Topics not related specifically to Anza Borrego
rock circles, rock alignments
sddarkman619 Posts: 153
Any one point me in a direction or links of some explanations of rock circles and rock alignments? preferable Kumeyaay origin? can't seem to find anyone who will help me figure a couple things out. everyones closed mouth about this stuff it seems.
rockhopper Posts: 671
There is plenty of info on Google. The rock circles I most encounter are old native camping sites. I still pitch a tent on them and try to channel the native American spirits. I think they say " Shut up and go to bed " ;-).
Sleeping circles near the edge of Lake Cahuilla
 edited by rockhopper on 11/18/2016 edited by rockhopper on 12/22/2016
sddarkman619 Posts: 153
I guess what I mean by rock circles are medicine wheels? Spoked circles with the spokes being in the direction of the compass.
rockhopper Posts: 671
I guess I mean there are all kinds of rock circles?.....? I've seen the spoke pebble wheels in the desert sand and close to the coast, but assumed they were a old hundred years old or so. Although circles in the right environment could last for centuries. edited by rockhopper on 12/22/2016 edited by rockhopper on 12/22/2016
RobertMarcos Posts: 23
What I've seen are circular fish traps along the shore of Ancient Lake Cahuilla, and the circular foundations of the Native American's hovels. Did they call them "hovels" out here or is that just the Navajo? Anyway I found three circular foundations today, in the canyons west of the Salton Sea. I'll post a photo if I can figure out how...