anutami Posts: 491
Great Way to explore ABDSP is by Truck Camper and a 4x4 truck. These make great base camps, and can get virtually anywhere through the park. I have been all the way through Fish Creek to Sanstone Canyon, Pinyon MTN Rd, Pinyon Wash, Indian Canyon, June Wash, Oriflamme Canyon, and Mine Wash. <em>edited by anutami on 12/15/2011</em>
hikerdmb Posts: 423
I agree about the truck camper. We really love our camper. Here we are camped above Clark Lake last December. It was much wetter last year at this time as you can tell from the water on the lake bed. We are just off the Truckhaven Trail at a somewhat level spot.

Here we are camped above Little Blair Valley on Memorial Day weekend a couple of years ago. That was a great trip, very cool weather for the end of May.

I also have taken the truck and camper through some other places in the desert. We went the full distance of the Bradshaw Trail a few years back. That trail goes from the Salton Sea to the Colorado River. It's not very rough but it is a long all dirt trail. Here is a pic from that trip.

Welcome to the forum. I look forward to some trip reports to see where your camper goes. How far up Pinyon Mountain Road have you been with your camper? There is a fairly rough and rocky section as you get up toward the wide area where the Whale Peak trail starts. I once pulled a full size truck off those rocks after he had high centered. David
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
I used to have a camper on my old '63 Chevy C20. It was one of those classic Six-Pac 1980 models. It was great when I would go with my wife and young kids, just roll up, kick out the cooler and spare tire and we were done. Back in those days we could ride IN the camper and we had a pass thru in the rear window, my kids would even crawl thru it to go from the truck cab to the camper. Since I pretty much camp solo these days I am happy with my shell and truck bed or just out on the ground.
Speaking of truck campers and ABDSP, anybody know who the guy is in Ocotillo that has the big hand built wooden camper on his truck??
hikerdmb Posts: 423
Hey Daren, Do you have a pic of the hand built camper you saw?
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
hikerdmb wrote:
Hey Daren, Do you have a pic of the hand built camper you saw?
no...but i can/will after next week..i am gonna go out this weekend for a few days and will take a picture.
anutami Posts: 491
Thanks for the welcome, came across this forum researching a trip to Cougar Canyon we are looking to do after xmas. Looks like this forum is right up my alley as I do approx 5-10 trips to ABDSP a year. Still trying to figure out how to post better pictures as I am not that computer savy.
I made it all the way to the Whale Peak Trailhead on Pinyon Mountain Road. Just put it in 4wd low and rolled right over everything. I have an 01 F350 diesel crew cab stick shift so I am very long. Only had 2 scrapes with the rails on my truck, and 1 scrape with the jacks on a rock. A kind soul in a 4runner guided me over the huge protruding boulder. No damage, but it was stressfull, especially with the kids wrestling around while I was driving. The road is also not level and had the truck at some crazy angles angles as well. Also had a lot of run in's with nolina, scraping my sides. That road is about as extreme as I want to go with my truck and camper. We camped at the trailhead then backpacked to the summit of whale peak for the night. It was my 6 and 4 year olds first backpacking trip! Pic below is our campsite at the whale peak trailhead. On the way out I put a DVD on for the kids to keep them settled down and only skipped the dvd player once! Headed up Pinyon Mtn Road
 Headed up Pinyon Mtn Road
 Camped at the Trailhead
 Head back out from Pinyon MTN Road
 The huge protruding Boulder on Pinyon MTN Road
 <em>edited by anutami on 12/18/2011</em>
hikerdmb Posts: 423
That is amazing that you made it up that far. Good driving skills! I bet that last part where the road is one huge rut was pretty sketchy. I am surprised that didn't get the kids' attention with the off camber stuff in there. I think it is great your kids made it up Whale Peak. I have been up there many times and have never seen anyone even close to that age. They must be great kids.
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Thanks for posting your truck/camper setup. Have always wanted something similar but now we are in Land Cruiser /Rooftop tent mode
 Someday when my wife will let me I want to put a 4-Wheel Pop Up camper on her Tacoma
I have to fix this forum software and the way it handles uploaded files. Seems to truncate them. Welcome to the forum, Bob
anutami wrote:
Great Way to explore ABDSP is by Truck Camper and a 4x4 truck. These make great base camps, and can get virtually anywhere through the park. I have been all the way through Fish Creek to Sanstone Canyon, Pinyon MTN Rd, Pinyon Wash, Indian Canyon, June Wash, Oriflamme Canyon, and Mine Wash. edited by anutami on 12/15/2011 <em>edited by surfponto on 12/16/2011</em>

surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Currently the best way to embed pics is to link to them with the image option
 This requires they are uploaded to a server somewhere (Picasa - Google) or some of the other free one's.
For some reason the file upload functionality does not work that great 
anutami wrote:
Thanks for the welcome, came across this forum researching a trip to Cougar Canyon we are looking to do after xmas. Looks like this forum is right up my alley as I do approx 5-10 trips to ABDSP a year. Still trying to figure out how to post better pictures as I am not that computer savy. ! edited by surfponto on 12/16/2011 <em>edited by surfponto on 12/16/2011</em>

anutami Posts: 491
 <em>edited by anutami on 12/17/2011</em>
DRT Lakeside Posts: 62
Took some not so good pics of a home built camper/truck that we usually see on the way out of Ocotillo. Not sure if it is the one mentioned in this forum, but it is definitely unique. Nice craftsmanship and you gotta love the fullsize "Whirlybird" roof vent on it. Looks like it has a lot of underneath storage and a porch of some sort on the back. I have never seen it moving though, it is always parked when we see it. Here are a couple of crummy pics, I didn't want to creep around the front of their house too long. You can see much more detail if you download them full size. link
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Yep, that's it...I never stopped to take a picture...but someone likes to work with wood..!!
kylekai Posts: 82
We just spent the weekend off Indian Gorge road, hiking Torote Canyon and exploring other nearby areas. Beautiful weather. It's amazing such a beautiful place can be so close to such a large noisy city.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Indian Gorge is one of my favorite places...last weekend looked like a very busy camping weekend for sure, we saw lots of people out.
Welcome to the forums!
hikerdmb Posts: 423
Nice camper and welcome to the forum. Can't wait to see where you take your rig. Indian Valley is definitely a great place. Did you go all the way up through the gorge with the camper? I know it is a bit narrow in a couple of spots. David
kylekai Posts: 82
We camped on the North Indian Canyon road, right after it forks from Indian Gorge. The next morning we went to the end of the North Indian Canyon and hiked around. The road was narrow at times, and it took some creative steering!
About a month ago we camped at Bow Willow and hiked around the trails there:
 <em>edited by kylekai on 2/22/2012</em>
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
I really like all of these truck popup camper options. I am hoping to pick up one for my wife's Tacoma in the next couple years after I get tired of climbing up the ladder into the rooftop tent. 
What's nice about the 4-Wheel popup campers is that they can hake some off road abuse and they are pretty compact when folded down.
 <em>edited by surfponto on 2/22/2012</em>

surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Not sure how well that would handle off-road 
DRT Lakeside wrote:
Took some not so good pics of a home built camper/truck that we usually see on the way out of Ocotillo. Not sure if it is the one mentioned in this forum, but it is definitely unique. Nice craftsmanship and you gotta love the fullsize "Whirlybird" roof vent on it. Looks like it has a lot of underneath storage and a porch of some sort on the back. I have never seen it moving though, it is always parked when we see it. Here are a couple of crummy pics, I didn't want to creep around the front of their house too long. You can see much more detail if you download them full size. link

anutami Posts: 491
Nice hallmark! Looks brand new. Did you drive to Colorado and pick it up? Indian gorge is an awesome place to boondock with a truck camper. Looks like you have solar panels which are essential in camping off the grid. I just installed a wave 3 catalytic heater in my eagle cap. It makes no noise and is much more efficient than a standard furnace. Can't wait to hear of other areas you get your rig to. You just have to watch out for the smoke trees, but the scrapes add character.
anutami Posts: 491
I drove by on Sunday and that guy also has a full size dodge truck with a camper shell made out of the same wood construction.
DRT Lakeside wrote:
Took some not so good pics of a home built camper/truck that we usually see on the way out of Ocotillo. Not sure if it is the one mentioned in this forum, but it is definitely unique. Nice craftsmanship and you gotta love the fullsize "Whirlybird" roof vent on it. Looks like it has a lot of underneath storage and a porch of some sort on the back. I have never seen it moving though, it is always parked when we see it. Here are a couple of crummy pics, I didn't want to creep around the front of their house too long. You can see much more detail if you download them full size. link
kylekai Posts: 82
anutami wrote:
Nice hallmark! Looks brand new. Did you drive to Colorado and pick it up? Indian gorge is an awesome place to boondock with a truck camper. Looks like you have solar panels which are essential in camping off the grid. I just installed a wave 3 catalytic heater in my eagle cap. It makes no noise and is much more efficient than a standard furnace. Can't wait to hear of other areas you get your rig to. You just have to watch out for the smoke trees, but the scrapes add character.
Yes, it's less than a year old. This is my 3rd TC, and I knew what I wanted when I ordered it. I flew out to Colorado last April, toured the factory, and placed my order. Then I drove out mid-June, picked it up, and spent the summer driving it all over the western US with my 11-year-old son. There were some initial problems with the TC, as usual, but Hallmark has great customer service and fixed all the issues ASAP. The solar helps a lot (I can't stand the noise and exhaust from generators). It also has an electric refer, so I don't have to worry about parking on level ground or running out of propane. The refer is a lot quieter than I thought it would be. I've only taken the TC to the local desert a few times, but I know what you mean about the smoke trees. They have a tendency to reach out and grab your vehicle as you pass by!
Here's a picture of my first TC at Death Valley. A 2006 Northstar 650 on a 2006 Ford F250. TC and truck both had their issues. My current has virtually none.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Bob who runs this forum helped me get my new Dodge truck initiated a couple years ago driving out thru Carrizo Gorge...
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Glad I could help break her in  I do like those big diesel trucks
dsefcik wrote:
Bob who runs this forum helped me get my new Dodge truck initiated a couple years ago driving out thru Carrizo Gorge...
 <em>edited by surfponto on 2/22/2012</em>

hikerdmb Posts: 423
Daren,I think a little wax and elbow grease and those will buff right out.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
hikerdmb wrote:
Daren,I think a little wax and elbow grease and those will buff right out.
I have tried, some do but others do not..also, it would just be a waste of time...I am going back out next week again...
DRT Lakeside Posts: 62
Spent some time at the SEMA show (Specialty Equipment Market Assoc.) in Vegas this week and took a few quick pictures of some of the off-road/camping/safari type vehicles. Clearly some are more for show, but interesting to look at. Lots of individual vendors as well, there must have been at least 50 booths just for Jeep stuff, I think if you only had a door hinge, you could still probably restore it back to normal with all the stuff available : ) Not much for our little Suzuki...
Sorry about the blurriness, lack of close ups, etc. but I was trying to move fast and people were everywhere
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
It is my understanding that SEMA is not open to the general public. Is that correct?
DRT Lakeside wrote:
Spent some time at the SEMA show (Specialty Equipment Market Assoc.) in Vegas this week and took a few quick pictures of some of the off-road/camping/safari type vehicles. Clearly some are more for show, but interesting to look at. Lots of individual vendors as well, there must have been at least 50 booths just for Jeep stuff, I think if you only had a door hinge, you could still probably restore it back to normal with all the stuff available : ) Not much for our little Suzuki...
Sorry about the blurriness, lack of close ups, etc. but I was trying to move fast and people were everywhere

DRT Lakeside Posts: 62
You are correct. A friend of ours owns a Napa Auto Parts store in Utah, and we registered via his business. There were however tons of vehicles and vendors outside the venue and those were open to the public. I took some of the pictures out there. It was like a huge car show with every kind of car from every era and representing pretty much every interest group.
This was my first time to the show and it really was quite overwhelming. It ranged from huge OEM suppliers and car manufacturers to just the regular guys with a good idea trying to make a go of it. The bummer is that there are regulations about the vendors selling things at the show, I mistakenly thought that it would be a place to get good deals on stuff at a "show price" but that was not the case. I guess it is more for making business connections, networking and placing larger orders. For me it was just a chance to see cool vehicles with lots of free posters, stickers and parts catalogs. (which I like)
One thing of note might be that I was quite unaware of the number of large foreign manufacturers (chinese, taiwanese, french, etc.) angling for a piece of the market. There were at least 30 tire manufacturers from Asia with a huge presence. It really is a global marketplace now. Would be interesting to know if some of those are rebranded into some that may be more familiar to us. Oh and about 50+ companies making aftermarket wheels that all look pretty much the same to me....big, shiny and expensive : )
tommy750 Posts: 1069
Anyone have info on a good place to get a Pickup cap in San Diego? Best brand? Tired of wedging everything inside the cab. Thanks. Tom
anutami Posts: 491
My Dad is selling his 2007 palomino 1251 pop top truck camper. Google the brand and you can see they are pretty cool. It has a 60watt solar system. It would fit your tundra perfect! He is selling it for 5,800 obo. Not sure if you are in the market for one but you are welcome to check it out.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
I have bought my last two shells and bed liners from SoCal Truck They had the best prices around and are a family business. Ask for Elizabeth.
I have no affiliation with them other than being a satisfied customer.
tommy750 wrote:
Anyone have info on a good place to get a Pickup cap in San Diego? Best brand? Tired of wedging everything inside the cab. Thanks. Tom
tommy750 Posts: 1069
dsefcik wrote:
I have bought my last two shells and bed liners from SoCal Truck They had the best prices around and are a family business. Ask for Elizabeth.
I have no affiliation with them other than being a satisfied customer.
tommy750 wrote:
Anyone have info on a good place to get a Pickup cap in San Diego? Best brand? Tired of wedging everything inside the cab. Thanks. Tom
Thanks for the info. Will check them out. Tom
tommy750 Posts: 1069
anutami wrote:
My Dad is selling his 2007 palomino 1251 pop top truck camper. Google the brand and you can see they are pretty cool. It has a 60watt solar system. It would fit your tundra perfect! He is selling it for 5,800 obo. Not sure if you are in the market for one but you are welcome to check it out.
Thanks for the reply. I checked out the Palomino online and not sure that would work for me. Looks like they have some nice rigs, though. Tom
DesertWRX Posts: 135
Went to SEMA 2 years ago and they had some nice roof mount camping systems. Some were really exotic. Even with a small porch! Quite a selection.