anutami Posts: 491
I am going to have seven days and debating whether or not to spend it at ABDSP or making the trek to death valley. I have never been to death Valley national park. Just curious to all those reading this what you would do.
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
I know Daren who frequents this forum spent some time there. He would be best one to answer your question. My one trip I did to Death Valley in the Winter a few years back got so cold that we shortened our trip. 
anutami wrote:
I am going to have seven days and debating whether or not to spend it at ABDSP or making the trek to death valley. I have never been to death Valley national park. Just curious to all those reading this what you would do. <em>edited by surfponto on 12/21/2011</em>

DHeuschele Posts: 87
I would choose Death Valley and the primary reason is the length of time that you have for the trip and not so much the quality of the attractions (both have enough to explore to easily spend a week just to scratch the surface).
I can drive to ABSP in 1 hour (near scissors crossing) to 2 hours (both South end and far North East end) so I can explore a small region well on a weekend. I can do this quite a few times in a year (maybe 5-8 times between Oct and May when the ABSP weather is most to my liking)
Death Valley takes me over 6 hours to drive and in the season when Death Valley weather is most to my liking this does not provide me enough time at the park to justify only a weekend in large part due to the shortened days of the winter.
I will be in Death Valley Jan 27-Jan 29 and plan to climb Telescope Peak on the 28th (alpine conditions at the top). Note it is only a 3 day period which is less than I desire to justify such a drive in the winter but this is the only period I can squeeze Death Valley in.
I have no issue going to the Sierras in the Summer for just 3 days which is about the same drive but the days are longer in the Summer (so I fit in more each day).
So I would definitely choose Death Valley if I were you and I would try to squeeze in other shorter opportunities to ABSP.
hikerdmb Posts: 423
Death Valley would be my pick too. If you go you should definitely check out the Eureka Sand Dunes in the north part of the park. And the Racetrack Playa is a must. That is where the rocks move across the playa and leave trails behind. Of course there are many many other spots to see but I think those are two of my favorites. We did Eureka Sand Dunes to Saline Valley through Steel Pass a few years back and it was spectacular. Only one rough section back then. Be sure to check the Morning Report before heading up there. You can find it on the main DVNP page--- It does get pretty cold there this time of year so be prepared. There are plenty of places where there could be snow. Also there is a pretty active forum for Death Valley where you can get plenty of info--- David
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Hi, I just got back from 4 days in Indian Valley so I am a little late on this thread. I would also choose Death Valley if you have never been there. Since we don't know what you enjoy doing during your trips it is hard to make a recommendation of what to do or see. If you are into hiking check out this book from your library or purchase if you like and plan some trips
If your into just driving around and checking out the local sites, try this book
Definitely check the morning report, the weather can be cold,cold right now and snow will fall in many areas of the park. The forum Hikerdmb mentions is also an excellent resource for up to date reports.
Be aware that Telescope Peak road past the Kilns is closed this time of year. The Saline Valley road is also subject to closure or bad conditions.
If you plan to travel anywhere off the main paved highways, please, please go prepared. Spare tire, water/food to last a few days and warm clothing. If something happens you may not see people for days. AT&T and Verizon service works on the paved main highways and very few other areas.
If you drive up from the south, I recommend stopping at the Trona Pinnacles, you can camp there also.
anutami Posts: 491
anutami wrote:
I am going to have seven days and debating whether or not to spend it at ABDSP or making the trek to death valley. I have never been to death Valley national park. Just curious to all those reading this what you would do.
Thanks for info. Sounds like a baja trip without having to worry about banditos
Will keep my eye on the weather and head out there if it looks nice.
With the kids we usually stick to the easy hikes. I will definitely be getting both those books and bring all of our winter gear.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
It should also be noted that DV has very different car camping rules than ABDSP. In DV you can only car camp 2 miles **away** from developed areas and roads. I think ABDSP says you can only car camp 1 car length off the road. In DV camp fires are permitted ONLY in fire rings in developed campgrounds. ABDSP allows fires anywhere as long as you bring your own metal container and haul away the ashes. This means if you want to have a campfire in DV you must camp at a campground with fire rings.
Download the PDF from the below link for a lot of great information about the park and back country travel.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Wildrose campground is free and has fire rings. You can drive up to the old kilns and then hike to the top of wildrose peak. I usually will drive up the 395 highway, stop at Trona Pinnacles and then head out to Telescope Peak area, Wildrose is on the way. If you do get to that area, check out the Minnietta Mine (on BLM land, BLM camping rules apply). I have some pictures here
DV is vast, do some homework before you go so you have some ideas of what you want to see...wish I was going....
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Also, also...if you are on the 395 south of Lone Pine (has a great park with a stream) stop and camp at Fossil Falls. It is a very interesting area and there are petroglyphs to find if you search them out.
anutami Posts: 491
thanks to all for the info!! Death Valley was amazing and very similar to ABDSP. Many of the canyons remind me of Fish Creek. Just wanted to post some pictures as follow up!
1st night spent at wildrose campground

Aguereberry Point

Harrisburg Townsite

Marble Canyon


Leadfield via Titus Canyon Rd.

Ubehebe Crater

teakettle junction

The Grandstand
hikerdmb Posts: 423
Looks like you covered a lot of ground. Glad you made it to the Racetrack and had a great trip. Thanks for sharing the pics. David
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
| all the pics of your kids, wish I was there. You guys did get to many different places, I bet you will be going back. You have so much more to explore, you only touched the surface.
Snow at the kilns..awesome, looks like a great trip!
Did you guys go down into the bottom of Ubehebe? Love that place...
anutami Posts: 491
Definitely will be going back! We did not make it to the bottom of the crater, we just stopped by for lunch before heading out to the Racetrack. The Racetrack proved to destroy my front shocks on my truck. With the camper on top I did not feel comfortable driving over 30mph over the washboard road and was only able to go approx 20-25mph, which proved to blow out my stock front shocks. I needed to upgrade my shocks anyway.
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
I am impressed by how you took your vehicle with the huge camper on those trails.  You have got be thinking about picking up a camper for my wife's Tacoma at some point I like these but they are very expensive. Bob

anutami wrote:
Definitely will be going back! We did not make it to the bottom of the crater, we just stopped by for lunch before heading out to the Racetrack. The Racetrack proved to destroy my front shocks on my truck. With the camper on top I did not feel comfortable driving over 30mph over the washboard road and was only able to go approx 20-25mph, which proved to blow out my stock front shocks. I needed to upgrade my shocks anyway.

anutami Posts: 491
Bob, check out this link
looks like a nice truck camper for a great price!
surfponto wrote:
I am impressed by how you took your vehicle with the huge camper on those trails.  You have got be thinking about picking up a camper for my wife's Tacoma at some point I like these but they are very expensive. Bob

anutami wrote:
Definitely will be going back! We did not make it to the bottom of the crater, we just stopped by for lunch before heading out to the Racetrack. The Racetrack proved to destroy my front shocks on my truck. With the camper on top I did not feel comfortable driving over 30mph over the washboard road and was only able to go approx 20-25mph, which proved to blow out my stock front shocks. I needed to upgrade my shocks anyway.
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Shoot, Looks like I may have missed it Says it was removed
anutami wrote:
Bob, check out this link
looks like a nice truck camper for a great price!
surfponto wrote:
I am impressed by how you took your vehicle with the huge camper on those trails.  You have got be thinking about picking up a camper for my wife's Tacoma at some point I like these but they are very expensive. Bob

anutami wrote:
Definitely will be going back! We did not make it to the bottom of the crater, we just stopped by for lunch before heading out to the Racetrack. The Racetrack proved to destroy my front shocks on my truck. With the camper on top I did not feel comfortable driving over 30mph over the washboard road and was only able to go approx 20-25mph, which proved to blow out my stock front shocks. I needed to upgrade my shocks anyway.

surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Curious how much you air down your tires on the rough washboard? We aired down our Landcruiser to 10psi on the washboard roads down in Baja and that made a huge difference. Otherwise it felt like every bolt in the truck was rattling loose 
anutami wrote:
Definitely will be going back! We did not make it to the bottom of the crater, we just stopped by for lunch before heading out to the Racetrack. The Racetrack proved to destroy my front shocks on my truck. With the camper on top I did not feel comfortable driving over 30mph over the washboard road and was only able to go approx 20-25mph, which proved to blow out my stock front shocks. I needed to upgrade my shocks anyway.

TR Posts: 67
10 psi is a little low for the Land Cruiser. 15-18 psi is what is recommended. I run at 18 psi when I air down.
anutami Posts: 491
I was too scared to air down with my truck camper on the back. I did not want to have a blow out or start to lose control. It was one bumpy ride! Luckily my truck camper is welded aluminum framed because if it was wood it would have probably fallen apart. I saw 3 other truck campers out there and they were all the fourwheel pop up campers like the one you want. I just replaced my shocks this week with Bilstein's.

surfponto wrote:
Curious how much you air down your tires on the rough washboard? We aired down our Landcruiser to 10psi on the washboard roads down in Baja and that made a huge difference. Otherwise it felt like every bolt in the truck was rattling loose 
anutami wrote:
Definitely will be going back! We did not make it to the bottom of the crater, we just stopped by for lunch before heading out to the Racetrack. The Racetrack proved to destroy my front shocks on my truck. With the camper on top I did not feel comfortable driving over 30mph over the washboard road and was only able to go approx 20-25mph, which proved to blow out my stock front shocks. I needed to upgrade my shocks anyway.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Did you guys add a teakettle and toys??? What is the plastic ziploc??
I love the pictures of your kids out there, brings back memories for me with my much fun...thanks!
anutami Posts: 491
I surprised them by bringing a teakettle and the kids paint supplies. They go to do some art work out in the middle of nowhere. The ziploc bag is where I put the water for them to wash off their paintbrushes. They couldn't believe how many teakettles were out there. The racetrack was very busy and it seemed like every jeep we passed was a rental. Can't wait to get back out and explore more with the kids. They love it as much as I do. Would love to take them out to Cougar Canyon area. Still debating if I could get my truck through boulder alley. Probably will just park it and walk in. One of my buddies took his jeep out there and said I could make it. When he was out there a guy in a brand new Audi Allroad went through boulder Alley and dinged it up pretty bad. I am trying to get him to send me some pictures he took and will post them.
dsefcik wrote:
Did you guys add a teakettle and toys??? What is the plastic ziploc??
I love the pictures of your kids out there, brings back memories for me with my much fun...thanks!
DHeuschele Posts: 87
anutami wrote:
Still debating if I could get my truck through boulder alley. Probably will just park it and walk in. One of my buddies took his jeep out there and said I could make it. When he was out there a guy in a brand new Audi Allroad went through boulder Alley and dinged it up pretty bad. I am trying to get him to send me some pictures he took and will post them.
I do not know if you meant the truck with the camper on or off.
I have been up bolder alley a few of times but not in the last couple years and I would be very surprised if you could get any where close to making it with the camper.
The truck without the camper is possible as I have been up it in stock stock older 4X4 Explorere (before the Explorer was being built on a car frame) and stock Toyota 4X4 Pick up (no lockers, no skid plates, etc.). However safest is to have some extra clearance, lockers, and skid plates. I would not recommend it for SUVs built on car frames.
Also it was not that easy with either of those two rigs. I have also been up in in a wrangler that had larger than stock wheels (no locker, minimal skid protection) and it was fairly easy. This was to retrieve the Toyota PU (one way hike) and we passed people who where commenting that the Toyota PU made it up it (they were surprised).