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Missing teen last seen in AB at Thangsgiving... Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 46

Posts: 46
I'm posting this because I hadn't heard the first thing about it until today. Admittedly, I haven't been terribly up on the news since I don't get up for work, hence miss Morning Edition every day, but still thought it might be worth posting in case anyone else wasn't aware of it. Since you guys know the area(s) the article references, it never hurts to have some extra eyeballs on the lookout for any clues you might encounter on your sojourns...

Posts: 1364

Posts: 1364
I did read about that today.
I actually thought I might head out there to help with the search.
Weird part is the search is pretty much dead on to where we were last weekend.

I really hope he is OK.
quidditian wrote:
I'm posting this because I hadn't heard the first thing about it until today. Admittedly, I haven't been terribly up on the news since I don't get up for work, hence miss Morning Edition every day, but still thought it might be worth posting in case anyone else wasn't aware of it. Since you guys know the area(s) the article references, it never hurts to have some extra eyeballs on the lookout for any clues you might encounter on your sojourns...



Posts: 46

Posts: 46
Oh good (that you might join forces)...I'd actually have been willing to deal with the heat (without whining) to help, but I'm not really mobile enough with Mr. Broken Toe...fine around the house, but I'd be pretty useless out there.

Yeah...my heart always bleeds for parents with these things.

Here are some pics from the Facebook page the mother set up (not sure whether you can see them if you're not on FB):

Posts: 46

Posts: 46
Bob -- in case you decide to go, here's more info (from his mom) on the meeting spot (in case you haven't seen it elsewhere):

Missy YssiM Looks like there might be a good turnout this weekend, but I need everyone who is planning to attend to read this carefully~

The best meeting point would be the large parking area just NW of the intersection of Hwy S2 and Hwy 78. The parking area is approximately .3 miles north of Hwy 78 on S2 (Look for sign that says “No Dumping” - N33 06.068 W116 28.477). Please be at the meeting area no later than 9am. At that point we’ll take inventory of what we have in terms of bikes, jeeps, trucks, passenger vehicles. We’ll likely split the group into 3 large subgroups…….

Group #1 will consist of off road equipped and experienced bike riders/jeeps. That group will head over to Pinyon Rd./S2 and follow Pinyon Rd. to the area where the jeep was found near the bottom of “The Drop” (N33 02.963 W116 17.957). That group will canvas Pinyon Rd. in it’s entirety with special emphasis on the area between the Jeep waypoint and the blanket waypoint (N33 03.875 W116 17.239). That group will also canvass the main Fish Creek wash….

Group #2 will head to the Pinyon Wash……the parking area is approximately 5.2 miles in from Hwy 78……..likewise, the parking area is approximately 1.2 miles from the Blanket waypoint and is the most easily accessible path to get close to the blanket waypoint…….the Pinyon wash road is suitable for any 2 wheel drive SUV……parking space is very limited at the end of the wash……we will ask folks to pack tightly in cars and we may also need to shuttle some hikers into the parking area……that group will canvas the 1.2 mile stretch of the wash leading to the blanket waypoint and, depending on fitness level, some members of that group may also turn down Fish Creek towards Harper Flat for a few miles before turning around and walking back to the Pinyon parking area (the Fish Creek turn-off is about half way between the Pinyon parking area and the blanket waypoint)

Group #3 will drive to the Harper Flat Trail by heading east on Hwy 78 to Old Kane Springs Rd……a 4 wheel drive vehicle can easily drive in approx. 1.5 miles on Harper Canyon Trail (once again, parking is very limited)…….we will also ask this group to split in half with some members walking the same 1.5 miles up the no vehicle access wash which is slightly east of Harper Canyon Trail and runs parallel to Harper Canyon Trail…….after 1.5 miles the wash/road converge……..from that point it’s still ~6.5 miles to the end of Fish Creek near the Blanket waypoint which is why the expectation is that this group will walk up Harper Canyon approx. half way or less…… then U-Turn back to their vehicles since Group #2 will cover the other end of Fish Creek near the blanket waypoint……

**** The search area is immense/remote/rugged/open……. each volunteer assumes full liability for any/all risk and/or injury therefore it is imperative that each volunteer be consciously aware of their fitness levels……do not push yourself beyond your comfort level and come prepared with ample water, snacks, hat, hiking boots, sun block, etc.*** If you have a GPS, please bring it~ this is an invaluable tool in this type of location. You will NOT have cell phone service out there, so if you have any sort of communication device (walkie talkie, the spot tracking device (?), etc that works in a remote location, PLEASE bring it). Please ALWAYS stay within eyesight of the group you're with because its very possible to get lost out there~ it is remote, everything looks the same in every direction- it can be disorienting, the terrain is rough- be prepared for boulders, cactus, scrub brush, possibly snakes,etc. It's best to wear a hat & jeans, bring sunscreen (!!!) , a signalling device such as a whistle, and plenty of water & snacks in a backpack.
Please BE PREPARED~ I can't say that enough..

We’ll return to the S2/Hwy78 meeting area at 6pm.
If you don't feel like this is something you can do, it is perfectly understandable.. Thank you all for your help~ if you have questions or concerns, please ASK before heading out to the desert (as in specific directions on how to get there, the type of terrain you'll need to drive/hike- can you or your vehicle realistically make it?) or contact information please ask here, or send a message to me or Chris Crawford (http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000704806174 ).
Wed at 11:57am · Report

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