Talk about a trip you took out to Anza Borrego
coachwhip canyon and Palm Wash
anutami Posts: 491
It was pouring rain on Friday, and wanted to get into a sheltered wash "coachwhip".
Saturday I wanted to explore the calcite mine slot canyons we started the hike and the wind was crazy. The kids were getting cold so I went to plan B
I decided to head down into Palm Wash w/ the Camper: Instead of heading down the jeep trail, I drove out towards the salton sea and headed back west up the wash
It was about 9 miles up the wash and a few very tight places!
notice my step rail, had a run in w/ some sandstone
just when I thought the going was getting too tough found an awesome campstie
totally protected from the wind!
and we got our slot canyon fix
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1366
You have the perfect vehicle for camping in unpredictable weather.
I like the camping area you found to yourself. Wow tight squeeze getting the camper up the wash. Great job :-)
mrkmc Posts: 87
Looks like fun! I want to check out that area you have in the pic of the map. There are some benchmarks of there I want to hike to.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2625
Very cool how you get truck into some of those areas. In the pic of the side rail I also noticed your shovel, looks like you had to do some digging!
anutami Posts: 491
dsefcik wrote:
Very cool how you get truck into some of those areas. In the pic of the side rail I also noticed your shovel, looks like you had to do some digging!
Yeah, after all the trips out I finally had to use my shovel. Without a spotter I turned too sharp wedging my rail on that chunck of sandstone. I broke it loose with the shovel, and I also have a small hand pick next to the shovel that helped.