Events happening in and around Anza Borrego
Introduction to Anza-Borrego Geology Jan 11-12
Borregomike Posts: 11
Jan. 11, Fri., 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. Introduction to Anza-Borrego Geology - You can register online for this program
 Instructor: Geology Professor Don Barrie, San Diego Mesa College. Hear an excellent overview of Anza-Borrego geologic highlights! The rocks, faults, and geologic history…almost half a billion years of geologic time, beginning with the ancient sea that produced Borrego's oldest rocks and ending with a discussion of Borrego's "monster faults," the San Jacinto and Elsinore. NM $15, M $13, V $11; Space is limited, call for reservations at the Nature Center. Takes place at the ABDNHA Library. Call early if you would like to go on the field trip tomorrow, Sat., Jan. 12; space is limited; mention if you are taking the Friday evening class.
Jan. 12, Sat., 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Field Trip: Anza-Borrego Geology Leader: Geology Professor Don Barrie, Chair, Physical Sciences Dept., San Diego Mesa College. Agua Caliente County Park Following the Friday evening lecture, Professor Barrie leads a trip to Agua Caliente County Park to discuss the geologic history of the Salton Trough and various styles of faulting in the area. We’ll examine ancient igneous and metamorphic rocks that pre-date the opening of the Salton Trough, and take an easy-to-moderate hike of about one mile. Meet at Agua Caliente County Park at 9 a.m. Bring a sack lunch and plenty of water. 2WD okay. No charge; space is limited. Priority will be given to those attending the class on January 11; others will be added as space is available. Call the Nature Center for reservations. If you are holding a spot and cannot go, please call ahead to release your space so another can attend.