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Pinto Wash Petroglyphs Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 1069

Posts: 1069
Been wanting to check out the petroglyphs in Pinto Wash so hiked out there yesterday. Read a few online stories that seemed to exaggerate the difficulty of the hike. Now, it doesn't seem so exaggerated! Uploaded waymarks to my GPS to make it easy for me but was in the wrong canyon before my second waymark. The maze of deep canyons makes it a real challenge your first time out.

Parked on Old Hwy 80 and crossed over into Boulder Creek under I-8. Quick stop at the old shack nearby. You can see my Tundra in the far distance through the hole in the shack on the right.

Miner's Shack by tomteske, on Flickr

Few hundred yards upstream found a lot of morteros on the stream bank.

Boulder Creek Morteros by tomteske, on Flickr

Few miles south, came upon this nice palm grove with a presumed campsite on a ledge above the stream bank. Morteros and lots of fairly large pottery fragments all around.

First Palm Oasis by tomteske, on Flickr

First Palm Oasis Sherd by tomteske, on Flickr

First petroglyph site in Pinto Canyon is a hundred yards downstream of a wash branch heading due north from Mexico containing a large palm grove. Faint figures and shapes seen on two boulder surfaces.

Site F Panorama by tomteske, on Flickr

Site F 2 by tomteske, on Flickr

Downstream, the well known shelter cave with the alleged boat glyph. Looking at all the bizarre stuff out there, I'm not so sure it's really a Spanish sailing vessel.

Site E by tomteske, on Flickr

Site E Ship by tomteske, on Flickr

Farther downstream on a boulder midstream is supposed to be a very faded glyph, maybe this.

Maybe Site D by tomteske, on Flickr

There's reportedly another site on rocks well outside the wash which I didn't find. The biggest site is supposedly on both side of the canyon on boulders with dark brown varnish and I just couldn't seem to locate it. Kept walking down the wash till I hit this nice oasis with running water. Found a monument dedicated to a Martin Zamora Torres.

Last Palm Spring by tomteske, on Flickr

Cruz Azul2 by tomteske, on Flickr

Cruz Azul by tomteske, on Flickr

Was getting way too late and dark when I turned around and I couldn't find my hiking poles I left stuck in the sand while I hiked downstream taking photos. Was not motivated to turn around and search for them so they're down there as a nice nearly new freebie for someone.

Past the petroglyphs, I saw something white and round nearly buried in sand which I didn't notice hiking by just an hour earlier. Closer inspection revealed a human skull. Was a pretty somber moment. Don't know this individual's story but Rest In Peace, fellow traveler.

Skull RIP by tomteske, on Flickr

A little excavation confirms the object's identity.

Skull2 RIP by tomteske, on Flickr

Fifty yards further upstream, came across a single bone, possibly a metacarpal bone.

Possible Metacarpal Bone RIP by tomteske, on Flickr

Had the usual meet and greet with two USBP agents when I finally hit Boulder Creek next to I-8. Gave them the coordinates of the human remains and they said they'd be out today checking it out. It's an easy drive out there if you have a gate key to Davies Valley. 16 miles, few wrong turns but a great hike overall. Would like to head back and find those other glyphs. Any one have any clues where they are? Enjoy. Tom
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Posts: 2632

Posts: 2632
Without looking up specifics my memory thinks it is a federal offense to remove human bone from anywhere except under certain conditions like sanctioned archaeological projects. You may be able to find more by researching CEQA rules.

mrkmc wrote:
Wow! What is one supposed to do if they find human bones in the desert? Let it be and forget about it, or do you report it to authorities? For that area its likley from someone crossing the border, but how do you know its not from foul play?

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Posts: 609

Posts: 609
Ran into some local tribe members there in 1999. From what I understand that the area in Pinto wash with all the petros was an old burial ground. I had a BP living next door and we spent a lot of time there and surrounding area back then. As far as safety when your next to the border there's always a risk. I never had any problems though. Check in with any border patrol you find they will tell you if there's been any issues. Does anyone know how the Indians laid to rest their dead?

Cant drive 55
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Posts: 1069

Posts: 1069
Rocko1 wrote:
Is it considered safe to hike this area?

Guess it all depends on one's level of risk aversion. Have yet to see a single person on any hike I've done in Davies Valley/Pinto Canyon including BP. Have bumped into BP in Boulder and Myer Creek a lot. Suspect most of the cross border traffic occurs at night and that's my reason I've only day hiked there or anywhere south of I-8. Been wanting to head out there again for years but just haven't got around to it.
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Posts: 1069

Posts: 1069
Britain wrote:
Does anyone know how the Indians laid to rest their dead?

My understanding is by cremation with the remains then buried or sometimes placed in ollas and hidden. This would be true for the late prehistoric period but not before that and maybe not after European contact.
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