Rocko1 Posts: 615
Talked the wife and daughter into a hike on Sunday to upper Oriflame Creek and mountain. What I failed to mention that it involved some bushwhacking. We parked off S1 at the Lucky Five Ranch gate, crossed S1 and walked down the jeep road to a spot we could find a path to Oriflame North Peak.  Left the road and made our way up to the saddle between the north and south Oriflame peaks.  North peak register. These peaks don’t see much traffic, a visitor every 6 months or so.    Great views from here.
Video-  We then followed the ridge south to the southern peak. The brush is really coming back strong and there is no trail. Just find path of least resistance.  Took a break at the top.  From here we just went west to connect back to the jeep road. This was the thickest brush. Slow going. Before heading back we explored the sandy creek bottom. Found some pottery pieces. Was really excited-first time seeing this.   This looked like the top lip of a bowl.   Headed back up the road. Older Chevy truck.  View from the top is pretty nice. So many peaks in this picture. San Gorgonio, San Jacinto, Chariot, Granite, Toro, Rabbit, Villager, Whale. I am sure I am missing a few.  Link to album.
6.5 miles total. 1,400ft gain. I would like to follow the creek down to desert sometime when the water is flowing.
edited by Rocko1 on 1/20/2020
Britain Posts: 609
Nice, great weather also.
-- Cant drive 55 Britain
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
You get any ticks?/ They seem to be abundant this year, I got one going up Sunset Mtn last weekend and that was mostly all boulders.
deborah Posts: 115
Nice, thanks for posting!
davidwyby Posts: 46
I have been driving by that spot for years wondering what's down there. Your post pushed me to go see yesterday evening. I was short on time so just drove down to the "shelf" with the Jeep trail loop. Nearly stepped on a Southern Pacific rattler looking for water in the bottom. Saw some sherds, ruins, deer sign, and lots of quail. Couple old cars (than one is actually a Nash Rambler) I intend to go back and explore further. I'll post pictures later.
davidwyby Posts: 46
Glamis recovery by david wyby, on Flickr
edited by davidwyby on 8/17/2020
davidwyby Posts: 46
Little blingy, I call it the Bro runna, but that's how it was when I got it. I wanted the Icon suspension for the nice ride and the rock rails to keep it straight. I removed the anti sway bar to allow more suspension articulation for traction and ride comfort. I like it but now we are looking to get an RV trailer, so I need to trade it for a truck.
davidwyby Posts: 46
Rocko1 wrote:
davidwyby wrote:
Glamis recovery by david wyby, on Flickr
edited by davidwyby on 8/17/2020 There were some pretty gnarly ruts on some sections of that jeep road about halfway from the S2 to the first rusted truck. I assume those are still there.
Yes, but I have been a gnarly offroader for 20 years before getting into hiking ;-)
Rocko1 Posts: 615
davidwyby wrote:
Rocko1 wrote:
davidwyby wrote:
Glamis recovery by david wyby, on Flickr
edited by davidwyby on 8/17/2020 There were some pretty gnarly ruts on some sections of that jeep road about halfway from the S2 to the first rusted truck. I assume those are still there.
Yes, but I have been a gnarly offroader for 20 years before getting into hiking ;-)
Ha, awesome. I suggest when things cool down and after a rain-a trip from there down to the floor by Salt Creek. Really cool.