anutami Posts: 491
Took a "boys" trip to check out the slot canyon of Canyon Sin Nombre and eventually end up in Indian Gorge. Wanted to try and find the Solstice Cave and Hike Sombrero Peak.
Left my memory cards For my digital SLR so had to use my little pocket camera, bummed about the quality of the pics...(I had to cheat and photoshop some)
The entrance to the good stuff

A bit too technical for the rig

Reversed out and Set up camp for the night

pretty cool area!

In the morning decided to head up and around through South Carrizo Creek Road
There is an old homestead in the area. Sombrero peak calling out in the distance

pretty cool metal container

Drive up Canyon sin nombre
Storm was just starting to roll in, this area is pretty protected

Slot Canyon Hike is sweet!

Headed out to Indian Gorge through OLD COUNTY ROAD
and into Indian Gorge

Indian Gorge with the storm rolling in
Scrambled up the steep hillside to get a nice shot of the rain coming down, and.....(this is where I was really bummed about forgetting my memory cards)

Set out the next morning to do some serious exploration

Made our way just before the summit of false sombrero, and decided to head back

Doesn't feel as wild out here anymore with the wind turbines in the distance...

Left Brett back in the Rig watching star wars and still had some hike left in me so scoured the hill side for the solstice cave, but was not lucky

Did find this sweet look out cave
Another great trip....I love living in San Diego!
DRT Lakeside Posts: 62
Great pics! I really like the one with the truck next to the "protected area" We have been down Canyon Sin Nombre a few times. We were there this last weekend and were going to go down Canyon Sin Nombre and then to the old stage station. I was worried it might be a little marshy or wet after the rains, plus we ran out of time so we did June Wash instead.
Looked pretty cold since your son had his jacket on, did it rain on you guys?
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Nice TR..!!
I have yet to take my big truck down Canyon Sin Nombre from the S2, is that how you went? Not to sandy or steep for a big truck?
Looks like you guys climbed up a good distance towards Sombrero Peak, False Sombrero is actually over in the North Fork and is steep climb and there is a register there.
anutami Posts: 491
DRT Lakeside wrote:
I was worried it might be a little marshy or wet after the rains, plus we ran out of time so we did June Wash instead.
Looked pretty cold since your son had his jacket on, did it rain on you guys?
I did not see any standing water. Guess it soaked in pretty quick.
A few sprinkles here and there, just enough to keep the dust down. It was in the low 40's at night and low 60's during the day.
anutami Posts: 491
dsefcik wrote:
Nice TR..!!
I have yet to take my big truck down Canyon Sin Nombre from the S2, is that how you went? Not to sandy or steep for a big truck?
Looks like you guys climbed up a good distance towards Sombrero Peak, False Sombrero is actually over in the North Fork and is steep climb and there is a register there.
Canyon sin nombres most difficult section is that pic with brett and the rutted out road. It is about 1 mile from s2. So i would recommend heading around through the north end via carrizo creek rd or old county road. Old county road had softer sand than canyon sin nombre. I never put my rig in 4wd the whole trip!
I always thought the bump before the summitt on sombrero peak was called false sombrero. Thanks for the correction.
ziphius Posts: 911
I was laughing with the Shrek soundtrack playing during the Old Country Road video! It looks like you guys had a great time. That photo of the water-filled morteros (you *did* see standing water!) with the cave in the background is great. It just oozes pottery shards, arrow points, and pictographs somewhere nearby. Awesome rainbow too. I'm wondering if my 2WD sedan handle the Indian Gorge portion of road shown in your second video. Any thoughts on driving a 2WD sedan along the dashed road section of Indian Gorge in the pic below are welcome. - Jim
 edited by ziphius on 12/21/2012
anutami Posts: 491
Jim (ziphius) wrote:
I was laughing with the Shrek soundtrack playing during the Old Country Road video! It looks like you guys had a great time. That photo of the water-filled morteros (you *did* see standing water!) with the cave in the background is great. It just oozes pottery shards, arrow points, and pictographs somewhere nearby. Awesome rainbow too. I'm wondering if my 2WD sedan handle the Indian Gorge portion of road shown in your second video. Any thoughts on driving a 2WD sedan along the dashed road section of Indian Gorge in the pic below are welcome. - Jim
 edited by ziphius on 12/21/2012
Yeah, shrek is one of a few dvds that can entertain kids and adults.
Your 2wd sedan should have no problem in Indian gorge. The only problem is protruding rocks in the first couple miles. Just do some careful driving. The dotted section is compacted sand with no rocks. You can get going pretty good. The problem is if someone is coming in the opposite direction and you stray from the road. There was a 70 year old man from carlsbad who drove his 2wd s-10 fully loaded with 2 weeks of supplies to the end of south fork indian gorge and was just leaving when I pulled up. I was jealous he was out there 2 weeks! Poor guy had been searching for the solstice cave and never found it. He said he drove through the old county road area and got "delayed". The tire tracks are about 10"-12" deep maybe more. I would avoid that area without high clearance at the least.
ziphius Posts: 911
Nolan (anutami) wrote:
Yeah, shrek is one of a few dvds that can entertain kids and adults.
Your 2wd sedan should have no problem in Indian gorge. The only problem is protruding rocks in the first couple miles. Just do some careful driving. The dotted section is compacted sand with no rocks. You can get going pretty good. The problem is if someone is coming in the opposite direction and you stray from the road. There was a 70 year old man from carlsbad who drove his 2wd s-10 fully loaded with 2 weeks of supplies to the end of south fork indian gorge and was just leaving when I pulled up. I was jealous he was out there 2 weeks! Poor guy had been searching for the solstice cave and never found it. He said he drove through the old county road area and got "delayed". The tire tracks are about 10"-12" deep maybe more. I would avoid that area without high clearance at the least.
I'm jealous that the old man was out there for 2 weeks too! Thanks for the info. - Jim
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Geesh two weeks searching for the Solstice Cave  Now that is dedication...
When Daren and I were searching for the Solstice Cave a couple years back, it was my wife who stumbled upon it. It is pretty hard to find.
Great trip report and pictures. The rainbow is cool and I really like the shot from high above Canyon Sin Nombre of your truck.
Nolan (anutami) wrote:
.... Poor guy had been searching for the solstice cave and never found it. He said he drove through the old county road area and got "delayed". The tire tracks are about 10"-12" deep maybe more. I would avoid that area without high clearance at the least.
edited by surfponto on 12/21/2012 edited by surfponto on 2/20/2023

tommy750 Posts: 1069
I feel your Summer Solstice Cave pain! Have yet to find that place myself. Definitely on my hiking season's list of things to do. Really like your Canyon Sin Nombre pic with the camper at the bottom of the cliffs. Great trip. Tom