Environmental issues regarding Anza Borrego
Lots of Renewable Energy Fun in the Deserts
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2633
From the BLM News Bytes DESERT RENEWABLE ENERGY CONSERVATION PLAN |  | Desert Renewable Energy Conservation PlanThe Department of the Interior and the State of California announced the final environmental review of the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan. The DRECP is an innovative landscape-scale plan that provides protection and conservation for wildlife, recreation and cultural resources in the California desert while encouraging streamlined renewable energy development in the right places.(BLM Facebook) Related: Interior Department, State of California Announce Innovative Strategy for Renewable Energy and Conservation on Public Lands in California Desert (BLM News Release) Related: DRECP (Drecp.org)
|  | Environmental Plan Balances Conservation and Renewable Energy in the California DesertWilderness.org, 11/10/2015 The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) plan for the California desert, released today, could have lasting benefits for both conservation and renewable energy. The Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan (DRECP) was initiated to find appropriate places for development—and just as important—those that are not. (Read full story)
| Plan Designates Desert Land for Renewable Energy Development Sacramento Bee, 11/10/2015 A sweeping plan released Tuesday to regulate development of renewable energy in Southern California deserts designates nearly 400,000 acres for potential solar, wind and geothermal plants and millions more acres for conservation and recreation. (Read full story)
|  | After 7 years, Desert Renewable Energy Plan FinalizedThe Desert Sun, 11/10/2015 State and federal officials released a sweeping plan for the future of California’s deserts Tuesday, designating areas for renewable energy development, conservation and recreation across 10 million acres overseen by the Bureau of Land Management. (Read full story)
| Final Draft of Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan Released The Sun, 11/10/2015 Federal and state officials Tuesday released a final draft of the federal portion of the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan. Officials call the plan, which covers about 22.5 million acres of federal and non-federal California desert land, an unprecedented cooperative effort to manage where California’s renewable energy conservation projects go to preserve plant and animal habitat as well as recreation areas. (Read full story)
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Scary stuff....
-- https://www.anzaborrego.net/
