anutami Posts: 491
Well, I am pretty much over the crowded beaches and Finally I think/I hope today was the turn towards fall Looking forward to a great season!!!!! I am sure everyone is craving some desert solitude. Curious to know what your first trips are going to be for the season (some of you the season never ended 
I will probably end up checking out Indian hill area again and the wind turbine project going on.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2633
My summer has been all work, not much time to get out to the desert...I am bummed. I am hoping by the end of Sept I can go spend some time out there. One of my trip plans include a 2-3 day backpack wandering the Carrizo Gorge/Bow Willow/Jacumba boulder areas. Just want to start hiking and camp out somewhere while exploring all those boulders you see off the 8 freeway. This could be a good 2 car point to point trip. Another one I planned but never did was to pick up where my friend and I left off after hiking Carrizo Gorge at Egg mtn and start hiking the old indian trail thru Bow Willow, thru Torote cyn, into Canebrake, head west, camp and the next day go up and over Red Top and down into Inner Pasture and either back out at marker 41 or into Moonlight cyn. I have tons of trips thought out, just need to go do them.
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Well I would say Mortero Wash and Dos Cabezas, but the Ocotillo Express Wind Farm has kind of ruined that area.  Like Daren I wouldn't mind doing the Bow Willow loop that comes out through RockHouse Canyon / Carrizo Gorge There is alot to explore in that area.
anutami wrote:
Well, I am pretty much over the crowded beaches and Finally I think/I hope today was the turn towards fall Looking forward to a great season!!!!! I am sure everyone is craving some desert solitude. Curious to know what your first trips are going to be for the season (some of you the season never ended 
I will probably end up checking out Indian hill area again and the wind turbine project going on.

ziphius Posts: 911
Oh... I'll probably go out to an undisclosed location... sneak peek here:

Seriously though, I owe my girlfriend a trip to Inner Pasture and Red Top (did that trip when she was out of town, boy was she jealous). Villager Peak is on my to-do list as well as the Coyote Canyon area. I also want to explore the area between Comb's Peak and Alder Canyon / Fig Tree Valley a bit more. That will probably be a nuts-and-fruit-and-water-and-bivy-only kind of backpack trip. - Jim edited by ziphius on 12/7/2012
hikerdmb Posts: 423
I'm thinking for my first trip this fall... I will bring the fire pit, find a nice quiet place, build a fire, drink a beverage or two, listen to some music, and then look at the stars after the fire dies down. Relaxing all the way! While enjoying the fire I'll also try a rain dance to the desert gods in hopes of a wetter winter. David
rockhopper Posts: 672
In addtion to my hike suggestion on the prior "bachalor party" post. I have rockhose caynon area on the list. I may head back to the Santa Rosa indian ruins on a multi day hike. I am interseted in completing the hike from the S.R. indian ruins follow the ancients trail east over into Martinez canyon or head up into "Black Rabbit" on the USGS topo. It's pretty remote back up in there with some old growth forest and neat camp sites, but need a winter rain. The first trip may be from toro peak down into Black Rabbit or Nicolas canyon. As the weather cools I will move the trips lower in elevation. Spending some time surfing Google Earth
anutami Posts: 491
So much for a cool down
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Thinking the same thing Gets its' beach time again. At least the summer hordes have left
anutami wrote:
So much for a cool down

Borregolinda Posts: 69
Been cooler out here in Borrego than west of the mountains! Barely hit 100 today. Humidity is gone. Nights are in the mid 70's. Nice!
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Thanks for the update. We are going to try to get out during the first weekend in October
Borregolinda wrote:
Been cooler out here in Borrego than west of the mountains! Barely hit 100 today. Humidity is gone. Nights are in the mid 70's. Nice!

Buford Posts: 467
First trip will probably be in October and a mellow car camp and sightseeing trip to some easier trails.
Been lurking on this forum for cool trip ideas. This year I would like explore some of the following new to me areas on day hikes or backpacking trips:
Indian Head Sheep Canyon, south fork Alder canyon Indian Canyon to Palm Canyon traverse Pinyon Ridge/Wilson trail Flatcat canyon Villager Peak
Even if I only do a couple of those it will be a good year for me. I would like to revisit some old favorites too.
-- Links to my photos: ABDSP photos, Bighorn sheep photos, ABDSP time lapse video, Wildlife photos (mainly birds)