surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Found this on my camera from last year's Central Baja Trip. Love the Baja desert 

dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Gorgeous barrel cactus towards the end....I miss going to Baja. Thanks to Mary for the video...!
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Hey how do you know I wasn't filming while driving 
No you're right she filmed it.
I agree the colors of the barrel cactus are amazing. If anyone wants to skip the video to the barrel cactus , they are at 1:00 Our post Christmas Baja trip fell thru so it look like we will have more time to do a couple Borrego trips
Here is one more
Daren Sefcik wrote:
Gorgeous barrel cactus towards the end....I miss going to Baja. Thanks to Mary for the video...! edited by surfponto on 12/10/2012 edited by surfponto on 12/10/2012

hikerdmb Posts: 423
I want to know how she kept it so steady. David
tommy750 Posts: 1069
Awesome video. I'm with David, you have a gyro mount for that camera? Those cirios are really green and loaded with leaves. Last time I was there was in summer and they looked pretty barren. Tom
Cirios on the way to Sierra San Francisco. That's Tres Virgenes in the far background.
 Sierra de San Francisco Cirios by tomteske, on Flickr
anutami Posts: 491
Wow, I so miss it down there! Last trip was about 8 years ago on a surf/kayak trip to scorpion Bay (san juanico) and Bay of LA!...Since kids I just haven't mustered up the courage to take them down there. Bob, is it safe to go down there? The Gray Whales may change our mind in the near future! Does anyone know when the best time to go down and see them? edited by anutami on 12/10/2012
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
We used to go every 3-4 months and after the 3rd child we stopped and haven't been back..almost 18 years now. Do I miss baja? yes...but home is also a nice place to be if you just look around. I used to travel all over Europe and South America and home is just fine for me now.
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Sorry Totally missed this post. We usually go down twice a year and really haven't had any problems. The Grey Whales at San Ignacio were awesome and I will do that trip again. The best time is late Winter to early Spring
Another option if you do not want to deal with he hassle of driving is to fly into La Paz and rent a car. I think there might also be a small airport at Guerro Negro
With regards to surf, I probably got some of the best waves of my life 2 years ago in Central Baja 

Nolan (anutami) wrote:
Wow, I so miss it down there! Last trip was about 8 years ago on a surf/kayak trip to scorpion Bay (san juanico) and Bay of LA!...Since kids I just haven't mustered up the courage to take them down there. Bob, is it safe to go down there? The Gray Whales may change our mind in the near future! Does anyone know when the best time to go down and see them? edited by anutami on 12/10/2012

tommy750 Posts: 1069
If anyone wants to do a Baja trip to whale watch at Ojo de Liebre or Laguna de San Ignacio, how about adding on Sierra San Francisco, one of the world's greatest rock art sites. The Great Murals were best described in Harry Crosby's fantastic book, "Cave Paintings of Baja California: Discovering the Great Murals of an Unknown People." Have been to the most accessible site, Cueva de Raton but it's nothing compared to others located in a canyon below Sierra SF. Would require a 1-2 day backpack trip (or have donkeys carry you and all your supplies) into the canyon and hiring a guide. If anyone wants to do this trip, let me know! Tom
 Baja by tomteske, on Flickr
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
tommy750 wrote:
If anyone wants to do this trip, let me know! Tom Let me renew my passport and I am in....will keep you posted...
***side note, the last time I was in Baja you didn't need a passport...sigh.....
anutami Posts: 491
dsefcik wrote:
tommy750 wrote:
If anyone wants to do this trip, let me know! Tom Let me renew my passport and I am in....will keep you posted...
***side note, the last time I was in Baja you didn't need a passport...sigh.....
LOL the last time we went down no passport needed either, just our license. I don't even have a passport! My wife forgot her license and they sent us into secondary, and read me the riot act. a few pics from our trip...this is a point due west from bay of LA. Seeing these dudes with their truck camper rigs inspired me to start searching for a truck camper. We slept in a tent, the air mattress sprung a hole and we ended up sleeping on hard rocks. I woke up in the morning and the other guys are all getting out of their rigs with coffee in hand, and a great night sleep, ready to surf all day.

surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Tom, I would like to do that trip also 
Nolan I know that spot 

dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Sweet waves...I'd go just for the surfing...
Nolan (anutami) wrote:
