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The Killing of Frank Fox Messages in this topic - RSS

Space Cowboy
Space Cowboy
Posts: 9

Space Cowboy
Space Cowboy
Posts: 9
Some old buddies and I hiked out to Carrizo Creek not all that long ago and I wrote it up for In-The-Desert. http://www.in-the-desert.com/carrizowash.html

I had never really looked for Frank Fox's grave before, even though I had read the article in Desert Magazine many moons ago. (June 1940, page 17 on PDF, page 15 in the actual magazine) http://dezertmagazine.com/mine/1940DM06/index.html. Well, we found the grave, it has a new, very impressive marker, set there by the Clampers, and I started obsessing on this incident where Frank Fox was killed, shot, unarmed, in the back. I came across Phil Brigandi's very scholarly, wonderfully readable article on it, and I'd give you a link, but its disappeared from the internet.

Thing is, he took a myth and made it a historical event, but then didn't tie up all the loose ends. So I've given it a try. If you've ever wondered about this Cowboy Tragedy, I've got a whole lot of background and foreground on this killing, maybe more than anywhere else: http://www.authorsden.com/visit/viewarticle.asp?AuthorID=3199

It is a work in progress, and what I'm looking for right now, is anyone who is or knows any of the descendants of the principles in the story. If there's any Arizona Slankards, Crouch's, Davenports, Porters, Grays, I'd love to hear from them, because the story is always told from the Cowboy's perspective, and not from the posse's.

All Help Greatly appreciated.
Posts: 609

Posts: 609
A local historian sent be an electronic copy of Vails diary. Vail was a cattle hand in the drive in which Frank Fox was killed. Frank was 14 years old.
Vail requested they needed the Fox brothers to complete the drive. On March 29 Saturday Frank made a run and was shot in the back. Vail was upset with the shooting and told the Sheriff " Where could he to go ? Its the desert" I also got the description of where he's buried, Its been a long time so yes are there any rocks or markers left perhaps. Seems like some group placed a brass plaque there.
edited by Britain on 10/8/2020

Cant drive 55
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Posts: 609
Bingo found it along with the stone burial stie. Will post picture perhaps Sunday.
edited by Britain on 10/11/2020

Cant drive 55
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Posts: 609
Got an early AM start hit the trailhead at 6:45. Temps were 75 with winds from the west. Brought in some smoke but made of an interesting sunrise. And yes the area is still blocked off.

Made quick time covering the 2 miles to the hill adjacent to the ruins. Most of the gloppy swamp stuff was dried from the summer heat so trudging out in it shouldnt be an issue. I stop on the hill to take some pictures in the area I was going to search. Then moved down to the stage ruins. I place a marker on the gps. Only 100 yards Vail said in the diary. I have 2 markers to get alignment, distance and alignment of a few peaks. I fear that it was washed away like so many reports.

Off I went following the trail of excape and death. Lots of brush and some swamp. I wasnt confident I would find anything. I arrived at the crossroads of the alignment at 100 yards. Nothing. I searched around and found a bush and a boulder sticking out. Could this be it? I poked around the bush and more boulder sized rocks.

Someone wrote "hidden in plain site" they didnt mention also off the beaten path. I need to find the plaque. Theres a picture of someone standing next to it on the web. Suns in his face I think so its either on the east or west side so I start suffing my boot about, I'm on the west end of the boulders. Bingo.

Completely buried by the winds of time. Im guessing also most of the burial is covered also. I sat down next to the plaque for a bit. Said a quick prayer for Frank. Headed off and was back at the Jeep at 9am. The burial is still there.
edited by Britain on 10/11/2020
edited by Britain on 10/11/2020

Cant drive 55
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Posts: 609

Posts: 609
Rocko1 wrote:
Wow! Great find. How old is that plaque?

I think it was placed there in 2009.

Today the pile of stone marking Frank Fox’s grave also has an impressive black marble marker next to it, placed there by unnamed ‘Clampers’, (The Ancient And Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus), telling the story.

Cant drive 55
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Posts: 609

Posts: 609
For whats its worth. We dug up some information On the Foxes. Speculation perhaps but a good match.


Cant drive 55
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