Topics not related specifically to Anza Borrego
How many straws are drinking from the Colorado?
ziphius Posts: 911
The disappearing Colorado River, featured at the Banff Mountain Film Festival. The Colorado stopped flowing into the Gulf of California in 1998, after flowing to the sea for 6 million years. 12 minutes.
The Colorado River: Running Near Empty edited by ziphius on 9/3/2013
DesertWRX Posts: 135
People will keep breeding and immigrants will continue to flow unimpeded into the arid southwest and only a tiny piece of the population cares that we are running out of water. And while we are at it let's open a new golf course!
rockhopper Posts: 671
Someday. Someday the Colorado or the Sea of Cortez will fill the Salton sink to sea level. Probably due to Flooding from the other side climate change or massive earthquakes. Someday...
tommy750 Posts: 1069
Interesting video. The last straw is the All American Canal and it shunts 3.1M of California's 4.4M acre foot yearly allotment to the Imperial Valley AKA Colorado DESERT. We get to inundate our 500K acres of tillable Ancient Lake Cahuilla lakebed with about 5-6ft of water to ensure cows get their alfalfa. California's $1T economy jealously eyes Imperial Valley's $1B economy with all that water. Tom