surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Our friends who have a house out in Borrego Springs forwarded me some pictures of the damage from this past rain. Lost their driveway but besides that came out relatively OK. They are heading out in person to check it out since neighbor's sent them the pics.
 Miner missing from sculpture
 Stagecoach Road damage edited by surfponto on 8/27/2013

dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Crap..I was just gonna say, I think 'ol Zeke is missing from the scene...Looks like Galleta Meadows / Henderson got hit pretty hard. Gonna miss Zeke...
mrkmc Posts: 87
Saw this video from Tubb Canyon:
I am still waiting for that guy in Ocitillo to blame the flash floods on the wind mills. Since before the windmills, there were never dust storms, I imagine there weren't any flash floods either.
DesertWRX Posts: 135
The last few days we have been hit by daily afternoon storms. They just reopened Montezuma Valley Road and the last 2 days they've had to scrape the rocks.Yesterday S-2 was closed from mudslides, Yaqui Pass was closed and at one point Borrego Salton Seaway was the only road open to get in and out of the valley! Yesterday's storm was a doozy that had heavy wind with it. We were without power from 2:30 yesterday to 3:00 today. Took a trip up Coyote Canyon yesterday morn to see what the rains did to it... it's changed!
3rd Crossing Sand Verbena
 Large leafed plants were seen in a lot of locations
 Pretty big drop off past the gate
 2nd Crossing area
 The water removed a bunch of vegetation

 Mud splattered dog face
 Pretty clouds, but that will change later in the day!
 Heavy winds came up and damaged a lot of things including power lines. No power from 2:30 on Friday to 3:00 Saturday. Not good... hit 110 yesterday.
 Lots of rain and lightning
 edited by DesertWRX on 9/7/2013 edited by DesertWRX on 9/7/2013
hikerdmb Posts: 423
Thanks for posting the pics. That is pretty amazing to see the green so late in summer. The ocotillo look pretty thick with green. Hope you had some way to stay cool.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Thanks for the update, good to see some rain out there.
DesertWRX Posts: 135
We were without power for 24 hours out here. Got power at 3:00 yesterday. SDG&E couldn't get out here because of road closures! Not good in the desert!
anutami Posts: 491
I can't believe how green it is out there! Must have been scary being without power for so long! When we had that huge power outage a while back I hooked up my honda generator to keep the fridge going and our direct tv so we could watch the news. Also it gives some piece of mind having our camper with the solar set up to know we could survive a bit more comfortable if something major happened. I guess it is what you call a "bug out vehicle"
DesertWRX Posts: 135
Went out in our motorhome for quite a while. Took stuff out of our refer and put it in an ice chest, freezer in the garage, and out in the motor home refrigerator. Had to siphon gas out of our dune buggies for the motor home. Our gas stations had no electricity too. Part of the town got put on generator power so there were cool zones late in the outage. Great having our scanners and smart phones. We were pretty much up on the latest info.