dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
Buford Posts: 466
Not surprising. Thanks for the link.
I was surprised that when I was out there a couple days before christmas, that a rail car had definitely been on the tracks near the trestle recently. It had rained 2 days before, and I could see where the rail wheels indented the sand since the rain.
Made me start to wonder how much a ticket would be for hiking along the tracks. edited by Buford on 1/7/2015
-- Links to my photos: ABDSP photos, Bighorn sheep photos, ABDSP time lapse video, Wildlife photos (mainly birds)
railexplorer Posts: 71
Buford wrote:
Not surprising. Thanks for the link.
I was surprised that when I was out there a couple days before christmas, that a rail car had definitely been on the tracks near the trestle recently. It had rained 2 days before, and I could see where the rail wheels indented the sand since the rain.
Made me start to wonder how much a ticket would be for hiking along the tracks. edited by Buford on 1/7/2015
Hopefully this will be the end of the scam known as PIR. Through out its whole existence the PIR has been a complete joke. I won't bore all of you with the railroad stuff.
As for the wheel indentations in the sand. Did you notice if they car wheels had run down to Dos Cabezas? (Of course this implies you were down in Dos Cabezas) There might not have been tracks in the dirt except at the crossing but did you notice plants growing across the tracks that had been run over?
Its also possible someone with a homemade railcar was out there. I know that the PSRM (the railroad museum in Campo) ran some speeder cars out to the trestle a few months ago.
As for the ticket it can be an expensive one.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
After reading the Sand Diego Historic book about the railway it seems like it was just a personal pet project for Horton...after that and especially now how can it ever be profitable? Seems like lots of closed door discussions....why not just donate it to history and try to profit off it as a historic attraction instead of a profitable railway??? 
I am sure there is more to it than that but hey, that is my perspective....
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
railexplorer Posts: 71
The railroad line could be profitable.....maybe.... but it would take some deep pockets to get it to that point. There's enough industry down in Tecate and eastern Tijuana to support it. There would need to be some infrastructure built south of the border, and some things done on this side of the border to increase capacity. To avoid boring everyone with the details feel free to PM if you're interested in some of the details. As for making it a historic attraction... its already that.... Now as for making money on it.......one idea was to let PSRM run speeder car tours out to the trestle. Unfortunately in today's world, the whole liability issue would end that project.
tommy750 Posts: 1069
Apparently the saga will never end!
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
tommy750 wrote:
Apparently the saga will never end!
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
tommy750 Posts: 1069
dsefcik wrote:
tommy750 wrote:
Apparently the saga will never end!

And they're going to have it operational in two years!
railexplorer Posts: 71
This story is amazing, to say the least. I'm amazed that MTS actually thinks that these two companies are going to actually raise $70 million dollars in private investment. The number is probably a lot larger than that because I don't think that figure includes the construction of an intermodal yard at Coyote Wells. The PIR wants to put in a rail yard consisting of 6 8000 foot long tracks, gantry cranes, and assorted other infrastructure between the current tracks and I-8.
MTS is happy because they're going to keep receiving $1 million dollars for at the least the next 2 years.
railexplorer Posts: 71
Here are a couple of photos that sums up PIR's ability to run a railroad.
PIR's latest train by Rail explorer, on Flickr
Clean up needed by Rail explorer, on Flickr
In the first photo, your eyes are seeing it right. The flatcar is bent. The short story is somehow the engines ran downhill, uncontrolled/unmanned, about a half mile striking the flatcar at over 30mph bending the flatcar and the frame of the first engine.
Yes that's a fuel leak in photo 2. That particular engine has been leaking for over a year.
Britain Posts: 609
In 2013 the wife and I were doing a little backpacking in that flat hilly area above Goat canyon. We climbed the hill on the west-south side to view the trestle. We photographed the RR police vehicle on the trestle. There was a youtube video of the vehicle going down the gorge looking for trespassers, the video was pulled a short time later. The vehicle has RR tracks that drop down so it can move on the tracks.
-- Cant drive 55 Britain http://icorva.com
rockhopper Posts: 669
Would be great if a Billionaire came along and made it happen again. Well, just because.
ziphius Posts: 911
rockhopper wrote:
Would be great if a Billionaire came along and made it happen again. Well, just because.
Hey, let's ask Congress to put this in their infrastructure spending budget!
-- http://www.coyotelearning.org