AdventureGraham Posts: 170
I spent the day with my family here, hiking a few trails and soaking in the hot springs. I've driven through a few times, just to check it out, but never camped or spent too much time there. I gotta say its got to be one of my favorite campsites. Although I prefer secluded and primitive areas to camp, as far as developed campgrounds go, this is pretty nice. Here are a few pictures I took.

 edited by BorregoWrangler on 12/25/2012
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Have always wanted to stop in there. It looks like you had the place to yourself? Seems like it would be the perfect destination after a long hike.

dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Looks deserted....every time I have passed thru it is packed full of people....must have been nice to have it so empty.
anutami Posts: 491
Did you stop at the store? Love that place. Wish that outdoor pool was warmer though. I have filled up my water tank in my rig a few times there.
AdventureGraham Posts: 170
There were about a dozen groups camped around the park when we got there, but folks were clearing out at a steady pace throughout the day. Day use is $3 a person, from 9am to 5pm. I didn't get a chance to check out the store. Maybe next time.
tommy750 Posts: 1069
How's the water temp anyway? Always wanted to take a hot soak out there on a chilly winter day. Tom
anutami Posts: 491
The small outdoor pool is luke warm and filled with kids/hair/and who knows what else. The large outdoor pool is air temp. The indoor pool is a nice and steamy 102. No kids allowed in the indoor pool. It is 3 bucks per person to use them if you are not camping.
AdventureGraham Posts: 170
Yep. The large outdoor pool didn't seem like it was heated at all. The smaller kids pool was about 85 degrees. We spent some time in there with our daughter. It was COLD getting out of that one but awesome soaking in the 102 indoor pool.
More pics and write up here: edited by BorregoWrangler on 12/27/2012
harmono Posts: 71
Thanks for reminding me. I was thinking of staying here when I went to Carrizo Gorge last weekend, but I didn't have a car adapter for my CPAP machine. So I'm trying to order one now. This would be a great place to stay.
 IMG_1032 by harmono619, on Flickr
anutami Posts: 491
Thought I would piggy back on your thread and add photos of the Store. The guy that runs the place is way cool, and he has some pretty sweet stuff in there. I ended up running out of propane over the weekend and had to stop in and fill up! It is sweet that he sells propane!!!!! It is also sweet that he accepts debit/credit cards!

It was about 9am and the store was closed. We rang the bell a few times...IT is LOUD!

and a pretty cool Zen garden to ponder life
 edited by anutami on 1/1/2013 edited by anutami on 1/1/2013
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
That is great that they sell propane at the store. Never realized that. Store looks pretty cool. Guess I need to stop in there at some point 
Nolan (anutami) wrote:
Thought I would piggy back on your thread and add photos of the Store. The guy that runs the place is way cool, and he has some pretty sweet stuff in there. I ended up running out of propane over the weekend and had to stop in and fill up! It is sweet that he sells propane!!!!! It is also sweet that he accepts debit/credit cards!
...... edited by anutami on 1/1/2013

AdventureGraham Posts: 170
Nolan (anutami) wrote:
Thought I would piggy back on your thread and add photos of the Store. The guy that runs the place is way cool, and he has some pretty sweet stuff in there. I ended up running out of propane over the weekend and had to stop in and fill up! It is sweet that he sells propane!!!!! It is also sweet that he accepts debit/credit cards!
Thanks for posting those photos. I'll have to check that out next time I'm there.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
I bought some beer and cheese there last Sat.