rockhopper Posts: 672
With Rain/Snow in the forecast FINALLY!!! I am prepping for a 3-4 day hike along the Cactus spring trail sometime in mid March. Plan A is to park off Hwy 74 in a safe parking area and hike all the was thru down to the base of Martinez canyon to an other vehicle. Preferable would be a 4x4 Any takers? My truck is a Tundra 2wd. Plan B if is to reverse the trip hiking up the trail. I have hiked to the Auga Alta spring from the Hwy 74 side and have hike up Martinez canyon and Agua Alta canyon multiple times but never a "All the way thru trip". Its about 20 miles more or less. 4 days would be ideal to allow a middle day for day pack exploring. Highlites would be 1. Hiking on the 1000+ year old trail connecting the mountian to desert 2. Horse thief creek. Main water source. 3. Martinez peak option. 4. Jack Miller Rock House built in 1925 option 5. Multiple Native American camping sites
Total hiking would be about 30miles or so including a day hike. Of course this is all flexable at this point. The best senario would have plenty of rain water at lower elevation and hike up the trail as the climb has some step sections. Most of the trip is a 5 on a scale of 1 to 10. But a few sections are 9.5++ if we go the Agua Alta route. edited by rockhopper on 2/26/2014 edited by rockhopper on 3/17/2014
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2633
I would love to but doubt my back will be ready next month...keep us posted of when you go and if I can I will join you.
rockhopper Posts: 672
Thanks Daren. Hope your back gets better. It should be a great trip. Hope you can go. I thought it would be a good idea to post to this fourm regarding this trip because. 1. My backpacking buddy (my Brother) is unavailable next month. 2. Need 2 vehicles to do the one way trip. 3. I think this fourm covers the Santa Rosa Mtns as well as the ABDSP 4. Fourm members might be interested. 5. Rain = Water and I want to go!
I'll keep you all posted. Still looks like around mid March Full moon/ First day of spring period or earlier. edited by rockhopper on 2/26/2014
Florian Posts: 129
I might be able to help with transport to or from the trailhead in Martinez Canyon. I dropped off a friend a couple years ago at the Martinez Canyon wilderness boundary. You did mean March 2014 right?
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2633
Florian wrote:
You did mean March 2014 right? -Florian Ha! Nice catch..didn't it even think about that...
Florian Posts: 129
BTW, i did Pinyon down Martinez to Valerie Jean as a day hike decades ago. Was a pretty long day as i remember.
rockhopper Posts: 672
I didn't have my morning cup of Joe. Yes it is 2014 not last year Florian I will keep that in mind. Thanks.
Yes Pinyon down to Valerie Jean is a long 20+ mile hike. I wanted to spend a lot more time in the area. Cheers edited by rockhopper on 2/26/2014 edited by rockhopper on 2/27/2014
rockhopper Posts: 672
Well, my repaired A16 pack is out sitting on my work bench in the garage. Life time warranties are great.. I am still planning the hike but looks like it is pushed into April due to some family comitments which came up. Also looks like rain fall in the area has been lacking below what I was hoping for at this point and the temps have been rising pretty fast. Which means:
1. Pack in more water if my water sources are duds.
2. I will now most likely do a in and out from the same trail head at pinyon. Go down as far as I made it up Auga Alta canyon on a prior trip and return. This will double my mileage but keep me out of the time in the heat. ( This may change if anyone here wants to join me and go all the way through)
3. Still looking at 3 nites and 2 soild days of all day day packing th area. edited by rockhopper on 3/17/2014
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2633
I most likely will not be backpacking anytime soon, my back problems persist (but are improving) so I will have to pass. I am hopeful I will be able to start backpacking (with a light pack Tom) next season, I pretty much missed the whole last 6 months because of my back problems...
rockhopper Posts: 672
Daren, Hope your back gets better soon. How did you hurt it? I hurt mine pretty bad during my Gold mining days ( wear and tear) but I am doing pretty good the last 10 years. I credit this product with my recovery: along with stretching, MSM suppliments, fish oil, rest and exercise. Best of luck Regards
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2633
Like most people I guess, just a long abuse of my youthful back and now it has had enough...that backbubble looks interesting....
rockhopper wrote:
Daren, Hope your back gets better soon. How did you hurt it? I hurt mine pretty bad during my Gold mining days ( wear and tear) but I am doing pretty good the last 10 years. I credit this product with my recovery: along with stretching, MSM suppliments, fish oil, rest and exercise. Best of luck Regards
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Hey Daren My neighbor recommended this book a year or so ago and it has really helped my lower back. I usually do the excercises first thing in the AM.
My neighbor is an older surfer and has had serious back issues and this has gotten him back on his surfboard.

dsefcik wrote:
Like most people I guess, just a long abuse of my youthful back and now it has had enough...that backbubble looks interesting....
