HomeAnza Borrego Environmental

Environmental issues regarding Anza Borrego

The Sound of a Turbine Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 1069

Posts: 1069
Decided to take a quick trip out to the desert before the sun set. Was driving up EC 109 toward Dos Cabezas by 7pm. Only about 95 and a nice breeze. Today was the first time I've ever stood underneath a turbine while powered up by a stiff breeze. Very disconcerting to say the least. Watch the video on your desk top with the sound up. It's really hard to imagine how loud it is. BTW, saw a semi with another turbine blade in tow somewhere up Dos Cabezas Road. Assuming another defective blade discovered? Tom

A lot of the turbines are back on line. Guessing about 50% or so.

Wind Turbine by tomteske, on Flickr

Modern "sleeping circle" with not so great view. Saw it on Google Earth and assumed it was something old. Doesn't look like it's been used in many years and not visible from any roads.

Circle of Life by tomteske, on Flickr

This turbine is near Palm Canyon Wash where it crosses the railroad tracks but it could be any of them. Can't get this video to embed so here's the link:


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