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Desert Kit Fox Trailcam Footage
dtoujours Posts: 30
I posted a trailcam in the desert during the month of December, which is when kit foxes are most active, and got some great footage! At one point, the fox tries to jump up and get the camera and at another point two foxes appear on the screen at once! A roadrunner also makes an appearance.
Rocko1 Posts: 615
Very cool! When my brother and I car camped he always set out a trail cam nearby. We never got any footage-I am sure his snoring kept everything away!
dtoujours Posts: 30
Haha, that's a good idea to set out a trailcam when camping. You might have seen the video was labelled "Camera 2", well my "Camera 1" didn't get anything, so I was really happy the second one did!
tommy750 Posts: 1070
Nice footage, Dtoujours! I'm like Rocko1, tried it a few times and didn't get much. Daren, if you see this, you should post your 800 Bunnies! trailcam pics from the round trough up in Potrero. Definitely will make everyone smile.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2633
I like the kit foxes, We had one come up to our camp on egg Mtn once. I will have to try and find the bunny video.
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
tekewin Posts: 385
Nice! Lots of animals come out at night.
I used to put out trail cams, but had all but one stolen. The desert is probably a safer place than more populated areas.
I got a ringtail and a cougar at the Blue Spring guzzler. The state also had a locked trail cam set up there, but that was 5 years ago.
dtoujours Posts: 30
That's some really great footage! I think the fox you caught is also a kit fox. It looks like you have a good quality camera. I went the cheap route in case they were stolen. I was at the Blue Spring guzzler recently and the state locked trail cam is still there.