anutami Posts: 491
Finally going to re-open. I am bit confused about the lawsuit.
X EAGLE 23 X Posts: 16
I did this hike a few years back and it was a ton of fun. We went a day that the surrounding area was being hit with a snow storm which meant the water levels of the San Diego river and Cedar Creek were high (Cedar Creek was too high to cross). We ended up not being able to make it to the bottom of the falls so we went on a trail to the left which took us to the top. My understanding of the guy who died at the falls was that he didn't "fall" off but rather jumped off. It's a popular party spot and unfortunately a few people make bad decisions and ruin it for the rest of us.
Sounds like the lawsuit is about keeping it closed until more safety measures can be put in place.
Here's a picture of me crossing the San Diego river, notice the water level is knee/waste high
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
@X Eagle: You must have gone the same day I did, we took off our shoes and crossed waist high, my dog was loving it, swimming around. I have been down there several times and up to Eagle Peak. I think the opening of the Ramona Trail brought too many people there and made it easy, They should just get rid of that trail, it was a bad idea. Many people and dogs have died there, either from stupid jumping, not bringing water, snake bites or accidents. We drove down the old road behind Cuyamaca/Descanso on the way back from ABDSP last weekend and there must have been 30+ cars parked on the narrow road where you go down to Three Sisters, that is another lawsuit waiting to happen.
rockhopper Posts: 672
I've always hiked to the falls from the end of Eagle Creek road. Nice easy hike on the old dirt road down to the SD river valley. Usually in the winter when it's cooler and the kids in school. Still, people always show up later in the day mostly from the Ramona side. When the beer ice chests show up with the jumpers is when we put our boots back on
btw anyone else hike down the SD river from hwy 78? Made it down a few miles over waterfalls, boulders etc. some really neat old camp spots in the oak trees. These were old native american sites. Grind holes and pot sherds tell the story.
anutami Posts: 491
rockhopper wrote:
I've always hiked to the falls from the end of Eagle Creek road. Nice easy hike on the old dirt road down to the SD river valley. Usually in the winter when it's cooler and the kids in school. Still, people always show up later in the day mostly from the Ramona side. When the beer ice chests show up with the jumpers is when we put our boots back on
btw anyone else hike down the SD river from hwy 78? Made it down a few miles over waterfalls, boulders etc. some really neat old camp spots in the oak trees. These were old native american sites. Grind holes and pot sherds tell the story.
Yeah, My wife (then my girlfriend), Hurly and I took the trip around 2000-2001: We parked a car at the end of the country estates in Ramona and got a ride to the Inaja Picnic area and hiked the entire river. It was very rugged and slow going.
some pics The start of the journey: Kelly and Hurly (Hurly lost his life in Baja the following month getting nailed by a dune buggy @ Scorpion Bay 

the rugged canyon

This was before children when we lived on the wild side There were turtles sunning themselves on the rocks and were not afraid of humans. You could pick them right up.
 These were the easy parts and there were not many of them
 We hiked all day and were super tired. I remember setting up camp and being sooo hungry getting read to boil some water and forgot to bring fuel for my stove!

This is the 100ft water fall schad describes in the hike (tallest falls on the san diego river)

This was a super memorable hike my wife and I still talk about today.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
That hike has been on my list for some time, it just screams ticks and the photos...I did it via a helicopter a couple years ago...
Bummer about Hurly.....I lost one of my best dogs Canyon Sin Nombre, bit by a rattle snake and died within minutes.
Here is that same waterfall but from the helo
 edited by dsefcik on 4/4/2013
anutami Posts: 491
dsefcik wrote:
That hike has been on my list for some time, it just screams ticks and snakes...
And POISON OAK!!!! make sure to bring your clippers!!