dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
I have been out of commission for about 5 months now from sever back problems but recently was able to get out for a 3 day trip out to the Mojave Desert with Gary, car camping and easy 1-2 mile day hikes, lots to see. Here are some photos from the trip. The Turtle Mountains lived up to their name, this was the first Desert Tortoise I have ever seen 
 The Blythe Intaglios, they are fenced off and kinda hard to get a good picture of from the ground, I am sure Google Earth would shsow them better 

 Some random petroglyph photos with my S100 digital camera, I used that when I ran out of film 

 I kinda liked this one, looks like a Christmas tree  These next photos were all taken with my 1937 Zeiss Nettar 515/2 folding camera with Kodak Portra 160 film 

 Here is Gary coming up out of one of the canyons we visited, I really like the colors on this photo  A few more petroglyph panels 

 In this photo you can see we are not the only ones visiting these sites, most of the sites we went to are on BLM land and you can find out more info about how to see them by going to the BLM website.  We also stopped briefly to check out the Topock Maze  I also brought along my recently aquired Graphic View II large format view camera   These next few photos were all taken with that camera with Arista EDU ISO 100 B/W film and developed by me at home Spirit Mountain  Some petroglyphs near our campsite 
 And of course my star trail photos This one looks like there is a small light leak in the film holder, notice the white spot coming in from the top  Another one but with some of the hillside in view
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
tommy750 Posts: 1069
Very nice pics, Daren. Finally, your star trails were affected by something other than someone's headlights When I visited the Blythe Intaglios, held my camera overhead with a monopod and used a fisheye. A drone would really be awesome, however. That canyon Gary is climbing out of doesn't quite look like an "easy" hike! Tom
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
tommy750 wrote:
That canyon Gary is climbing out of doesn't quite look like an "easy" hike! Tom Well, he did carry all my water, I just carried my camera in my hand, no backpack or anything....was kinda nice, all my hikes should be like that....
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
ziphius Posts: 911
Good to see you out and about Daren. Congratulations on your 1st desert tortoise. I hear that March is prime time for finding them. That triangular petroglyph was no doubt etched by space aliens. Very cool
-- http://www.coyotelearning.org
tommy750 Posts: 1069
dsefcik wrote:
tommy750 wrote:
That canyon Gary is climbing out of doesn't quite look like an "easy" hike! Tom Well, he did carry all my water, I just carried my camera in my hand, no backpack or anything....was kinda nice, all my hikes should be like that.... Yeah, I remember carrying water for some sheep counter guy on a 9 mile hike up Rattlesnake Canyon earlier this month. Hey, wait, that was for you!
hikerdmb Posts: 423
Lots of good stuff out there. Glad you got to hike again.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
hikerdmb wrote:
Lots of good stuff out there. Glad you got to hike again. Thanks David...though I wouldn't really call anything I did hiking, even the canyon photo hike was maybe 3 miles total. Most of our stops involved less than a mile of walking...but yes, it was good to get out again.
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com