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Coyote Canyon Road current conditions? Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 385

Posts: 385
Hi, everyone.

I was thinking about trying to reach Salvador Canyon next month, but I am concerned about whether I can make the drive to get close enough. I haven't driven that road in the last 5 years.

I read a recent post here about how the creek has covered the road in certain places.

Has anyone been past the crossings to the junction with Sheep Canyon road?

Any info would be helpful. I'd hate to plan a big trip and get turned back before getting close.
Posts: 2633

Posts: 2633
You should be able to call the VC and get current conditions I would think. Of course an actual eye witness that has been there recently would be good also.

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Posts: 249

Posts: 249
I've been there recently. The road is fine up until 3rd crossing, but the gate is closed there and probably will remain so for the next several years. The section between the gate and boulder alley is where the creek has taken over the road. The park would need to come up with a new route for the road in order to open it and I haven't heard any definitive word about whether they plan to do that.

So basically it's hike-only past the 3rd crossing (or bike, horse, etc)
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Posts: 249

Posts: 249
tekewin wrote:
Brian wrote:
I've been there recently. The road is fine up until 3rd crossing, but the gate is closed there and probably will remain so for the next several years. The section between the gate and boulder alley is where the creek has taken over the road. The park would need to come up with a new route for the road in order to open it and I haven't heard any definitive word about whether they plan to do that.

So basically it's hike-only past the 3rd crossing (or bike, horse, etc)

Much appreciated. Helpful...and disappointing, haha.

I know this a longshot, but is the Lower Willows Trail passable, or is that just a trail and not a road?

The closed gate is before lower willows. And in any case, Rocko and I tried to go through lower willows a couple years ago and even the foot path was badly overgrown.

I did a backpacking trip to Cougar Canyon about a month ago and the mileage wasn't too bad (about 4 miles from the gate) but it's hard to walk in the soft sand (no vehicles have been going through, so nothing to compact it).

Depending on where you're trying to go, you might be able to go down from the road that goes to Combs Peak?
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Posts: 467

24 days ago
Posts: 467
tekewin wrote:
Buford wrote:

Turkey Track from Anza got graded some time ago, I think to get fire crews back there. Since then it has gotten worse again. I don't know the current status.

Unfortunately I would not expect realistic road conditions from the visitor center employees. They either don't know, or give way too cautious recommendations, for good reason.
edited by Buford on 3/3/2025
edited by Buford on 3/3/2025

Thanks for the info, Buford. I have a buddy who wants to go up Salvador Canyon. I think we are going to try to mountain bike from the gate at 3rd crossing, about 4.7 miles from the entrance to Salvador. Depends on the weather, too.

I know people that have done that when their vehicle was not ready for the bypass road. Only issue is biking in soft sand is a slog.

I made a mistake above, the road from the top of Boulder alley to Salvador is fine. I mixed up Alder and Salvador.

The road to Alder is down the Turkey Track.

Be careful of grow sites if you go up the canyons.

Links to my photos: ABDSP photos, Bighorn sheep photos, ABDSP time lapse video, Wildlife photos (mainly birds)
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Posts: 249

21 days ago
Posts: 249
The Lindsay book mentions there was a major grow site discovery in Alder around the year 2000. Depending on where it was, it's possible that access may have been from the top (Lost Valley Road, which goes to a PCT/Combs Peak trailhead and eventually to the boyscout camp).
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