Topics not related specifically to Anza Borrego
Jacumba Jims Canyon
Britain Posts: 609
After hiking and exploring this area on 2 different packs I have found a few things.
At the beginning of where the water starts, there is this burned area. Looks like a palm caught fire and burned everything in about 20 ft. On the south side of the wall where there is an 8x8 post wrapped in barb wire. I assume that there was a gate here at one time to either keep something in or warning to keep others out.
Further up and on the south side is remnants of a shack. It had a galvanized steel roof.
On page 102 of "All the wild and lonely places " " Jacumba Jims Canyon, a route Jim McCain took cattle down to the desert." I think I read this correctly, Jim McCain drove cattle through this area.
First, the shack wasn't from his time so something else was going on there. I did find a trail switchbacking up the south wall further down. But it really didn't go very far and possibly washed out. Perhaps to a mine. You're not driving cattle on it for sure.
That waterfall before the last palm grove you're not driving cattle over or around it. Even looking at any trails on top doesn't really doesn't lead to any route to pass cattle through. Cattle trails really tear up and leave a trail and there's no sign of any. I would not expect to find any in the stream bed. Did this place just get washed out? I don't feel any cattle were driven through Jacumba Jims. Who is Jacumba Jim?
Edit "Tule Jim McCain" is probably who the canyon is named after. He was alive in the time of galvanized steel.
A snippet from Mable McCain interview:
Mable: Uh huh, I think she does. Although they are right there where the fire was. Burned right up close and they hadn’t been there but 3 months. They pay an awful lot of rent. John’s Dad stayed down at Carrizo Gorge in a little old shack for a long time.
The complete ranchers interviews are here:
edited by Britain on 1/7/2018 edited by Britain on 1/7/2018 edited by Britain on 1/7/2018 edited by Britain on 1/7/2018 edited by Britain on 1/7/2018 edited by Britain on 1/7/2018 edited by Britain on 1/7/2018 edited by Britain on 1/7/2018 edited by Britain on 1/7/2018 edited by Britain on 1/8/2018
-- Cant drive 55 Britain
Britain Posts: 609
Picture of shack ruins
-- Cant drive 55 Britain
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Interesting area for sure and plenty of history to go with it. I never could find anything definitive about who JJ was. Will have to look for that shack next time we are out there.