dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Nowhere near David's John Muir Trail adventure....Spent the last week backpacking in the Kern Plateau area. My truck broke down in Temecula and I ended up driving my motorcycle 350 miles to the Sierras with my big backpack on to meet up with my friends. Here are some pics, all 35mm film on an old Olympus camera, no photoshop or anything, straight scans from the negatives. I did not take a digital camera on this trip.
Here is a map of our trip http://caltopo.com/map?id=3H2L
Time to get back out to the desert...
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
hikerdmb Posts: 423
Looks like a nice part of the Sierra. Hard to believe some of the meadows are still that green. I've never backpacked in that area but skied out from the end of the plowed road up past Kennedy Meadow a few years back. On anther trip we drove from 395 through Kennedy Meadow and all the way west to the Central Valley. It was a windy road with lots of dirt roads leading off of it. A fun drive. Glad you got out of the desert this year.
ziphius Posts: 911
Looks like a great trip Daren! I like the boar. What kind (if any) of moisture barrier do you have between the ground and your sleeping bag? - Jim
-- http://www.coyotelearning.org
hikerdmb Posts: 423
And how is the truck?
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Jim (ziphius) wrote:
Looks like a great trip Daren! I like the boar. What kind (if any) of moisture barrier do you have between the ground and your sleeping bag? - Jim I liked the boar a lot also but my co-backpackers totally missed it, they walked right by...maybe it was the altitude, we were just getting getting out of treeline and the air was thin. I use a foam pad under my bag, I used to bring a tarp but it didn't make any sense and took up space and weight. The GoLite poncho tarp worked great, it was it's first outing and it kept me dry during the day and worked perfect as a tarp shelter at night. I cut a few guy ropes from the bear food rope and attached them to some sticks and weighted them down with the rocks.
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
hikerdmb wrote:
And how is the truck? Thanks for asking..... Short answer: Problem was the DPF clogged and I picked it up yesterday (without a good explanation of the root cause from the dealership) and it crapped out again by the time I got to Escondido so I drove straight to a dealership near my house in San Diego and unloaded my motorcycle from the truck and left it with them. I still don't have it back.
The new EPA laws regarding diesel engines effective 2010 have caused a lot of immature technologies to be implemented that are causing exhaust/emissions failures in newer diesel vehicles.
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
anutami Posts: 491
Sorry to hear about you truck, I agree its time to get out to the desert! Did you guys have trouble finding water in that part of the sierras?
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Nolan (anutami) wrote:
Did you guys have trouble finding water in that part of the sierras? Not at all, in fact the most I carried at any time was 5 liters but usually only 3 and getting water at camp every day. made the pack a lot lighter.
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
rockhopper Posts: 671
The Kern Basin should be near the top of the list. One September before cell phones, we were three days in. Beautiful sunny 60's Deg. Next day started to rain, then snow.................!!! It was a loop trip and were basicly half way out. Going forward we used our compass with topo. Long 12 hour hike out. The snow never stopped, 12,000 pass, turned to rain as we finally made it down in elevation to the parking lot.
Ya, sorry to hear about your truck. I like what you said about "immature technologies" !The Designers and assemblers can't keep up with the legislation of regulation.
We just got back. Sept. 9th-17th from up in the NorCal Redwoods.
edited by rockhopper on 9/19/2013 edited by rockhopper on 9/19/2013
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
rockhopper wrote:
The Kern Basin should be near the top of the list. One September before cell phones, we were three days in. Beautiful sunny 60's Deg. Next day started to rain, then snow.................!!! It was a loop trip and were basicly half way out. Going forward we used our compass with topo. Long 12 hour hike out. The snow never stopped, 12,000 pass, turned to rain as we finally made it down in elevation to the parking lot.
Ya, sorry to hear about your truck. I like what you said about "immature technologies" !The Designers and assemblers can't keep up with the legislation of regulation.
We just got back. Sept. 9th-17th from up in the NorCal Redwoods.
At one point we did bust out my cell phone to get gps coordinates and then used gary's map to find where we were, we went cross country coming down from Kern Peak and could not find the trail..we eventually did once we got our location figured out. The forest is not like the desert, you can loose all reference points pretty quick, the rain forests are even worse when the canopy shuts out the sky.
The truck had a bad EGR valve which is what I believe clogged the DPF...supposed to be ready tomorrow.
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
rockhopper Posts: 671
Cross country in the Sierras is a hoot. After a few seasons we finally realized all the good hikes were right at the edge of timber line or above. Summers Sierra, Winters Desert!
Good luck with the truck. I just put 1765 miles on my Redwoods / Calastoga / Vichy Hot springs road trip
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Bummer about the truck Daren.  You need to get a pre-1998 diesel truck and then you don't have to worry about all the emissions crap. Of course you can run Bio-Diesel in it to be environmentally conscious.
Seriously though is that repair covered by the dealer?
-- https://www.anzaborrego.net/

dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
surfponto wrote:
Seriously though is that repair covered by the dealer? It was all covered under the 100,000 mile emissions warranty. BFD when it happens again right after 100,000...it was about a $5,000 repair.
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com