Post your upcoming trip out to Anza Borrego here. Great place to organize a group trip.
South end of the park
hikerdmb Posts: 423
I am packing now and will be heading to the southern part of the park for the weekend. I will post a trip report when we get back home. Looks like there could be some wind again this weekend and a chance of some more rain, sound exactly like last weekend. Hoping for more flowers than last weekend. Have not been to the southern half in a few weeks and it was so green last time we were there I can't wait to see it now. Maybe a hike into Indian Hill on Sunday depending on the weather. I'm really interested to see how much water is in that huge tank across from the pictograph cave. David
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1366
Hey David, I will be out in that area Saturday. Some friends want to do an Indian Hill hike and then we are going to drive over to Canyon Sin Nombre. Look for a couple of diesel Toyota LandCruisers
hikerdmb Posts: 423
Sorry I didn't see this until we got back today. We were in that area Saturday afternoon. We were climbing on the train cars by the water tank about 1:30. There were a couple of rigs up on the little mound by the tracks just a bit up from tower but I didn't really see what kind of rigs they were. They were playing some music. Was that you? Sorry we missed you. I will post a trip report in a bit.
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1366
hikerdmb wrote:
Sorry I didn't see this until we got back today. We were in that area Saturday afternoon. We were climbing on the train cars by the water tank about 1:30. There were a couple of rigs up on the little mound by the tracks just a bit up from tower but I didn't really see what kind of rigs they were. They were playing some music. Was that you? Sorry we missed you. I will post a trip report in a bit.
No we were probably over by Arroyo Seco del Diablo by then. We hiked around Indian Hill for a bit and then drove down Canyon Sin Nombre to loop back to the S2. We were hoping that this one spot where we had previously seen a lot of wildflowers would be worth checking outs. Unfortunately all we saw was Sahara Mustard.
From what I have been reading the invasive Sahara Mustard is choking out the native wildflowers. Here is a shot in 2005 somewhere around Arroyo Seco del Diablo
<em>edited by surfponto on 3/7/2010</em>
quidditian Posts: 46
Fantastic! I love the perspective making the pooch larger than the people. Adorable. Wonderful gradation of color on the mountains and sky, and also nice to see the flowers that I otherwise missed...
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1366
Thanks Cayenne, I was out to the same area on Saturday of this week and unfortunately all we saw was Sahara Mustard I am hoping that is not a sign of things to come in this area. regards, Bob quidditian wrote:
Fantastic! I love the perspective making the pooch larger than the people. Adorable. Wonderful gradation of color on the mountains and sky, and also nice to see the flowers that I otherwise missed...