Buford Posts: 467
I plan on hiking up Whale Peak soon. Since I haven't done it before, I plan on the less adventurous route from Pinyon Mountain Road, which brings me to my question.
How Passable is Pinyon Mountain Road for a 2wd truck, to the 3.8 mile mark at least? I understand that at ~3.8 miles, it gets too rocky for 2wd, so I will have to walk a couple miles on the road, no big deal. Since my truck is 2wd, I have a little better clearance than a car, but I sink in soft sand much worse.
-- Links to my photos: ABDSP photos, Bighorn sheep photos, ABDSP time lapse video, Wildlife photos (mainly birds)
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Hopefully dmbhiker can kick in some advice, I know he drives that route often.
I am afraid my only experience with Whale Peak was hiking up from Bisnaga Wash.
Would a hike from Blair Valley be too much? That is easily done from any vehicle. You can park at the Pictograph trail area and hike up..up..up...
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
anutami Posts: 491
I went up twice last year. Right off s2 there is a huge pothole that fiils up with water if there is any rain you would need 4wd to get through it. The road steadily climbs up and there is soft some sand areas, but not that deep so you could probably make it...as long as you stay on the road. Bring gear to help get you out if you get in trouble. Right before the protruding boulders at about the 3.8 mile marker there is a small parking/camping/turn around area that would be the furthest you could get. You may want to contact the ranger headquarters and get current road conditions.
anutami Posts: 491
Here is a pic of the road heading up

the protruding boulder...i would say this is the end of the line
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Yeah that looks like it would give the LandCruiser trouble also 
anutami wrote:
Here is a pic of the road heading up
the protruding boulder...i would say this is the end of the line

-- https://www.anzaborrego.net/

AdventureGraham Posts: 170
When are planning on doing this? Its always a good idea to bring along another vehicle just in case. Use caution if you're solo and in 2WD. One of these days I'd like to backpack and camp out on Whale Peak.
Buford Posts: 467
Thanks for the information everyone. Blair Valley as a starting point is plan B. I can do it, but it would make it more difficult to explore north of the road too.
I am not sure of exactly when I will try this. Maybe even in the next week. I asked at the visitor center a few weeks ago, the people there at the time weren't much help. I don't always trust their road reports either as I have found them to be innaccurate both ways.
I have no illusions of getting past the rocks at ~3.8 miles. If I can get near there I will hike it the rest of the way.
-- Links to my photos: ABDSP photos, Bighorn sheep photos, ABDSP time lapse video, Wildlife photos (mainly birds)
hikerdmb Posts: 423
Those rocks are definitely a problem. They are not that big but you need ground clearance. I had to pull a full size 4x4 chevy off there a few years ago. He was stock all the way and got high centered. It is an easy walk up the road from there to the start of the route up the peak. But you are right it would add a couple of miles to the trip. Once to the start of the climb it should take at least a couple hours if it is your first time. Route finding can be difficult but there are plenty of ducks to show the way as described in Afoot and Afield. Good luck. David