surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Hi All,
Hiked 3 hours in with Daren yesterday on the start of his 3 day backpack trip. I will say it involved some serious climbing :O When I left him he was continuing on towards Villager Peak and hoping to find a nice area to camp. Bob
 Felt guilty watching Daren lug his 70lb. pack while I had a day pack.
 View of Clark Dry Lake far below
 Spectacular views
 We found these great sleeping shelters at the summit below Villager Peak
 Daren contemplating if he should setup camp
 There was abundant pottery around this sleeping circle which led us to deduce it was used by Native Americans
 Another view of Clark Dry Lake edited by surfponto on 2/16/2013 edited by surfponto on 2/16/2013 edited by surfponto on 2/16/2013

rockhopper Posts: 672
Wow! 70# pack! How much water was Daren packing? If it was a dry hike, you ( I )would need about 3 gals. for 4 days and thats about 24 lbs. alone. Good news is that pack gets lighter and lighter as the hike progresses.That trail up Villager peak is one of the best in the county IMHO. Nice steady climb, well marked and outstanding views. Going from Rabbit to Dawns peak is another story. I am sure Daren will have some great stories. Bob, good show with helping Daren on his expedition loop trip.
The drop offs on the west side of the trail are awesome.
This is from last Mays Villager peak day hike.
Village peak
 edited by rockhopper on 2/17/2013
hikerdmb Posts: 423
Will have to ask Daren about the elevation but it was right near that west drop offs picture that Rockhopper posted. We hiked about 3 hours in and it took me 2 1/2 hours to get back to my car at S22 (Downhill )
Maybe I am exaggerating the 70lbs. but it was t least 60 
Bob, At what elevation did you turn around? Nice pics looking down into Clark. I think 70 lbs is Daren's usual pack weight for every trip. Can't wait to see his TR when he returns. edited by surfponto on 2/18/2013
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Thanks , I felt guilty for turning around when I did but he was well equipped 
The trail is surprisingly well marked. The ducks made it really easy. The view is absolutely amazing. I would like to go further in at some point. Waiting to hear the rest of Daren's report also
rockhopper wrote:
Wow! 70# pack! How much water was Daren packing? If it was a dry hike, you ( I )would need about 3 gals. for 4 days and thats about 24 lbs. alone. Good news is that pack gets lighter and lighter as the hike progresses.That trail up Villager peak is one of the best in the county IMHO. Nice steady climb, well marked and outstanding views. Going from Rabbit to Dawns peak is another story. I am sure Daren will have some great stories. Bob, good show with helping Daren on his expedition loop trip.
The drop offs on the west side of the trail are awesome.
This is from last Mays Villager peak day hike.
Village peak
 edited by rockhopper on 2/17/2013 edited by surfponto on 2/18/2013

anutami Posts: 491
Nice!!!! I can't imagine doing that hike carrying my water in an olla :0 How was the road going into rockhouse? The ocotillo look like they are getting ready to "pop" edited by anutami on 2/18/2013
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
I met Daren off S22 since I was driving the TDI and the Land Cruiser is out of commission
 Yep Ocotillo are looking very healthy Will be back out on March 9 so I am hoping to see some flowers
Nolan (anutami) wrote:
Nice!!!! I can't imagine doing that hike carrying my water in an olla :0 How was the road going into rockhouse? The ocotillo look like they are getting ready to "pop" edited by anutami on 2/18/2013 edited by surfponto on 2/18/2013

dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Thanks for heading out with me for a few hours Bob, I made it to Rabbit right at sunset the first day. I was able to locate a water cache someone allowed to me use and grabbed 10 liters right below Villager so my total pack weight was probably close to 65lbs with all that water and the last ascent up to Rabbit was a bitch never mind the strong winds and cold air....working on a TR and will post soon!
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Nolan (anutami) wrote:
How was the road going into rockhouse? The ocotillo look like they are getting ready to "pop" When I hiked out of RHC I saw at least 10 vehicles driving or parked and some motorcycles, it was a very busy weekend in RHC. I think the road is back in good shape but there is still a sandy section before the junction.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
hikerdmb wrote:
Bob, At what elevation did you turn around? Bob turned around at the camp circle rock things...he did not get as far as the steep drop off photo, that was just after he turned around.
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
I am already planning to do an overnight at that great camp site we found  Mary is in.
dsefcik wrote:
Thanks for heading out with me for a few hours Bob, I made it to Rabbit right at sunset the first day. I was able to locate a water cache someone allowed to me use and grabbed 10 liters right below Villager so my total pack weight was probably close to 65lbs with all that water and the last ascent up to Rabbit was a bitch never mind the strong winds and cold air....working on a TR and will post soon!

Rocko1 Posts: 615
dsefcik wrote:
Thanks for heading out with me for a few hours Bob, I made it to Rabbit right at sunset the first day. I was able to locate a water cache someone allowed to me use and grabbed 10 liters right below Villager so my total pack weight was probably close to 65lbs with all that water and the last ascent up to Rabbit was a bitch never mind the strong winds and cold air....working on a TR and will post soon!
Sorry to drudge up an older post. I was wondering about water caching. Can you tell me what containers you use/recommend? I have heard of people having their bottles chewed threw by mice/critters. Is best to completely bury the bottles also? Thanks.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Rocko1 wrote:
Sorry to drudge up an older post. I was wondering about water caching. Can you tell me what containers you use/recommend? I have heard of people having their bottles chewed threw by mice/critters. Is best to completely bury the bottles also? Thanks. Best to bury them. I have seen some that they completely cover them with duct tape. Anything left thru a winter season is subject to freezing and exploding.