DesertWRX Posts: 135
Tried to get over to the Carrizo Impact Area last Wednesday and had the trip from hell on 085. The silt is DEEP right now!
 My dust from getting through the first section
 I'm stuck
 Thought the train might stop and pull me out... kidding!
 If you can make out my tracks you will see I was driving blind! Next time I will take Pole Line over to here! edited by DesertWRX on 6/2/2014
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
That thing is 2WD only isn't it?
Borregolinda Posts: 69
dsefcik wrote:
That thing is 2WD only isn't it?
tommy750 Posts: 1069
How do you roll the windows up on that thing? 100 degrees and billowing silt, nice Tom
tommy750 Posts: 1069
This is something I found recently online. It comments on U.S. Gypsum and the history of the mining railway next to EC085.
Mineral Resources of the Fish Creek Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Imperial County, California By VICTORIA R. TODD, DAVID E. DETRA, JAMES E. KILBURN, ANDREW GRISCOM, and FRED A. KRUSE U.S. Geological Survey HARRY W. CAMPBELL U.S. Bureau of Mines 1987
A large gypsum mine owned and operated by the U.S. Gypsum Company lies 1.5 mi west of the study area (the U.S. Gypsum quarry). The Imperial Gypsum quarry produced a small, unknown tonnage of gypsum that was marketed as a soil conditioner in the Imperial Valley. The U.S. Gypsum Company has 18 unpatented placer claims inside the study area. Completion of the San Diego and Arizona Eastern Railroad in 1920 permitted the Fish Creek Mountains gypsum deposits to be mined. Imperial Gypsum and Oil Corporation acquired a large block of gypsum claims in the Fish Creek Mountains and constructed a narrow gauge railroad from the San Diego and Arizona Eastern track to the deposit in 1922. The first shipment of crude gypsum was made in 1922. In 1924, Pacific Portland Cement Company bought the Fish Creek Mountains gypsum operations and built a calcining plant (Plaster City plant) at the junction of the narrow gauge railroad with the main line. The Plaster City plant and quarry were sold in 1945 to U.S. Gypsum Company who modernized and expanded the operation. In 1971, the U.S. Gypsum quarry produced 742,000 tons of gypsum, making it the largest operating gypsum mine in the United States.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
tommy750 wrote:
How do you roll the windows up on that thing? 100 degrees and billowing silt, nice Tom Tom, you are the only silt cryer I have met...most of us just brush it off...
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Interesting, the largest in the US...thanks for posting that...
tommy750 wrote:
This is something I found recently online. It comments on U.S. Gypsum and the history of the mining railway next to EC085.
Mineral Resources of the Fish Creek Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Imperial County, California By VICTORIA R. TODD, DAVID E. DETRA, JAMES E. KILBURN, ANDREW GRISCOM, and FRED A. KRUSE U.S. Geological Survey HARRY W. CAMPBELL U.S. Bureau of Mines 1987
A large gypsum mine owned and operated by the U.S. Gypsum Company lies 1.5 mi west of the study area (the U.S. Gypsum quarry). The Imperial Gypsum quarry produced a small, unknown tonnage of gypsum that was marketed as a soil conditioner in the Imperial Valley. The U.S. Gypsum Company has 18 unpatented placer claims inside the study area. Completion of the San Diego and Arizona Eastern Railroad in 1920 permitted the Fish Creek Mountains gypsum deposits to be mined. Imperial Gypsum and Oil Corporation acquired a large block of gypsum claims in the Fish Creek Mountains and constructed a narrow gauge railroad from the San Diego and Arizona Eastern track to the deposit in 1922. The first shipment of crude gypsum was made in 1922. In 1924, Pacific Portland Cement Company bought the Fish Creek Mountains gypsum operations and built a calcining plant (Plaster City plant) at the junction of the narrow gauge railroad with the main line. The Plaster City plant and quarry were sold in 1945 to U.S. Gypsum Company who modernized and expanded the operation. In 1971, the U.S. Gypsum quarry produced 742,000 tons of gypsum, making it the largest operating gypsum mine in the United States.
tommy750 Posts: 1069
dsefcik wrote:
tommy750 wrote:
How do you roll the windows up on that thing? 100 degrees and billowing silt, nice Tom Tom, you are the only silt cryer I have met...most of us just brush it off...
I've been called many a thing, but silt cryer is a first
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
dsefcik wrote:
most of us just brush it off... And wash the trail dust down with a bit of Jack Daniels...