Talk about a trip you took out to Anza Borrego
Grapevine Mountain
Rocko1 Posts: 615
Yesterday I had to get out and burn off the Christmas calories. I decided to do Grapevine Mountain from the PCT starting near Scissors Crossing. I had no specific route planned. It was 32f when I started at 6:30am.

Desert Snail?

I have passed this drainage a few times and thought looked interesting.

I climbed out of the canyon and onto this ridge-looking west.

Natural stone wall

I got to the top and it was pretty fast going-looks like a fire not to long ago cleared almost all the brush above 3,200ft or so. Grapevine right of center.

At the top

I went back another drainage to the north and connected back to the PCT.
Very enjoyable hike with some fantastic views. I recommend it if you haven't done it yet.
7.8 miles, 1,980 ft gain/loss. edited by Rocko1 on 12/27/2022
Brian Posts: 249
I went partway up one time on Schad's route, which starts from the other side in Grapevine canyon. It starts by going up a dry fall, which isn't too difficult when you figure out the route. Then it went up a hillside that as I recall was a bed of loose rocks interspersed with cactus. That part kicked my ass and when I topped out on the ridge and saw Grapevine one ridge over, I decided not to continue.
That was a few years ago before I was used to that sort of terrain. I like to think I'd do better now.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Nice, have never done the PCT side, have always gone the Schad route and then drop down into Bitter Creek Cyn to return. The Schad route can be tough with the false summits and rocky ridge.
tekewin Posts: 383
dsefcik wrote:
Nice, have never done the PCT side, have always gone the Schad route and then drop down into Bitter Creek Cyn to return. The Schad route can be tough with the false summits and rocky ridge.
Funny, I've only done the PCT route. This gives me a good excuse to go back and try the Schad route.
Buford Posts: 467
It sure gets cold down there along the 78 from Scissors all the way past Tamarisk Grove.
I've only done the PCT route. I also hit up false Grapevine just to the south.
All the wire and wooden posts are usually the original surveyors equipment from when the BMs were placed.
-- Links to my photos: ABDSP photos, Bighorn sheep photos, ABDSP time lapse video, Wildlife photos (mainly birds)
rockhopper Posts: 672
Nice view hike! Thanks for sharing.