, but sounds a little bit like the Wild West.
Brian wrote:
The hikers who were shot were friends of friends of mine. Apparently their destination was Blue Angels Peak. Most people who hike that peak also visit the border monument close to there, so I'm guessing it was in that area. News reports say they were only 1000' N of the border, so that's how the assailants were able to escape back to Mexico so quickly.

Brian Posts: 249
surfponto wrote:
Sorry to hear that and hope they recover OK. Have not hiked over there. Looks beautiful, but sounds a little bit like the Wild West.
Brian wrote:
The hikers who were shot were friends of friends of mine. Apparently their destination was Blue Angels Peak. Most people who hike that peak also visit the border monument close to there, so I'm guessing it was in that area. News reports say they were only 1000' N of the border, so that's how the assailants were able to escape back to Mexico so quickly.
I've hiked many time in Valley of the Moon, Myer Valley and last year I even did Pinto Canyon. Never had a problem in any of them. There's usually a heavy border patrol presence, both in person and by way of remote cameras and sensors. I think the problem in this case is that the incident occurred so close to the border that the assailants were able to cross back into Mexico before BP could get there.
tommy750 Posts: 1069
That's too bad this happened in such a beautiful location. Always found the Jacumba Wilderness to be serene and a pleasure to hike. Hope your friends make a full recovery, Brian.
dtoujours Posts: 27
I hope your friend recovers quickly, Brian. This is a real shame, I've also hiked a lot in that area without any problems. However, a few months ago a friend and I hiked Davies Valley into Pinto Canyon and as we were heading back, near the mouth of Pinto Canyon or at the south end of Davies Valley, we saw a guy slipping between the gap where the border wall ends and the mountainside begins. He saw us as he was in the gap and just froze there, so we continued our hike out. Two border patrol vans flew past us as we were hiking up Davies Valley, so he must have tripped a sensor or camera.
tekewin Posts: 383
I am shocked this happened. I hope the hikers recover quickly.
I've also hiked Blue Angels and visited the monument just over the border. I liked the area and there were a couple of border patrol trucks that passed me on the road, but did not engage me. I thought about going back to the area, but not now.
Do the cartels really want a hot war with US forces? How does that help their situation?