Environmental issues regarding Anza Borrego
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Can we boycott the Ocotillo Fuel Mart?

Turbine #94 and some garbage that looks like a leaking bottle of oil

Close up of the leak and garbage

Another turbine foundation being built

Creosote gasping for a breath of air for survival after the bulldozers

Our new "Desert Safety Protection Service" watching me photograph the OWEF project
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
anutami Posts: 491
Crazy! What is with the protection service? Are they basically hired security guards? Did you speak with them at all?
anutami Posts: 491
Looking to do a trip in the sierras and came across this
PETS There are special regulations pertaining to pets in the John Muir Wilderness. Dogs and domestic goats are not allowed in bighorn sheep habitat areas as a result of the recent listing of this species as Endangered. Maps of the closure areas are available at Inyo Visitor Centers to assist in planning your trip.
So I can't bring my dog in areas where big horn sheep are, but its okay to put a bunch of wind turbines???? <em>edited by anutami on 8/14/2012</em>
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
I would say yes Daren, That is ridiculous.
Talk about not seeing the forest through the trees. Owner trying to capitalize off the Ocotillo Express Wind farm while the community gets screwed.
dsefcik wrote:
Can we boycott the Ocotillo Fuel Mart?

-- https://www.anzaborrego.net/

dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
anutami wrote:
Crazy! What is with the protection service? Are they basically hired security guards? Did you speak with them at all?
Never seen them before, have to believe they are hired by Pattern to stop people form vandalizing. He basically followed me out there and then when I got out to take some sky panorama photos he turned around and parked right in front of me. I had to walk 50 yards or so to get him out of my pictures.
Awesome thunderstorm clouds in Ocotillo, click the image for a larger picture.
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com