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Dos Cabezas Road Messages in this topic - RSS

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Posts: 1069
Took my friend out to see the Piedras Grandes and Indian Hill caves last Friday. Turned onto Dos Cabezas Road and got stuck in a traffic jam.

Dos Cabezas Blade2 by tomteske, on Flickr

The road is so different we had trouble finding our way and had to backtrack a couple times, all under the watchful eyes of a pair of Pattern Energy vehicles that only became disinterested near the county line.

Dos Cabezas Road by tomteske, on Flickr

Dos Cabeza Wind by tomteske, on Flickr

Dos Cabeza Blade by tomteske, on Flickr

Dos Cabeza Blades by tomteske, on Flickr

On the way to Piedras Grandes site, stopped to get the drinks out of the heat in this little cave.

Piedras Grandes Cave by tomteske, on Flickr

Not sure how legit this is. Maybe a guy with a surfboard.

Piedras Grandes Surfer by tomteske, on Flickr

Outside was a nice yoni.

Piedras Grandes Yoni by tomteske, on Flickr

Further up, the cave. The sign shows the table-like pictograph in the wrong place.

Piedras Grandes Cave Sign by tomteske, on Flickr

The pictographs looked pretty faded and even DStretch didn't do much.

Pieadras Grandes Panorama_lbk by tomteske, on Flickr

The famous rider on a horse.

Piedras Grandes Horseman2 by tomteske, on Flickr

Indian Hill is always a neat place and different pictographs seem to stand out every visit. These are in the lower recess to the left of the main part of the cave.

Blue Sun Cave Details_lab by tomteske, on Flickr

Found this guy hiking back.

Tarantula2 by tomteske, on Flickr

Finished up by driving through the Volcanic Hills to Jojobo Wash. Kinda tight for a full size PU.

Volcanic Hills Wash Tundra by tomteske, on Flickr

Volcanic Hills Crossing by tomteske, on Flickr

Enjoy. Tom

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