The "Original" LA Rams
Great article! Really enjoyed reading) |
Winter Storms
Nice pics! |
Desert snow
Clear blue skies, fresh snow and air I suppose) Doesn't get better than that! |
Desert snow
Rocko1 wrote:
Buford wrote:
tekewin wrote:
The snow covered desert doesn't look natural. Super photos, though. Looks like some zoom on those sheep, I'm surprised you spotted them if they were far away.
My usual method for zoomed in sheep pics: hold cell phone camera in one hand, 10x binoculars in the other hand. Line up the camera lens with the binocular eyepiece, and instant zoom lens. Binos don’t have to be in perfect focus, camera can focus. It can work surprisingly well for snapshots like this.
I heard the sheep before I saw them. Lots of rockfall. I knew they were recently in the area because of all the fresh tracks. There were at least 8 rams and 4 ewes.
You are better at this than I am! After trying this a few times and missing the shot due to animals moving I bought a used Canon SX260. 25X optical zoom. Not nice enough to worry about damaging it on hikes, but good enough to take pics vids further away.
Here is Stagecoach Trails Campground/Store from near the top of Granite Mt. 25x zoom.

Here is a non-zoom picture near where I took this for reference. https://i.imgur.com/nZ0XTyM.jpg edited by Rocko1 on 3/1/2019
Do U use some particular binos? I'm currently considering on one to use it with my camera too) Found few options here https://opticzoo.com/best-binoculars-for-long-distance-reviews/ but still don't know which one to choose. Any thoughts on Celestron 71017 SkyMaster 25x10? |