Border Angels
rockhopper wrote:
All's I know is when I tried to cross from Chile into Argentina, I was greated with machine gun toating army guards searching my luggage asking for my "papers", which I had. Minor delay, no problem , on my way. All these fatalities could be avoided simply by securing a proper travel visa or passport. Those souls are paying thousands to be dumped on the border. Sad just sad.
Well said RH. I don't recall getting any love from the Dutch authorities when I had lost my passport and tried to enter Holland. Regardless of one's opinion of this issue (and who would be for allowing illegal entry into any country anyway) it is just a ridiculous situation in so many ways. a) They are criminals as soon as they set foot across the border b) don't they do any research as to where they're travelling? c) I've read that they hear about this angel supplied water and are encouraged by it (maybe if they knew there was actually no water they wouldn't bother coming and hence, not die?) But yes, sad it is, sorry to see any useless deaths under any conditions..... |
Ocotillo Express Wind Energy Project Progress
The wife and i just went out for our first visit of the season, were astounded to turn the corner and see the devastation. used to be that was the beginning of the desert for us on our way to our place. Sad. And I don't even think it's a plus to gain the energy that way. Granted, it's clean energy, but there are so many other ways to produce it: tax credits for solar panels on your roof, etc... but of course that doesn't make the power company any money does it? This is not about energy, it's about money. And I'm generally a pro-business guy but c'mon. If this was the beach it would never have happened, it's just that there are few of us who love the desert....... which is part of it's magic, but we just have no voice... |
Orionid Meteor Showers this weekend
We are going out for our first visit of the season, thanks for the heads-up! |
First trip this season
Went out this past weekend to the cabin and had a splendid time! Weather was awesome, with highs in the 80's and lows in the 50's, some wind but not too bad. Worked a lot, maybe next time some 4 wheeling or hiking. That beer sure tasted great after a days work! |
Jeep lift questions
Hey guys - I've got a stock '03 Wrangler. I want to add larger tires, so would a body lift suffice? Or is it truly better to do the suspension lift (more costly). What products should I be looking at? I don't want to start messing with the factory stuff I keep hearing about, just a good basic lift. i don't plan on serious rock crawling, just want to be able to take on any trail out there. like Devil's dropoff, for example. Money is a big issue right now due to being a contractor in this horrible economy...... Thanks for any help! |
Best Desert Beer?
My faves are the Mexican beers, usually Tecate in the can. Although last trip I fell for Corona bottles. Yummmmm, after a hard day, a nice shower and then an ice cold cerveza from an ice chest, what a great combo....My faves are: Tecate XX Dos Equis Amber Corona Carta Blanca Modelo
Then in the winter, i bring in the heavier beers, Newcastle, Bass, etc......
what about you guys? |
Best Desert Beer?
Well since you brought it up, we have a drink we concocted for when it's real hot: bourbon, preferably Jim Beam, with soda water and lime and lot's of ice! Normally i like my whiskey neat, but this is killer in the heat! |
Best Desert Beer?
Oh, also the big cans of Fosters! |
Jeep lift questions
If I want 32 - 33" tires, what am I talking about $-wise? And where can I go locally to get advice and the best prices? Thanks Guys! |
Best Desert Beer?
wintyfresh wrote:
Tecate without a doubt. Plucked from a cooler full of ice, it tastes like cold Tecate. Plucked from that same cooler five days later, and now full of mostly warm water, it still tastes like Tecate. Tried this once with Simpler Times from Trader Joe's and warm it was downright undrinkable. Do you prefer cans or bottles? This is the only beer that I prefer in the can. Nothing like a tecate from the coller full of ice at the end of a hard desert day! Ahhhhhhh....... |
Best Desert Beer?
wintyfresh wrote:
Cans, no question. They're less likely to break if you hit the whumps too hard with the cooler in the truck, and they make great reusable targets for shooting the next day.
My kinda guy! |
Best Desert Beer?
Heading out tomorrow for the weekend, gonna go with Dos Equis due to the weather cooling down. Some good scotch, too.......mmmmmm |
Best Desert Beer?
Weather was excellent, high 80's during the days, 50's at night, great sleeping weather, very calm. Incredible stars at night and the clearest Milky Way I've seen in a while. Great weekend, stayed with Tecate due to warm weather, was a good call! |
Best Desert Beer?
Wow! Sierra in the can! Next weekend I know what I'll be drankin'  |
The Biggest Load of Bullshit I ever Heard
BS is right (and not Borrego Springs:-) I am going totally off grid at our little desert cabin and even at the house intown, I'm gonna put in panels a few at a time and take circuits off the grid little by little. With the cost of solar nowadays its getting to be a must. Imagine if everyone in SD County put a couple panels on their house? Ouch for SDGE! |
What are you reading?
If you like history this book is a must... comes right through our desert in a couple chapters.... http://www.amazon.com/Blood-Thunder-Carson-Conquest-American/dp/1400031109 |
Not enough rangers
This is probably not just due to local idiots. A friend has contacts with the Border Patrol and they say there is an large uptick in illegal immigrant activity (apparently they think the Wall will be built and are getting in while they can) Note- The BP also says they are finding more illegals armed with AK's and AR's...so be aware out there. |
Old cowboy grave whereabouts?
I've been trying for years to find the location of the grave of Frank Fox, who was killed by Arizona Rangers while on a cattle drive in the Carrizo Wash area in the 1880's. I've even seen a picture of the grave stone, but I cannot get any further than that.Even the old-timers in Canebrake do not know. Has anyone wandered across it in their travels? Any info? Thanks! |