Christmas and New Years in Todos Santos, Mexico
Trip (Leucadia to Todos Santos and back)
December 21, 2003
We have decided to do something a little different this
Christmas. We are going to take a little trip down to Todos Santos for the
Christmas break Our neighbors Phillip and Buffy did it last year so we will be
driving down to meet them on or around the 28th of December.We had originally
planned on leaving before Christmas but decided we wanted to spend Christmas
with the family. We will be driving our red 1982 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ60
'Clifford' and we anticipate the drive to take about two days.

Clifford the Land Cruiser who
will take us 975 miles there and 975
miles back
Tia our watchdog
Some things we will need to bring :
4 surfboards
(2) 5 gallon gas cans
(2) coolers
lots of water
digital camera
Mexican Insurance
motor oil
surf mags (to give away)
Spent the evening mailing out Christmas
Amazing how many addresses you can find on
Scary really. |
December 25, 2003 |
Merry Christmas. Spent Christmas at Mom and
Dad's up in Laguna Niguel. We had a great time with everyone and Mom made an
amazing dinner. Good to have Grandma Borris with us again.

December 25, 2003 |
Unfortunately the weather has turned pretty
bad (by SoCal standards). Serious wind, rain and darkness (power outage) in
Leucadia greeted us on our return and has delayed our departure. |
December 26, 2003 |
Well we managed to get on the road by 10:30
AM. Drove through the border at San Yisidro with no problem. We are now camped
out on the bay at San Quintin at a little RV camp site on the water. Not too
bad but still windy and really cold. Had a quick dinner of quesadillas and Top
Ramen (Kaiel) and everyone crashed early. Talked to Guillermo the camp
caretaker and he says he has made the trip from San Quintin to Cabo in 14 hours
driving straight thru. Sounds insane especially when driving through Southern
Baja at night is similar to playing Russian Roulette. |
Border crossing

Beautiful coastline around Saulispedes
Yet another auto graveyard
Cliff above Salispuedes
Sunrise over
Bahia de San Quintin
Dusk at Bahia de San Quintin
Kaiel cactus sunrise
Cactus field
San Quintin
December 27, 2003 |
The day of driving (San
Quintin to Santa Rosalia).
Today we drove from San Quintin to just outside of Santa Rosalia on the Sea of
Cortez. Beautiful desert scenery on this leg. Many Cordon cactuses (cacti ?)
and much solititude. Pretty weird. I saw a Starbucks logo painted on a building
down in El Rosario. Has Starbucks infiltrated this far South ? :-) If so I am
stopping on the way back. :-)
Getting petrol has been not a problem and we basically
top off the 40 gallon tank every 200 miles or so. We have had to pass through
two military check points so far where they basically make sure you are
somewhat legit and then wave you through. Having Mary drive during this
interrogation seems to help speed things up , although I did remind her that
she should remove her sunglasses when speaking to the Mexican military. The
soldiers got a kick out of Tia since Tia means "Aunt" in Spanish. One of the
soldiers asked what is your dogs name(in Spanish of course) and when we said
"Tia" he laughed and said "Es tu Tia ?" or is that your Aunt ?
Right now we are camping outside of Santa Rosalia in the Desert and
the wind is howling. Mary, Kaiel and Tia have all turned in early (7 PM) while
I finish writing out the days exploits. Tomorrow we will make the last jaunt to
Todos Santos hopefully to meet up with Phillip and Buffy.

Outside El Rosario

Military check point

Mountain before Santa Rosalia
Kaiel dwarfed by
Cordon cactus
December 28, 2003 |
Up early...or more accurately blown out of
bed. The wind was howling all night and still strong in the morning when we
woke up. Made a quick cup of coffee for myself and hot chocolate for Mary and
Kaiel and jumped in the Land Cruiser by 7:30 AM. Drove this really scary
mountain road and dropped down into Santa Rosalia. Glad we didn't make this
drive last night.
Santa Rosalia is our first look at ther Sea of Cortez or Gulf of
California (politically correct term). Not too picturesque here as the town has
a dirty industrial feel to it and I think I was overcharged
at the Pemex station.(make sure they reset the pumps when you get gas.)
Mulege is a lot nicer and there are a lot of green shady RV parks and
camp grounds. Two guys we talked to way back in San Quintin told us that they
were heading to Mulege to see the first Mission in Mexico? The trip took a real
scenic turn outside of Mulege. Numerous protected cove beaches with warm water
seems to be the norm here. Kaiel and I went for a swim at this little camp site
called Ray's Place. Water felt really nice after two days of driving and Mary
and I agreed that we like to come back and spend time exploring this area.
Beautiful cove outside Mulege
You can rent these palapas on the beach pretty cheap
Rinsing off the road grime in the Gulf of California.
Kaiel, Mary and Tia enjoy the morning sunshine
Sea of Cactus in front of sea of white
Modest house near Loreto
Kaiel riding shotgun
Funds were running low but luckily we found an ATM in CIUDAD
CONSTITUCION. Mary asked me to pull out $200 and as I left the ATM Kaiel
mentioned that I had actually only taken out $20. Ahhh to be a clueless gringo.
:-) Now we are headed to La Paz and hope to hit Todos Santos by 4:30 PM for
some dinner and most important, no more driving .
December 28, 2003 (10
PM) |
Well after getting lost in La Paz where the
heck is the 19 South anyway? We arrived in Todos Santos. Unfortunately we had
to do a bit of night time driving which I said I would not do. We stopped at a
nice little restaurant in town to reward Kaiel for being such a good 10 year
old traveler. Decent, but expensive food.
After dinner we tried to find Los Pedritos to meet up with Phillip
and Buffy but no luck. Ended up driving 2 dirt roads to the beach that we
thought were right but didn't see any sign of their VW Westfalia. Probably the
fact that it was pitch dark was a factor. We did find a spot right on a
secluded beach that seems to have a pretty decent right break right out in
front, but then again it is now 10 PM and pretty dark so who knows what
daylight will reveal. Buenos Noches.
December 29 2003 |
Woke up to a beautiful beach at Los Pedritos
with 2 ' trestles type waves out front.. Walked around and met some of the
neighbors. Frank from Alberta was nice as were a couple of guys from San
Francisco (Jim and Hans). This group from Canada have been down here a couple
weeks and they still have two more weeks down here. Pretty cool.
Kaiel with decent right out
Early morning fisherman
Tia blends in with the morning light
Morning surf check


Camp Site at Los Pedritos
Makeshift board rack
Mary on Mexican time
Kaiel with Tia pillow
Went out for a morning surf. Pretty uneventful but the water is WARM
and trunks and rash guard are fine. Beach is rocky and I guess has urchins so
you have to be a bit careful walking out. Pretty much just hung out on the
beach all day , surfed again with Kaiel, drank beers and enjoyed the solitude.
Really nice spot.
Turns out this was the
place we were suppose to meet Phillip but it was pretty much destroyed by the
recent Hurricane in September. The remnants of the RV park are still here ;
electrical outlets, parking stalls, bathrooms, restaurant palapa but it is all
covered with sand and overgrowth.
This was a restauarant on the beach
Picture 200 RVs parked here.
Sketching the scenery
Dawn at our camp site
Finding some shade
Sea of driftwood
Later we went drove around the Todos Santos area and found some other really
nice homes and beaches. A lot of Americans have built beautiful homes down
here. Everyone seems pretty friendly
We let Kaiel do some dune jumping at this beautiful beach to the
South and he had a great time. Drove back into Todos Santos where we found
'Hotel California' of the Eagles fame. Pretty trippy inside so check the pics.
We were able to find an Internet cafe (Los Adobes) in Todos Santos
and hooked up the laptop to check email. Turns out Phillip had been here and
according to their email they were staying at "La Casa De Cyrene" just down the
beach. We managed to find it. (3rd tope past Los Pedritos) but according to
Cyrene they had checked out and were heading north.... Bummer.
Met a nice guy from San Clemente (Jeff) who cooked Kaiel a nice
steak. (he won't get that from us) so he was pretty stoked and had to battle
Tia over posession. Made a nice camp fire and talked to Jeff about surf etc and
then turned in. Jeff had driven down here solo in a big Ford van and was going
to meet his girlfriend in Cabo who was flying in for New Years. He had surfed
"The Wall" at Santa Rosalilita on the way down and blew out two tires getting
out there.
December 30, 2003 |
Another nice day relaxing at Los Pedritos
outside of Todos Santos. Met some more of the neighbors. One guy from Laguna
has this insane van setup that he rigged up himself for month long trips down
here. Awning, winch to lower boats off the roof and a shower complete with
shower curtain that he extends off the back. Said goodbye to the two guys from
San Francisco Jim and Hans who said "we'll be back" . :-) They told us how
different it was at Los Pedritos prior to the hurricane when the RV park was in
full swing. Hurricane was a bit of a mixed blessing. Solitude on one hand but
no shower, electric hookups or restaurant on the other.
Checked out some more of the hurricane damage with Mary and Kaiel
including the van buried on the beach that only recently been uncovered this
week.. Surf was pretty small today and the wind came up early . Surfed out
front early and then took Kaiel out a little later.
Well, time for a beer and dinner. Plan for tomorrow is to surf early
and then head back up to the Loreto or Mulege to camp there.
Looks like we may get a bit of rain tonite.

Mary and Kaiel meet the neighbors
Negotiating urchin infested rocks
Kaiel takes a test drive
The girls on the beach.
December 31, 2003 |
Last night was pretty funny. The German guy
from Laguna Beach who has the tricked out Baja van invited us over to watch
"Liar Liar" at his camp . He has this little TV/VCR running off his 3 battery
setup in his van.
Anyway woke up to small glassy waves, quick surf, goodbye to our
friends we met and on the road again. Long drive up Baja from Todos Santos to
just outside of Mulege. We found these pretty cool palapas on the beach for $5
a night and it seems really quiet for New Years. Unfortunately we ended up
driving in the dark (again) for about a 1/2 hour but still managed to find this
place. The trick to driving at night in Southern Baja is to find a big
semi-truck and just sit behind him. Makes the roads a lot easier. We made a
great dinner of shrimp(cooked in a pot on the camp fire) burritos and everyone
turned in about 9:30 PM.
Happy New Year !!!
Spectacular night sky at Los Pedritos

What are you looking at!?
Bob unlocks manual hubs
Locals have been using this phrase way before
"The Terminator"
These sites outside Mulege were only $5 a night with a palapa. Ours
was the 3rd from the left.
January 1, 2004 (Mulege
to Catavina) |
Happy New Year. turns out we were camping
right next to the spot that we had been looking for.Broke
camp by 8AM and drove down a nice coastal dirt road where we found a nice
swimming beach. Took Tia out for a swim and she did really good being a "land"
dog and all.
Back on the road in an attempt to make El Rosario by nightfall . We
failed....and are now sitting in the beatuful desert outside Catavina with huge
Cordon cactus all around.
We had actually planned to stay at La Pinta in Catavina (a government run hotel
chain) but the hotel was filled up. Pretty weird when you consider rooms were
$70 + a night.
Mary has figured out how to cook rice, beans, shrimp and tortillas on
the open camp fire. Pretty cool., She said she feels like a pioneer. We are
enjoying delicous shrimp, rice and bean burritos by the camp fire. Life is

Tia's first swim in the Sea Of Cortez

Once Tia got over her initial fear she flung this fish carcass around the beach
for a good 10 minutes

Waiting for attendant in Cataviņa
(he was on a break and the pumps were turned off)

Desert Warriors
Cactus garden
Lion hunter Tia
This desert tree appeared to be growing out of solid rock

Desert sunset
( Cataviņa )
January 2, 2004
(Catavina to Leucadia) |
Woke up in the Desert
outside of Cataviņa . Freezing in the morning so we started a fire and ate a
quick breakfast. On the road by 7:30 AM.
Kaiel and I surfed outside of El Rosario (before El
Socorro) for a couple hours. Plenty of size and noone out. Kaiel had some
really great waves. Waves were really long but a little slow. On the road by
12:30 PM.
Border wait was hideous (1 1/2 hours.) San Diego was
raining but the freeways were pretty empty when we crossed at 7 PM.
Great trip. ready to head back :-)