Topics not related specifically to Anza Borrego
Any Home Brewers out there?
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
After a 19 year hiatus from beer making, i decided to take it up again. Unfortunately all my brewing equipment was left back on Kauai when we moved back to the mainland so I am slowly putting together my brew supplies again.
Hoping it turns out OK 
 edited by surfponto on 6/23/2013

dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
I'll drink to that...
rockhopper Posts: 672
Not me, but a good friend in Linda Vista brewed some fantastic beers. He won several medals at the Del Mar Fair, I guess it's called the county fair now?! Anyway, he had years and years of practice and it was awesome . He used to park early down at Mission beach in the summer and open the side door to a nearly full kegger of His beer! Having a few watching the roller skate babes go by.
Good show! Bring some of your beer out for a desert adventure.
I Have friends living on Kaui since the 70's. My Father in law is over on Oahu. Good times My fav beers are probably Stone and Long Board but NOTHING beats a draft beer poured in a 400 year old pub in Wales or London
DesertWRX Posts: 135
A good friend owns Culver City Home Brewing Supply if you need anything. My dad used to make home brew out in our garage in Chula Vista.
DRT Lakeside Posts: 62
I have made about 6 batches over the last couple of years with 4 of them turning out pretty nice, one that was sort of blah and 1 that LOOKED awesome after bottling but ended up tasting vinegary. (I keep trying it every month or so to see if it improved, but it is a lost cause) In the meantime I have been collecting some more equipment (another carboy, wort chiller) and plan on trying again in the next few weeks. Came into possession of an older restaurant fridge that was used as a sandwich station. It is big enough to hold a carboy or 2 so I might try my hand at a lager. Sometimes, it is a lot of work and waiting to find out that it didn't work......: )
tommy750 Posts: 1069
The San Diego History Center is hosting a series on local craft beers called, History Happy Hours. The first is July 26 and is called "Bottled & Kegged: San Diego’s Craft Brew Culture." It includes beer tasting and meeting local brewers. Here's the link:
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Awesome Tom, Thanks for the link. First batch actually came out pretty good so I am hooked 
tommy750 wrote:
The San Diego History Center is hosting a series on local craft beers called, History Happy Hours. The first is July 26 and is called "Bottled & Kegged: San Diego’s Craft Brew Culture." It includes beer tasting and meeting local brewers. Here's the link:
