Post your upcoming trip out to Anza Borrego here. Great place to organize a group trip.
Bighorn Canyon
hikerdmb Posts: 423
I am planning a backpacking trip into Bighorn Canyon this weekend. Hopefully I will find a suitable place in there to set up my sleeping bag and spend the night. I am hiking in to look for Blue Spring and then make a traverse to the east through a small pass and down into Nolina Canyon. Then hike down and out through Nolina Wash to make a loop. There is suppose to be some kind of wildlife bubbler/watering system near the spring. I have seen a few of these in the Mojave and up around the Table Mountain area off I-8 but not out in ABDSP. I figure about 7+ miles and a little over 1000' elevation gain. Of course I will be sure to camp far away from the spring (if I locate it) so as not to disturb the wildlife. Never been up in this part of the Pinyon Mountains before and I am looking forward to exploring a new place. Looks like good weather too. Not much of a moon and mostly clear skies.
Anybody been up this way before? I am not sure about connecting Bighorn and Nolina Canyons. I read it could be done but don't know anyone who has been up there.
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Sounds like a great trip David, I have not heard of Blue Spring. Would like to read your trip report when you get back. Hope you get some god pictures. 

dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2633
I have not been there but have studied the area, there is a loop possibility using the jeep road also but it would be longer than 7 miles total. I am not sure if you are talking about the wildlife guzzlers (bubbler/watering system) but I have been out to the Table mtn area and know where those are, near the towers and believe that is what is near Blue Spring. If you want some company let me know, I wouldn't mind getting out there this weekend.