dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2625
Official trip report is on my website http://www.sefcik.com/2011/04/indian-clark-blair-valley-abdsp.html
Bob has a great trip report for the day he was out with me, read his first, he is far better at writing up trip reports than I am.
--------------Copied from my website----------------------
Camped out for three nights last week in Indian Valley and Blair Valley. Bob from the Anza Borrego website wanted to check out some pictographs Scott and I found on a previous trip so I met him in Indian Valley for a second trip out to Inner Pasture where the pictographs are located. Along the way we spotted a Red Racer snake lounging in the sun and also many wildflowers blooming in the sandy washes and rocky ridges we climbed.
The next day I headed over to Clark Valley to finally see the petroglyphs located near the dry lake bed. Temperatures that day reached 97 degrees on my truck dash, it was hot and I ended up drinking close to 120 ounces of water for a 4 mile hike. I camped the last night in Blair Valley where I knew it would be cooler and it was 87 degrees when I arrived near 5pm. I ended up camping at the Pictograph trailhead and in the morning hiked down to see the pictographs and also Smuggler Canyon. These pictographs are well documented by all of the Anza Borrego Visitor information pamphlets and are actually pretty cool to go see. The road is a 5 mile hard packed dirt road passable by almost any vehicle in good weather. In fact the only people I saw showed up in a Honda Fit. They stayed briefly and then I had the whole area to myself until I left the next morning.
Total Mylar balloon count for 3 days of hiking....15
You can see more pictures of Indian Valley, Clark Valley and Blair Valley here http://www.darensefcik.com/Photography/Anza-Borrego-Desert-State-Park/Indian-Clark-Blair-Valley-03/16442960_DPj8h
Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the trip.
Red Racer snake
Fishhook cactus, now I see why they are named this..8-)
Desert Beetle covered in pollen
Turkey Vulture in Indian Valley
Desert Iguana in Clark Valley
Side-Blotched Lizard in Blair Valley
White-crowned Sparrow in Clark Valley
Here links to some very large panorama images of Clark Valley and Smuggler Canyon (warning, they are very large to download, 4mb & 9mb)
Clark Valley: http://www.darensefcik.com/Photography/Panoramas/clarkvalleypanorama/1237667571_t56Ud-O.jpg
Smuggler Canyon: http://www.darensefcik.com/Photography/Panoramas/smugglercanyonpanorama/1237668078_bNyuH-O.jpg
-- <em>edited by dsefcik on 4/3/2011</em>
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1366
Those wildlife pictures look like they are out of National Geographic Think I am going to put a DSLR on my wish list. Great job
-- https://www.anzaborrego.net/
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1366
How are you doing those panoramas? Do you have to stitch the images together?
-- https://www.anzaborrego.net/
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2625
surfponto wrote:
How are you doing those panoramas? Do you have to stitch the images together?
Basically you take the pictures from left to right with a 50% overlap. Then you stitch them together with software. I use a program called Hugin, it works awesome. You can download it here: http://hugin.sourceforge.net/
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2625
surfponto wrote:
Those wildlife pictures look like they are out of National Geographic Think I am going to put a DSLR on my wish list. Great job
Thanks Bob...since nobody from NatGeo has called me yet I guess I will keep my regular day job and save up for some really good lenses....
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
stewart Posts: 25
I agree with Bob, your photos are professional quality. Nice job. It's nice to see the variety of such not-commonly seen wildlife. --Stewart <em>edited by stewart on 4/5/2011</em>
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2625
Thanks Bob, Stewart..I appreciate the comments. I really enjoying taking the pictures, I think I am getting better at figuring out what buttons to press on the camera now.
I suppose I should also explain the mylar balloon comment for those who have not hiked with me. I always say "You can't hike in the desert without finding a mylar balloon" and anyone who has hiked with me will tell you that is true (usually) (at least with me). This particular trip out was probably the worst yet to date, a total of fifteen mylar balloons were found and that was not counting the ones I saw on the side of the road driving 70mph on the S2. I started picking them up and carrying them back with me a couple of months ago.
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
svcheerio Posts: 15
You take some amazing photos. Thanks for sharing them!
dsefcik wrote:
Official trip report is on my website http://www.sefcik.com/2011/04/indian-clark-blair-valley-abdsp.html
Bob has a great trip report for the day he was out with me, read his first, he is far better at writing up trip reports than I am.
--------------Copied from my website----------------------
Camped out for three nights last week in Indian Valley and Blair Valley. Bob from the Anza Borrego website wanted to check out some pictographs Scott and I found on a previous trip so I met him in Indian Valley for a second trip out to Inner Pasture where the pictographs are located. Along the way we spotted a Red Racer snake lounging in the sun and also many wildflowers blooming in the sandy washes and rocky ridges we climbed.
The next day I headed over to Clark Valley to finally see the petroglyphs located near the dry lake bed. Temperatures that day reached 97 degrees on my truck dash, it was hot and I ended up drinking close to 120 ounces of water for a 4 mile hike. I camped the last night in Blair Valley where I knew it would be cooler and it was 87 degrees when I arrived near 5pm. I ended up camping at the Pictograph trailhead and in the morning hiked down to see the pictographs and also Smuggler Canyon. These pictographs are well documented by all of the Anza Borrego Visitor information pamphlets and are actually pretty cool to go see. The road is a 5 mile hard packed dirt road passable by almost any vehicle in good weather. In fact the only people I saw showed up in a Honda Fit. They stayed briefly and then I had the whole area to myself until I left the next morning.
Total Mylar balloon count for 3 days of hiking....15
You can see more pictures of Indian Valley, Clark Valley and Blair Valley here http://www.darensefcik.com/Photography/Anza-Borrego-Desert-State-Park/Indian-Clark-Blair-Valley-03/16442960_DPj8h
Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the trip.
Red Racer snake
Fishhook cactus, now I see why they are named this..8-)
Desert Beetle covered in pollen
Turkey Vulture in Indian Valley
Desert Iguana in Clark Valley
Side-Blotched Lizard in Blair Valley
White-crowned Sparrow in Clark Valley
Here links to some very large panorama images of Clark Valley and Smuggler Canyon (warning, they are very large to download, 4mb & 9mb)
Clark Valley: http://www.darensefcik.com/Photography/Panoramas/clarkvalleypanorama/1237667571_t56Ud-O.jpg
Smuggler Canyon: http://www.darensefcik.com/Photography/Panoramas/smugglercanyonpanorama/1237668078_bNyuH-O.jpg
-- edited by dsefcik on 4/3/2011
svcheerio Posts: 15
You really take some great photos!! Thanks for sharing them!
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2625
svcheerio wrote:
You really take some great photos!! Thanks for sharing them!
Thank you!!
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
chevell Posts: 4
I agree, outstanding pictures dsefcik, natgeo material for certain. I'ts not easy getting that close to those critters, I know this from experience.
Taking the mylar balloon trash outta there is a good idea also as they probably take many years to break down.