waning moon Posts: 34
Well I beat these uploaded photos up enough trying to get the missing ones to post and also larger, ended up losing another in the process.
There was a post a while back which mention Hurricane Kathleen which came up the Gulf and inundated Ocatillo in 1976. I remember going down and my wife taking a number of photos, after rummaging through boxes they where found (in very poor condition). Photos were entirely brown a touch of purple, essentially sepia, I ran them through a scanner and corrected and then another program to enhance even more. Some came out, here are a few
West of old Millers
Looking SW up Devil's
Coyote Wells looking South towards Yuha Buttes
Looking West, Ocatillo in the background
Carrizo Wash from McCain's, I do not think this is Saccatone though, wash is clean cut
edited by waning moon on 1/15/2013 edited by waning moon on 1/15/2013 edited by waning moon on 1/15/2013 edited by surfponto on 1/18/2013 edited by surfponto on 1/18/2013 edited by surfponto on 1/18/2013
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
I left out one step which I think may be the problem with the pictures not showing up You have to make sure the Google Picasa album is shared or not set to private Will post screen shot in a bit,) But the option you should select is "Public on the web"
-- https://www.anzaborrego.net/

tommy750 Posts: 1069
Waning Moon, how about another try at getting your pics posted? They sound amazing. Thanks. Tom
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Hi again, Are these hosted on Google Picasa?
waning moon wrote:
Well I beat these uploaded photos up enough trying to get the missing ones to post and also larger, ended up losing another in the process.
There was a post a while back which mention Hurricane Kathleen which came up the Gulf and inundated Ocatillo in 1976. I remember going down and my wife taking a number of photos, after rummaging through boxes they where found (in very poor condition). Photos were entirely brown a touch of purple, essentially sepia, I ran them through a scanner and corrected and then another program to enhance even more. Some came out, here are a few
West of old Millers
Looking SW up Devil's
Coyote Wells looking South towards Yuha Buttes
Looking West, Ocatillo in the background
Carrizo Wash from McCain's, I do not think this is Saccatone though, wash is clean cut
edited by waning moon on 1/15/2013 edited by waning moon on 1/15/2013 edited by waning moon on 1/15/2013
-- https://www.anzaborrego.net/

waning moon Posts: 34
OK last try, the google program is not "Picasa", I venture into the WEB only as far as it suits my interests, do not trust it as far as I can throw it. Something, "Google Chrome" has been offered, but again I never upgrade or download, maybe that is where Picasa is? My Google album is public (cannot believe I did this but I have very good firewalls) still ABDF will not accept my copy and paste URL in attach files. So here goes another click and drag that was somewhat successful before.
Old Millers
Looking up Devils or as I see it now called Myers creek
Coyote Wells looking South to Yuha Buttes (when Coyote Wells was actually a place)
Railroad tracks
Railroad tracks with Ocatillo in the background
Carrizo Wash from McCains, clean cut from storm, I do not think this is Saccatone (this was before McCains was closed) I happened to be to the top of San Pedro Matirs shortly after the Hurricane as well, huge pines (Jefferies) as large as Ponderosa's not like our drawf Laguna Mtn. Jefferries were pulled up as so many twigs and tossed around. At La Grulla the creeks were washed clean, 6" fingerling trout all that remained (and knowing that PETA and the Sierra Club will now be after me, I still ate them) no roads back then, 35 miles on a horse to the top in one day. edited by waning moon on 1/17/2013
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Hi again Was able to enlarge the pics on your original post. Some still show up missing but the majority are there.
They are great pictures!
waning moon wrote:
OK last try, the google program is not "Picasa", I venture into the WEB only as far as it suits my interests, do not trust it as far as I can throw it. Something, "Google Chrome" has been offered, but again I never upgrade or download, maybe that is where Picasa is? My Google album is public (cannot believe I did this but I have very good firewalls) still ABDF will not accept my copy and paste URL in attach files. So here goes another click and drag that was somewhat successful before.
Old Millers
Looking up Devils or as I see it now called Myers creek
Coyote Wells looking South to Yuha Buttes (when Coyote Wells was actually a place)
Railroad tracks
Railroad tracks with Ocatillo in the background
Carrizo Wash from McCains, clean cut from storm, I do not think this is Saccatone (this was before McCains was closed) I happened to be to the top of San Pedro Matirs shortly after the Hurricane as well, huge pines (Jefferies) as large as Ponderosa's not like our drawf Laguna Mtn. Jefferries were pulled up as so many twigs and tossed around. At La Grulla the creeks were washed clean, 6" fingerling trout all that remained (and knowing that PETA and the Sierra Club will now be after me, I still ate them) no roads back then, 35 miles on a horse to the top in one day. edited by waning moon on 1/17/2013
-- https://www.anzaborrego.net/

tommy750 Posts: 1069
Thanks for posting these, they're amazing!! Looks like Carrizo Gorge got a thorough scrubbing alright. Tom
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
yeah, very cool old photos...!
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
harmono Posts: 71
Yeah cool photos. I remember driving through there in 1980 and seeing the damage.
 IMG_1032 by harmono619, on Flickr
waning moon Posts: 34
Thanks for fixing the other photos Bob,
And here I try again, I played with this photo a bit and it came out pretty good, shows the slides running down the canyon walls from the railroad track, again right after hurricane.

Also some photos from La Grulla after the hurricane, pond and creeks washed out. Top of San Pedro Matirs

One of Ida's grandsons with a trout string, I think he was around 13 and a handfull, enough said. Any way we caught quite a few, seeing them now, a little larger than I remember.

Our camp, wife took the photos, her parents and her brother, Tim the grandson and one or two unidentified who I think were Condor people we ran into. I am in the very back center of the photo, blue shirt gray hat.

A little off subject but all related to the Great Hurricane of '76
surfponto wrote:
Hi again Was able to enlarge the pics on your original post. Some still show up missing but the majority are there.
They are great pictures!
waning moon wrote:
OK last try, the google program is not "Picasa", I venture into the WEB only as far as it suits my interests, do not trust it as far as I can throw it. Something, "Google Chrome" has been offered, but again I never upgrade or download, maybe that is where Picasa is? My Google album is public (cannot believe I did this but I have very good firewalls) still ABDF will not accept my copy and paste URL in attach files. So here goes another click and drag that was somewhat successful before.
Old Millers
Looking up Devils or as I see it now called Myers creek
Coyote Wells looking South to Yuha Buttes (when Coyote Wells was actually a place)
Railroad tracks
Railroad tracks with Ocatillo in the background
Carrizo Wash from McCains, clean cut from storm, I do not think this is Saccatone (this was before McCains was closed)
I happened to be to the top of San Pedro Matirs shortly after the Hurricane as well, huge pines (Jefferies) as large as Ponderosa's not like our drawf Laguna Mtn. Jefferries were pulled up as so many twigs and tossed around. At La Grulla the creeks were washed clean, 6" fingerling trout all that remained (and knowing that PETA and the Sierra Club will now be after me, I still ate them) no roads back then, 35 miles on a horse to the top in one day. edited by waning moon on 1/17/2013 edited by surfponto on 2/1/2013 edited by surfponto on 2/1/2013
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Hope you don't mind but I took the liberty of enlarging the photos. Thanks for sharing them  Bob
-- https://www.anzaborrego.net/
