dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
The wildflowers are starting to come out, this wildflower report is the segue to a couple of trip reports I will post next.
These photos are from last week 3-27-2012 - 3-29-2012
Hedgehog Cactus - Carrizo Gorge

Beavertail Cactus - Mason Valley

Desert Apricot - Mason Valley

Yucca - Mason Valley

Brittlebush - Mason Valley

Teddy Bear Cholla - Carrizo Gorge (near dusk photo)

Golden Suncup - Carrizo Gorge (near dusk photo)

Ocotillo - Red Hill

Beavertail Cactus with a bee covered in pollen - Red Hill

Ocotillo - Ocotillo Wind Energy Project Site Area, this will be destroyed if this project goes thru

Ocotillo - Ocotillo Wind Energy Project Site Area, this will be destroyed if this project goes thru

http://www.sefcik.com/2012/04/wildflowers-are-beginning-to-bloom.html <em>edited by dsefcik on 4/2/2012</em>
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
herofix Posts: 30
Beautiful! Really great shots; thanks for sharing.
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Great wildflower and cactus blooms pictures Daren, My favorite are the Hedgehog cactus. Mary and I will be out next weekend (finally). Really looking forward to checking out some of the spots off the beaten trail. 
dsefcik wrote:
The wildflowers are starting to come out, this wildflower report is the segue to a couple of trip reports I will post next.
These photos are from last week 3-27-2012 - 3-29-2012
Hedgehog Cactus - Carrizo Gorge

Beavertail Cactus - Mason Valley

Desert Apricot - Mason Valley

Yucca - Mason Valley

Brittlebush - Mason Valley

Teddy Bear Cholla - Carrizo Gorge (near dusk photo)

Golden Suncup - Carrizo Gorge (near dusk photo)

Ocotillo - Red Hill

Beavertail Cactus with a bee covered in pollen - Red Hill

Ocotillo - Ocotillo Wind Energy Project Site Area, this will be destroyed if this project goes thru

Ocotillo - Ocotillo Wind Energy Project Site Area, this will be destroyed if this project goes thru

http://www.sefcik.com/2012/04/wildflowers-are-beginning-to-bloom.html edited by dsefcik on 4/2/2012
-- https://www.anzaborrego.net/

hikerdmb Posts: 423
I am glad you finally feel well enough to get back out there. Can't wait to see your TR. David
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
hikerdmb wrote:
I am glad you finally feel well enough to get back out there. Can't wait to see your TR. David
Thanks..cough, cough...I am still not well but I could not stay home during my break, I think I am heading back out tomorrow to backpack into Canebrake if anyone is interested. While the doctors still try and *guess* what is wrong with me I am moving on with my life (albeit coughing and lung pain). They said at first pneumonia but xrays and other tests proved negative, going on 8 weeks of this crap now...anyway, enough of that....the TR is kinda lengthy so it will be tonight or so.
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
svcheerio Posts: 15
Gorgeous pictures as always from you! We can't wait to get out there this week!
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
svcheerio wrote:
Gorgeous pictures as always from you! We can't wait to get out there this week! 
Thanks, if you are near Blair Valley again, maybe go check out Rainbow Canyon, Schad recommends it for wildflower blooms..I am going to try and go have a look this week.
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
svcheerio Posts: 15
Thanks for the info on Rainbow Canyon. While we won't be camping in that area we will be out in the desert for 2 weeks so we will have plenty of time for a trek out that way. We haven't been out to Anza Borrego since Thanksgiving so we are really anxious for this trip