surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Hi All, Been a while since I have posted anything here but I plan to change that.  We recently purchased an ATC Bobcat popup camper and took it on its' maiden voyage out to Jojoba Wash.. Camper is close to 1000 lbs loaded so I upgraded the suspension all around but I still may need to add one more leaf to the rear spring pack. Our Tacoma has the 2.7 liter 4 cylinder so it is definitely working hard to carry this tiny house around.
 Camper is well equipped with a sink, stove, propane heater and queen size bed.
 Sunrise in Jojoba Wash
 Unfortunately the Piepkorn Slot memorial looked a little worse for wear.
 Haven't seen this old trail marker before.
 We found these interesting mud formations on our morning hike.
 Night time temps were not too bad especially with our metal fire pit :-)
 Found this mortero off one of the side canyons.
Looks like the camper will work out well for our needs. it is really nice to be able to make coffee and dinner inside when the weather turns. Planning on exploring a lot of new areas with it over the next few years .
Marty at ATC was great to work with and if you are interested here is All Terrains's website. edited by surfponto on 12/23/2019

Rocko1 Posts: 615
That things looks sweet. Do you have any interior pics?
Scooter Posts: 114
Nice camper !! It is so nice to go inside when the weather turns or the desert winds come up. Nice trip report
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Yes will post a few of those.
Rocko1 wrote:
That things looks sweet. Do you have any interior pics?

surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Thanks totally agree. Should have bought one years ago 
Scooter wrote:
Nice camper !! It is so nice to go inside when the weather turns or the desert winds come up. Nice trip report

ziphius Posts: 911
Nice rig Bob!
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Thanks. Very excited to start exploring with it :-)
ziphius wrote:
Nice rig Bob!

tommy750 Posts: 1069
Bob, envious of your roof top tent for so long, this year I finally decided to upgrade. And now, you've moved on. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Congrats on your new setup!
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Thanks Tom, Still love the roof top tent but you are right, the popup camper is a whole different level of glamping 
What kind of tent did you get?
tommy750 wrote:
Bob, envious of your roof top tent for so long, this year I finally decided to upgrade. And now, you've moved on. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Congrats on your new setup!

tommy750 Posts: 1069
surfponto wrote:
Thanks Tom, Still love the roof top tent but you are right, the popup camper is a whole different level of glamping 
What kind of tent did you get? Ended up getting a Tepui Kukenan 3. Was planning on getting a clam shell design but ended up getting something that mounts on a bed rack and not on top of the vehicle. Have only had time for a couple overnights but so far I like it and haven't fallen going down the ladder. Yet. The important thing is the wife signed off on it cuz no bugs and snakes etc etc etc.
rockhopper Posts: 671
Nice camper set up you got there Surf. Nice you could stand up instead of putting on your gear laying down or outside. ( That would be me) I miss my old rig with my camper. The wife will only go Bed and Breakfast from now on. She does let me out to roam about in the wilderness fortunately :-)
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Very nice Tom. My wife was sold when i told her how much a Sprinter 4x4 would be in comparison ;-)
tommy750 wrote:
surfponto wrote:
Thanks Tom, Still love the roof top tent but you are right, the popup camper is a whole different level of glamping 
What kind of tent did you get? Ended up getting a Tepui Kukenan 3. Was planning on getting a clam shell design but ended up getting something that mounts on a bed rack and not on top of the vehicle. Have only had time for a couple overnights but so far I like it and haven't fallen going down the ladder. Yet. The important thing is the wife signed off on it cuz no bugs and snakes etc etc etc.

surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Makes all the difference. Plan on exploring the west with it. Nice that the truck still drives the same , except on the hills ;-)
rockhopper wrote:
Nice camper set up you got there Surf. Nice you could stand up instead of putting on your gear laying down or outside. ( That would be me) I miss my old rig with my camper. The wife will only go Bed and Breakfast from now on. She does let me out to roam about in the wilderness fortunately :-)

dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Looks good Bob, sorry my son and I missed you...we ended up hiking 9 miles in the rain the next day. I remember when I had a 12' cab over on my old Chevy C20, very cozy when it started raining or got windy.
@Tommy750 - Guess it is time for an upgrade, gotta keep up with the Jones's...
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Sorry we missed you. Pretty much just hung in Jojoba Wash.
We are loving the camper. Even with the heavy duty rear springs I am thinking of adding one more leaf. Will be heading out on the 18th for a couple nights. Maybe Pinyon Wash this time
dsefcik wrote:
Looks good Bob, sorry my son and I missed you...we ended up hiking 9 miles in the rain the next day. I remember when I had a 12' cab over on my old Chevy C20, very cozy when it started raining or got windy.
@Tommy750 - Guess it is time for an upgrade, gotta keep up with the Jones's...

dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Those are cool. Crazy they still make them. A little heavy for the 4 cylinder Tacoma 
dsefcik wrote:


Rocko1 Posts: 615
I would love to have a camper. My grandpa gave his old truck-1978 F250

To my brother and myself. I had no room to store it so it's currently in Washington with him. Sadly the camper is long gone.
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Really makes camping nice in my opinion. Getting too old to get in and out of a tent anymore ;-)
Rocko1 wrote:
I would love to have a camper. My grandpa gave his old truck-1978 F250

To my brother and myself. I had no room to store it so it's currently in Washington with him. Sadly the camper is long gone.
