Talk about a trip you took out to Anza Borrego
Diablo BM
Rocko1 Posts: 615
Took my first trip out on Sunday to AB since it closed. Hiked to Diablo benchmark via June wash. It was clear and very windy with some really strong gusts at the top. 75F when I got back to the car at 10:45am. I only saw 5 cars total in the park-all on the road-no people except the clerk at the Stagecoach store. No one at any trail head parking lots I passed. Was a bit strange. Felt good to be back.

Most of the flowers were gone at this point.

From a small bump going up June Wash towards Diablo.

At the top

Video-sorry for the shakiness. Trying 4k60fps format which apparently doesn't have good stabilization on my phone.
One of the better registers I have seen. Went back to 1992 and had someone sign about every 2-5 months.

Saw this lizard on the way back. Anyone know what kind?
Trip was 10 miles and 1,365ft gain. All cross country-except short section along wash road. No trash seen-20+ jackrabbits though.
Album- edited by Rocko1 on 6/8/2020
ziphius Posts: 911
Lizard is a desert iguana. Nice one. What is the status of the park open / closure?
Britain Posts: 609
On my list for next year.
-- Cant drive 55 Britain
Britain Posts: 609
I'm at 'Sketchy"
-- Cant drive 55 Britain
Brian Posts: 249
I've done several trips to Sandstone Canyon by way of June before I had a car that could get there the usual way. It was always fun to run into people in Jeeps who weren't expecting to see anyone without a vehicle and couldn't figure out how I got there. The route goes by the base of Diablo but I've never gone up to the summit. I should add it to my list.
tommy750 Posts: 1069
Nice TR Rocko1. Have only been there once in 2014 but the register had stuff back to 1955. Think there were two register caches near the benchmark if I recall correctly.
Carl Whitefield (2018_09_25 07_05_23 UTC) by tomteske, on Flickr
1957 by tomteske, on Flickr
tekewin Posts: 383
That's a fun hike. Great photos and stuff from the register. I remember lots of agave when you first leave the road.
tekewin Posts: 383
Rocko1 wrote:
There is a phenomenal amount of Cholla cactus. I have never been 'bit' by some many in any trip. I think at least 20 times I got jumped. edited by Rocko1 on 7/10/2020
Yes! A couple of dense cholla gardens. As soon as I stop concentrating on it, it gets me...
 edited by tekewin on 7/29/2020
tekewin Posts: 383
Haha, yup. Tweezers are a necessity. It's not just the cactus itself, but the landmines that I often kick into my calf. But you win with 75+ needles. Ouch.