Post your upcoming trip out to Anza Borrego here. Great place to organize a group trip.
Mc Cain Valley Sacatone Overlook 1/6/2012
harmono Posts: 71
This is on my wish list of places to go. Is it possible for me to drive my Saturn sedan up to sacatone, or how far can I go? This is just an old '99 Saturn so I don't mind scratches, but it's front wheel drive, so no way it can handle sand. The road looks pretty straight out there except perhaps that final drive to the overlook. I'm thinking of heading out there this weekend and checking it out.
 IMG_1032 by harmono619, on Flickr
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
I would say you should be able to get almost to the base of Tule Mt which is close enough to walk the rest of the way but you could walk the whole thing, it is not that far.
tommy750 Posts: 1069
I agree with Daren. Should be able to make it out okay. Check out the Carrizo Overlook a couple miles up the road while you're there. Tom
harmono Posts: 71
dsefcik wrote:
I would say you should be able to get almost to the base of Tule Mt which is close enough to walk the rest of the way but you could walk the whole thing, it is not that far.
Cool. I'll check it out. I also have some friends who have an Izusu that would get out there, but they don't like to walk at all (not even in shopping malls). But they want to go out and check things out, so I might have them drive around there in a few weeks. I bought a Mountain Bike, and I'm thinking of taking it out there. I'm so busy with all these projects, I guess when it rains I work on my other projects and when it's nice out, I go out.
 IMG_1032 by harmono619, on Flickr
harmono Posts: 71
tommy750 wrote:
I agree with Daren. Should be able to make it out okay. Check out the Carrizo Overlook a couple miles up the road while you're there. Tom
I'm a little confused. I thought Tule and Sacatone were different places. I'll have to re-visit the map and find Carrizo Overlook too.
 IMG_1032 by harmono619, on Flickr